All due respect, not sure I follow you. My comment was in regard to what I have seen in the NY (and national to a less extent) media in the last 6 months. It seems to me there has been a pretty much unilateral attempt (driven by need to sell papers or get website impressions) by most of the media to make sure the "Dysfunctional Jets" narrative, that was admittedly a big part of the coverage of the team at the end of the year last year, continues into this year. If the story or quote doesn't exactly fit, it seems they are intent on shoehorning it into that narrative. Perfect example is the first day of Training Camp and the back cover of the Post, with the headline "Camp Chaos". It was the first day of camp. They hadn't even practiced yet. What was chaotic, getting their room assignments? (and yes, I know they are selling papers. I have a degree in journalism and have worked in the industry. I am not a 22 year old kid out of college. I do understand how it works.) To me, and perhaps I am naive (how's that for a contradiction? Calling myself naive after touting how experienced I am with journalism? haha), you can sell papers and still have a modicum of journalistic integrity. This is why blogs and social media are becoming better sources for team coverage than traditional media, in my opinion. I just want to read about my team. I don't need the snark or invented controversy and it's tough to take that from a writer who I know is embellishing the truth or directing a narrative to sell papers. If your point is, why do people let the coverage bother them so much? Well I would say you're right to an extent. I personally am working on that to be honest. It's not worth getting wound up about, it's just sports. But why should I have to not read the papers, not listen to sports talk radio? Shouldn't they be concerned with how I want to see my team covered? Think that's a big reason for the popularity of both blog coverage of teams and sports podcasts; people have an easier time hearing criticism about their team from someone who is a fan, who they know has the same interest as them. Not someone whose writing or coverage is based on newspaper sales or page impressions.
I still care. Schotty should have been gone 3 years ago. Fucking joke someone could be as bad as their job and still keep it. Fucking ridiculous.
The point that you repeatedly miss is that there are different ways to go about your business while wanting to win and not being satisfied with losing. Holmes preferred method last year was to be a whiny bitch who publicly called out teammates then quit on them. It's great that Holmes wants to win and isn't satisfied with losing. The problem is the way he handles himself.
To clarify, all I meant is that some other posters here will on one hand complain about distorted media coverage, and then when the media does that very thing with certain players, like Holmes, those same posters swallow the media line hook line and sinker. It's kind of amusing, i suppose, but pathetic at the same time. My point about Holmes is that the team needs him to succeed, he's a great talent who doesn't like losing and who let's people know he doesn't. By all accounte he works hard and works to get other players up to speed, working with younger players and that sort of thing.
Holmes should worry about being an actual WR. He runs 2-3 routes all game. We have no weapons at all. The Pats are laughing at us right now.
I hope this is a positive sign that Holmes is maturing as a person and a leader. Taking responsibility for acting like a moron is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately Holmes has a track record which he has earned based on his past behaviors. I'd like to see him grow up and be more professional.
I'd like to see what was said here. I hate Stephen ass smith and seeing Bart expose how dumb he really is would be amazing to me.
For the life of me I can't understand the irrational hatred for Holmes on this board. The guy is a primetime receiver who understandably got frustrated with an awful OC and shitty quarterback last season. Do you want him to be PR-friendly at all times and not state the reality of the situation? I'm glad he did what he did - it surely helped push Schotty out and perhaps contributed to lighting a fire up Sanchez' ass. We all know Sanchez gets coddled by this organization which in turn causes huge dissension in the locker room; if Holmes' 'pouting' sends a signal to Sanchez and the organization that their so-called franchise QB sucks and isn't getting the job done, then I'm all for him being a 'distraction'. The fact is, he's arguably our only major playmaker aside from Hill who, while immensely talented, is still a rookie. It's time to respect his skillset and veteran presence instead of positioning him as the team antagnoist at every opportunity.
Holmes earned some brownie-points when he said that the difference between Schotty and Sporano is that Sporano actually coaches the players. Haha
I remember how Roethlisberger's motorcycle accident taught him all of these great life lessons about responsibility, and maturity, and humbleness, etc. All of that sounded great until we realized four years later that he was actually still an asshole who felt entitled to rape and grope any female who was "fortunate" enough to be "blessed" by the presence of a star NFL QB. Words are just words. The idea that any statement Holmes makes is "beyond words" is just silly. Going into his 7th pro season with his second team, there are still questions marks about whether he is a good teammate, whether his coaches like him, whether he will put in 100% effort, etc. He needs to do a lot more than sound apologetic in an interview to convince me of anything.
You are right of course, words are just words. That said, each journey begins with the first step and this is the first real step any of us have seen from Holmes in this regard. Will it continue ? Who knows? One can only hope, but as of today, it's a positive sign.
The way Tone handled himself is the same way WE ALL handled ourselves. When we were 4 yrs old. Some of out grow it. Some of us don't. :sad:
The paychecks will continue anyway. No way the Jets could trade or cut him this year with his cap hit