With defenses having to spend valuable time preparing for Tebow, hopefully they won't have time for 'Installment 7: Attacking the Jets RT'. Bahahahaha!
People need to stop with the Tebow and Sanchez at the same time bullshit. The only reason Tebow is effective at the wildcat/option is having a numbers advantage. Leaving Sanchez on the field completely nullifies the dual threat potential of Tebow.
I wonder if Bart Scott still is complaining about how this is not football. I remember the Jets complaining about the Dolphins running this offense, now they are the only team boasting that it's their secret offensive package. Just how the Fins wildcat package was slowed, the same will happen with this package. Defensive teams will learn to stop it, especially with the Jets offensive line.
Line Tebow up as running back on some downs and hand him the ball. This mother is HUGE. He can cut, and he can knock defenders on their ass. Roll Sanchez out and run on some downs, roll Tebow out and run on some downs. It's not going to be pretty, traditional or what is expected of an offensive caliber football team, but as long as it's effective.....who gives a fuck!? The tempo on offense has to be hit, get up, hit, get up, hit, get up....over and over and over, right back to the line, right back to the line, right back to the line. INside, OUtside, left, right, dive, sweep, bang, bang, bang, PLAYACTION
I remember when every Jets fan in the world said the Wildcat was garbage. I even remember when numerous Jets players said it was a gimmick. How the tables have turned...lol
Yeah what's up with this brand new idea? It isn't like we went through quality years of Brad Smith running it.
The Jets were running the 'Wildcat' before Tony Sparano was hired with the Phins. Every Jets fan in the world, huh? So we can assume that you are going to bring nothing intelligent to the table either?
I don't like when people call it trickery or a gimmick because for the most part it isn't. Its putting out an extra blocker and having someone who can run the football take the snap saving time from a handoff. Besides I really don't care what formations we use as long as it helps us win football games.
I hated the WC under Schotty. He seemed to have no clue when to use it, and all too often it ended up with just a 2 yard gain. We were lucky to have Brad Smith during those years or that would have been long forgotten. With that said I trust Sparano with it much more than Schotty and Tebow is a more beastly version of Brad Smith, so I think we'll see some success.