If the Jets are selling season tickets at $50 a pop then there's no reason you can't also buy them on game day at $50 (or less in some cases). There's no reason to lay out the money for a full season including preseason. You'll probably get better seats by purchasing for game day rather than the season.
Where in the stadium are these empty seats? I have season tickets and go to at least 4 games a year...The stadium is always packed. Francesa is always mentioning these empty seats..please inform us all where they are located
Don't the Jets have some seats that come without PSLs? I wonder if that price takes in to account that the Jets have a PSL-less upper deck with the average price of their PSL being higher than the Giants. The Giants, however, have PSLs for every seat. At least I think that's how it works. I could be wrong.
True, I believe you are correct about that. Im not here trying to prove Jets>Giants, all im trying to show is the Jets are not in as bad of a situation as all the haters like to make it out to be.
Fat Mike would've told you to "get laust" because 80% of those Jets sales come from Giants fans who couldn't get a ticket to the Giants game. :lol:
I can only relate my own experience. Since 2002 I have gone to 6 Pats/Jets games at the Meadowlands. (since I can't get Pats tickets at home). I go with a buddy of mine who lives in Northern NJ and is a Raider fan for some reason. We have never gone to the game with a ticket, and in every case we've been able to get 2 good seats, usually gotten about an hour before game time. I have never had to play full price for any ticket, usually between 50-75% of face value, We have always gotten sideline tickets between the 20's and never had to go to the upper deck. My friend who is an "expert" on getting into events, told be the market for Jets tickets has always been "soft" even when they are "sold" I can't vouch for how true his statement is, but its been backed up, at least, by my 6 experiences.
UD in the new stadium. You probably cant see that high up from the LL. The NYJETS just had a fire sale $50 tickets,free parking and you didnt have to take the pre-season.
Damn considering parking tickets are $45 alone I should have bought tickets and resold the them and the parking tickets and I probably would have made enough profit to go to 1 or 2 games for free.
I went to 3 home games last season sitting up in the 330s/340s - Jags, NE, KC - and each time I noticed lots of empty seats on the other side of the stadium in the lower deck between the 30's - right in the sweet spot. Granted, the Jags and KC games were not prime-time matchups but still, there seemed to be a whole lot of premium seats empty, at least for large parts of the game. I was told by a couple of people that alot of those people are just inside for most of the game in the private club lounge or whatever it is you get access to with the expensive seats, but that's the same thing as not being at the stadium if you're not a part of the crowd noise and atmosphere.
Yeah something is sketchy though, because the cheapest price for Jets games on Stubhub are as low as 45 dollars, while the Giants are over 100, and the Patriots around 150 I think. But again it might just be because the Jets have some really cheap seats in the back rows of the upper deck and that is why the cheapest tickets are so cheap.
have none of you guys been to the 17a stadium thread in the jets experience forum? the jets relocated most if not all had the option to relocate in the upper deck, once completed they realized that they were not going to sell the rows i believe above 15 for 105 as they had in the past. they then lowered the price for those seats to 50 dollars per. if you go to the thread you will see a spreadsheet that i have done that shows ticket prices for all of the games in most of the sections that average fans can afford. it has become a clusterfuck of trying to fill the stadium at this point. they have offered parking pass upgrades, free parking passes, no pre season and they are still having trouble getting people in the seats as they are still calling people who were season ticket holders and basically begging them to come back. this is a poorly designed stadium that they are trying to charge way way too much to get into both in the way of psls and ticket prices. i wish 227 or 17a would get in here and give you guys some of the info that has been put together in that thread over the last 3 years.
All I know is that we'd get to the parking lot closest to the gates about an hour before game time and there be tons of fans looking to sell tickets. The closer to game time the lower the prices became. I remember the first time I was ready to give full face value to the first guy who offered decent seat locations, and my friend held me back and told me to be patient. A half hour later we had better seats at half the cost. I've gone to Pats away games in NJ, Philly, Pittsburgh and Miami. I never had to use stub hub, and never went to the game with a ticket. Only in Pittsburgh did I have to pay over face value.
I like to have my tickets before I go to the game, I dont remember seeing a single scalper last time I went, but I wasnt exactly looking for one.
The home experience is more enjoyable than the stadium. HD, Redzone, Internet that works, Replays, Other Games on Computer... There is no need to attend games anymore.
Agree to disagree. Its great being there in a good seat with a good view. Its also great being home in front of a large LCD-HDTV with family and friends and food and beer.
i love all of you on this board bitching about Woody wanting to make more money.. capitalism at it's best! Every single one of you would maximize profits if you owned your own company. Nothing different with Woody and the Jets... get over it.
woody has taken advantage of morons who will pay anything to go to a game. they are fanatics, they will risk not having money for their childrens college in order to go to football games 8 sundays a year. and thats fine, but dont expect me to sit here and be happy about it. dont expect me to say oh well its ok the seats i used to sit in for 75 bucks now cost 450 plus a 7500 dollar psl. dont expect me to not laugh when he has to lower prices, and psls and still cant sell out either area. dont expect me to laugh when next year even if we dont do well he raises prices and starts to gouge those who made the terrible decision to get roped into a psl. and sure as shit dont expect anyone to be happy about the way this stadium was constructed with absolutely no care for the general fan who goes to the game and would like to get in and out in an orderly fashion, park in an orderly fashion and actually would like to see something on the field. you said in another post in the jets experience thread that there was give and take in the lower level, if you are higher you can see stuff on the other side of the 50, if you are lower you are right there smelling the players but have to watch the jumbotron when the ball is on the other side of the 50... then you said you really cant go wrong, what cant go wrong? thats completely gone wrong... 200 bucks to watch the jumbotron for half the game. thats a screw job if i have ever seen one. its actually everything that is wrong with capitalism, charging a higher price for an inferior experience... but the people are tired at this point and the pendulum is starting to swing. note the 50 dollar upper deck seats, the only reason they were lowered is because people have had enough of the price gouging and crappy experience and have decided to stay home. sorry if i seem rude in my post, i do not mean to be... i just get very fired up about this new stadium and our wonderful owner whom i really do not care for.