I've been following the jets OTAs and mini-camps pretty closely and i've consistently been hearing from reporters and through stats that there is no QB controversy, mark sanchez is clearly the leader. then today i read this and was extremely confused http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000...curacy-at-minicamp?module=HP11_headline_stack like just yesterday i was reading an article from a spectator at minicamp yesterday and a huge part of his article was about how there was NO qb competition and mark sanchez was clearly better. idk wtf to believe anymore
I can tell you those numbers aren't right. Sanchez went 8-10 yesterday. he didn't go 2-17 the rest of camp...
You're not going crazy. QB's are working with the B-squad receivers due to injuries so there's bound to be some mis-communication and timing issues. Don't drive yourself crazy and read too much into these reports. The media is looking to pounce on any Sanchez/QB controversy they can find to start their "start Tebow" campaign.
The NFL and Manish Mehta have great interest in making the Jets' offseason as interesting as possible. They are in the business of creating buzz and drawing attention. Mehta's job in particular hangs on whether or not he can draw people to Jets stuff. Apparently based on what posters have been saying, even skewing numbers has become an appropriate journalism tactic. File this in the bullshit dept.
Just more sensationalism to rile up gullible readers. He even jokes in the article about this being his last installment of OTA ''over-analysis''. No reason to take this seriously at all, just more offseason spin.
Let me explain it to you -- when Tebow fails to complete a pass or throws an interception, its VERY significant. A great harbinger of doom, and a signature of his entire career. When Sanchez does it, it's just OTA or minicamp. They're still learning the offense.
dont you have the names mixed up? everyone is flipping a shit because mark sanchez is failing to complete passes, yet no one is talking about how poorly tim tebow is doing on the nation wide media
Yeah you're right, Sanchez hasn't been criticized at all for his inconsistency, everyone just seems to turn a blind eye to it! Give me a break, you 312'ers are too much...
it's OTA's & mini's...I follow them too, but in reality its useless...none of this matters until training camp... dont get yourself all worked up over things at this point.
I must have missed it. Or are you going back to last year? I'm just comparing the blitzkrieg of stories I had to wade through about the first day of OTA's where Tebow threw two picks. Doesn't seem like it's as much of a problem when Sanchez does it. It really is a Rorschach test -- you're telling me that the media coverage of Sanchez during this OTA/minicamp has been negative? Has been blowing any thing negative he does out of proportion? If that's honestly what you're seeing, we see it differently. I see nothing but affirmation upon affirmation that he looks fine. And don't answer "But that's the way it should be, he's the starter and he looks fine." You just conveyed that he's getting killed with negative coverage. Own it. Don't change the subject.
The QB competition only exists in the media and in our tiny media-run minds. There's no way the Jets let anybody but Sanchez start as long as he's healthy and giving his best effort.
If you have no idea how much critical press Sanchez has gotten since his poor finish in 2011 then you obviously are a Tebow fan, not a Jets fan. We already have a starting QB who is going to get his chance to prove that he deserves the spot and Tebow will be playing a supporting role as a backup/wildcat guy. If Sanchez falls on his face for the first half of the season than maybe Tebow will get some snaps behind center but he certainly isn't winning the starting job in OTAs so quit with the fantasizing.
Can't speak to last year, but THIS year, in OTAs and mini-camp, the coverage has been more about Tebow's shortcomings. That's kind of why OP was surprised when he saw this piece that listed the stats. As Bannon talked about, Tebow throws 2 picks to 0 for Sanchez on the first day of OTAs and reports are out about how much better Sanchez looked, that Tebow "lost" that round. BTW, just to let you know, I don't put much stock in the OTAs, just commenting on the press coverage.
I still wish we figure out a way to lose Tebow. I don't care if the 3 packages he owns in the playbook win us a superbowl, I will always hate him and the 312 crowd that followed.
Damn, that's pretty farked up. Say that the Jets do win the SB and Tebow plays a big part in it. You going put an asterisk next to it ? Going to refuse to celebrate it ? Going to whine and bitch that Jets finally won another SB, but Tebow had to go and ruin it for you ??
There's no controversy, tebow has no shot to be our starter unless Sanchez is hurt. The media(and opposing fans) love a QB controversy so they are fabricating one. Do you think the Jets would ask tebow to bulk up to 250 lbs and use him as the up man on punts if they planned on him being their starting QB?