One year deal. Chad Ochocinco + Hard Knocks is going to be a fun watch.
Yup, that's sure gonna make "Hard Knocks" a little more interesting! :lol: I just hope their playbook has pop-ups so he can absorb their offense.
So basically Ocho will be signing one year deals with the teams that are on Hard Knocks every year! LOL! KISS THE BABY!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!
He was one of my favorite non-Jet players. But at this point in his career I'm glad he signed with Miami.
He can now approach Revis Island from the southern entrance rather than the northern or western entrances. Regardless, there is no way off.
Do you ever stop complaining or are you that much of a darksider? Jesus christ. I know we have been bad as of late but damn how can you hate on us signing him to a 1 year vet minimum deal when our #1 is Brian Hartline? Was trading away Marshall all about getting suckers to buy tickets too? How about all those big name free agents we signed like Artis Hicks and Richard Marshall? Yep...All about selling tickets!!!
lol i'm pretty sure they could line up wilson man-to-man and be just as effective covering him as with revis.
:-o Ladies! Ladies!...please! You're guests here. Won't you SoBe sluts please take it outside >>>
While I agree with your overall point, how could any rational Dolphins fan not be a darksider right now? Is there any reason to feel good about that organization and the direction it's heading?
New coach, new QB,new OC, new DC, Ireland had a good draft on paper. And most importantly they are abandoning the Parcells model of being secluded from the media. Not that any or all of those things equal success but there is certainly reason to hope things can be better.
If they really want to start selling tickets, they should start advertising in whatever state the opposing team theyre playing that week is from. Maybe adding a shuttle to the airport from the stadium as well Thats the only way theyll get people in the stands
The head coach, DC, and QB all have no experience. That's a lot of uncertainty. Mike Sherman to the rescue? It doesn't even matter, Bill Walsh could be your OC and the offense would blow. Serious question, who's the best skill position player on the team? Reggie Bush? Devon Bess? I hope your not under any delusions that you'll be scoring any points this year.
You asked me if there was any reason to feel good about the direction the team was headed. I gave a good answer. I "hope your not under any delusions" that my answer was anything more than that so don't try to pull anything extra out of it in an effort to make me look like an idiot. I am well aware that we don't have many skill players on offense.
OK, that's fair, I got a little snarky. But, I don't see why putting in a bunch of unproven people in important positions is reason for optimism. Sure, it's possible they'll be better than there predecessors, but at this point it's a complete unknown. Meanwhile, the man who's been running things into the ground (Ireland) is still around, and the new owner has done nothing to inspire confidence. I'm not saying they're destined to be in the basement for the next 10 years, but even a wide-eyed optimist has to admit things are looking pretty grim right now.
Well I disagree that Ireland was the guy running us into the ground. I know that is the popular perception and probably for good reason. However I feel that Sparano is not a good head coach and was holding us back. He was content with scoring field goals and his extreme emphasis on no turnovers held us back as well. His departure alone gives me reason for optimism. Add to that we brought in a HC from a successful, stable organization to run things. If he sucks, he sucks, but I don't think anybody can say it was a bad hire. My reason for optimism I guess lies in the fact that even if Ross and Ireland made mistakes in the past, it seems as though they have been learning from them as of late. Not hopeful, I'm just not bracing for us to lose every game 45-3 either.