This is kind of weird because I feel Sanchez is #1 based on post season success. No other Jets QB comes close except Namath since he won the big game. Sanchez holds a lot of Jets QB records, not that the bar is set that high, but still. So Sanchez #1 and Namath #2. Since post season is the most important thing, Sanchez takes the cake for me. As far as raw skills go, he's still developing, but I think within a few years he'll be so far ahead of the rest people will look back and laugh at the haters.
I voted Vinny with the hope that Sanchez overtakes him, given he's only 25. Had Vinny won that 1998-99 Super Bowl he might be in the discussion for the Hall of Fame, of course much of his career was not with the Jets.
People forget that the Jets were never out of a game with Vinny at QB. He screwed up left, right and center at times but he also could bring the Jets back from the gates of hell itself. And one fine Monday night he actually did that.
He also could put them in those big holes too. I love Vinny, '98 was the best season a Jets QB has ever had individually but he wasn't here long enough.
Meh. No one really jumps out at you. If we're talking about best passers its a toss up between Obrien and Vinny. Vinny arguably had the best year of any Jet QB ever in 1998. He was never the same after the injury. 1998 was easily the best QB play of any Jet in my lifetime. Todd was really before my time. In terms of Pennington vs Sanchez...I guess id take Sanchez because of the slim possibility he might be able to win the SB. With Chad you had zero chance of ever winning anything due to his arm strength. In terms of who Id want playing in one game at their best( as a member of the NY Jets) Vinny Obrien Sanchez Chad
How can you out O'Brien in front of Sanchez when he never won a playoff game? We didn't lose our playoff gamesin the 00s b/c of Chad's arm.
I would also take Sanchez for his durability and mobility, but I disagree Chad's lack of arm strength was why we didn't win with him. He just didn't stay out there long enough, when he was rolling we could beat anybody. Both are/were better than Todd, in my opinion.
In a big game I'd take Vinny. The guy could make all the throws, one of the best arms in NFL history. Sure it's 50/50...he may have a 4 td game and lead us to victory or a 5 int game...but I'd take that chance with him. I would actually take him right now as a backup. Even at 49 I think he could probably still play
For the record: Vinny played 4 fewer games for the Jets than Chad. He threw 5 TD passes less than Chad. He threw 3 Int's more than Chad. He won 3 games more than Chad. He had 8 4th quarter comebacks more than Chad. He had 4 game-winning drives more than Chad. He had more 4th quarter comebacks (14) than any QB in Jet history other than Joe Namath (16). He did this in less than half the number of games Namath played in. He's my choice as second best QB based on the above. If I had to pick another QB for some reason it would be Ken O'Brien.
Late in Vinny's career I read an analysis of his career and Namath's, and the only thing Namath had on him was the one game, the Super Bowl, nothing else.
If playoff wins is the only thing we're using then yeah its Chad. Obrien was the better QB/passer though.
Not the only thing but an important benchmark. If everyone is going to agree that Super Bowl wins trump all and therefore Namath is undisputed #1, then playoff wins have to be the next criteria for discussing #2, or at least a significant one.
Vinny was the first Jets QB that gave me the feeling that anything was possible. I never saw Namath during his prime. I just saw the broken down warhorse trying to make things happen with his arm when nothing else was working right. I saw O'Brien through the prism of Dan Marino. He was a good QB but it was obvious the magic was in Miami. Sanchez is the second Jets QB to give me that feeling that the Jets could come all the way back, no matter the score, no matter the clock, but like lightning snatch a win from a hopeless position. It isn't going to matter though. All Jets QB's get dragged down by the gravity of poor management eventually. Sanchez is going to have the unhappy experience of being humiliated in the end by an incompetent structure that has done everything possible to retard his development. You can't fight City Hall, even when they're wrong.
and just for s & g's I thought Marino was better than that's where Ill go with the playoff wins argument. Im sure Ill get killed for that opinion.