Just how good was Revis last year?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by CurbYourEnthusiasm, May 9, 2012.

  1. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Once again corrected for accuracy

    Patri*t superbowl "wins"= Rosie Ruiz Boston Marathon "wins"

    Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    a 1st team all pro QB hasn't won a SB since Brett Favre in 1996
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Yes, but they pick two CB's every year. And the second team guys haven't won much either.

    Every Super Bowl since 2003 except for 2007 has been won by a QB who was arguably in the top 5 at his position in that year. A top 5 CB is rarely on the winning team.

    For comparison:

    2003: Brady, Law
    2004: Brady, Law
    2005: Roethlisberger
    2006: P. Manning
    2008: Roethlisberger
    2009: Brees
    2010: Rodgers, Woodson
    2011: E. Manning

    Ok so despite the fact that 18 CB's started for the 9 winners and only 9 QB's there are 8 QB's on the list and only 3 CB's. That's the point I'm making.
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I understand the point, I just found it interesting that no 1st team AP QBs have won in a long time. obviously most of the QBs that won were great w/ the exception of '00, '02, '07, '11
  5. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Just because teams have won superbowls certain ways in years past or whatever doesn't mean thats the ONLY way to win a super bowl or even that means SHIT for the future.

    There's more than one way to skin a cat!

    Darrelle Revis is an incredible football player and a future Hall of Famer - You keep him on your team if you can.. and to say you can't win a superbowl with a defense built around a CB is horse shit, especially when you have a corner as good as Darrelle Revis.

    It's all a matter of perspective anyway...

    So the Giants won it with Eli, the Pats* with Brady, the Packers with Rodgers, the Steelers with Big Ben -- yada yada I don't care.

    If the Jets somehow won the Superbowl this year than people would probably call Mark Sanchez elite (it worked for Eli) - and then say the same old thing - "you need an elite QB to win a SB - look at the Jets"

    just because a QB is the most visible player doesn't mean anything, you win superbowls if your ROSTER is awesome and the pieces work together nicely - that's been true throughout..

    People aren't saying you need an elite DB to win the Super Bowl, even though you COULD.
    SF won it with Deion, DAL with Deion, NE* with Ty Law, INDY with Bob Sanders, PIT with Polamalu, GB with Charles Woodson : SEE its that easy!
    #65 BrowningNagle, May 9, 2012
    Last edited: May 9, 2012
  6. sogreedy23

    sogreedy23 Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Jets fans are funny. Hey Pats, your 5 'bowl appearances mean nothing because YOU SHOULD HAVE WON THEM ALL! FAIL!

    umm. What's that say about a team that has only even been to 4 AFCCGs in it's history? Jets haven't even had the opportunity to lose as many as the Pats.

    I hate the Pats as much as the next Jets fan, but the arguments on this board are really sad sometimes. "YEA, you went to the Superbowl but your secondary sucks! come see Revis!" Yep, Darrelle is single handedly better than their whole secondary, 24 is God, Revis is all-worldly, yet we still don't even have a division title, or a conference title, or a Superbowl appearance, or..and I must whisper this..a Superbowl WIN.

    To the people saying you wouldn't give a left arm for the Pats 10 year run, you're lying to yourself. True Jets fans would commit murder for a Superbowl win, murder their own first of kin for two. What do you think they'd do for three wins, 5 appearances? That bravado and "I hate everything Pats" is clouding the truth :drunk:

    **It's not illegal for the Pats to be better than the Jets and for you to acknowledge it (especially when this thread says nothing about who's better-talk about inferiority complex). It's a fact, really.

    At the end of the day........

    :pats_suck: :breakdance:
  7. sogreedy23

    sogreedy23 Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    ...I don't think ANY one called Eli elite after the first Superbowl. Absolutely everyone gave the credit to his Dline and Tyree's ridiculous catch...lets not forget actualy history- it was the second 'bowl where the word elite even sniffed Eli.
  8. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Nice to see there are a few objective Jets fans out there, but you are definitley in the minority.
  9. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    agreed. It will hurt the team harmony and show he is all for money!
  10. sogreedy23

    sogreedy23 Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Fuck off Pats fan :smile::jets::rofl:

  11. So let me get this straight.Patriot trolls come here to piss on every one of the Jets threads insulting players, front office, fanbase, past,present & future. Any time a Jet fan sticks up for the team(on THEIR board mind you)..Patriot fan calls to mind their recent success as compared to the Jets. And we're just supposed to sit here & take it? C'mon! These are not the Steelers of the 70's. Despite their success(Yes immensely more than that of the Jets) they have flaws including the fact that they haven't won the big one since being caught cheating 5 years ago.

    As far as I'm concerned..if they are gonna come here looking for a fight...they are gonna get one. Patriots have vulnerabilities just like the Jets do. Why are jets fan barred from giving these pricks a taste of their own medicine?
  12. sogreedy23

    sogreedy23 Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    My problem is it was a Jets fan that even brought the Pats up..If you guys give him a chance, 70% of PatsfanTx's (assuming he's the same one as on JI) posts are knowledgable/discussion worthy and he doesn't put his troll face on until people try to jab at him about the Pats when it's unwarranted. It was SG3 that even started that shit show, when it made no sense. Thats the part that annoys me. Pats fans coming here to start trouble, fuck 'em..fight w them like you fight w your girl: even when you know you're wrong, don't let them get the satisfaction of that shit..fight until you're purple in the face and give it all you've got. Kevin Hart knows what I mean....
    youtube. com/watch?v=toFV7mktBck ((I can't post links yet))
  13. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    SF won with Deion AFTER winning several Super Bowls without him. Dallas won with Deion AFTER winning a couple of Super Bowls without him. If Revis went to the Giants or Steelers next year would it increase their chances to win a Super Bowl given the personnel they already have in place? Of course it would.

    The argument for Deion Sanders causes teams to win Super Bowls was disproved by the fact that Atlanta, the team that originally drafted Deion and for whom he played as a young player couldn't win a Super Bowl due to him.

    The argument for great cornerbacks win Super Bowls was disproved by the fact that the greatest cornerbacks in recent history were 0-for-the attempts at winning Super Bowls with the teams that drafted them.

    Darrelle Revis has been a Jet for 5 seasons now. Where is the Super Bowl that he supposedly can win for the Jets? You think it's because he hasn't had the talent around him to make that happen? Well then you've just made my point for me.
    #73 Br4d, May 9, 2012
    Last edited: May 9, 2012
  14. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 TGG.com Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    nice stats but there is no way in hell anyone can argue that an LB or a DE playing at Revis' level is far, far more impactfull in a game. Its not even worth the discussion.

    I am in the cam that if we could get fair value for Revis, whether it be picks, players r a combo fo the two, we would be a better team. Im sure of it.
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Both Lester Hayes and Mike Haynes were pro bowlers who also were the CB tandem that were on the Raiders when they won in 83. Only Hayes was on the team that won in 80. Hayes also won AP Defensive Player of the Year in 80. I know Haynes also won Defensive Player of the Year, but forget which year.

    Hayes and Haynes are often referred to as the best cb tandem of all time. See nfl.com:

  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    To be fair SF hadn't won since '89 and they couldn't get by Dallas until the year Deion showed up. I think Deion gets way too much credit for that run but SF wasn't winning in the years prior to him arriving- not in the Steve Young era
  17. Yep hard to dispute Hayes & Haynes...I didn't include them for whatever reason. Dixon & Minnifield w/ Celevland in the 80's were also nasty. They unfortunately fell victim to Marty ball.

    I'm not disputing that a dominant front 7 player is more valuable than a dominant corner..but that doesn't mean dominant all pro corners haven't played an immense part in winning super bowls throughout NFL history.
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I don't know exactly what you are trying to prove, other than the fact that you need good players to win a Super Bowl - no crap. I brought up examples of elite DBs on SB teams just to show you could make similar arguments for that position as well as Kurt, Blocker Etc.

    Bringing up Atlanta and Deion to disapprove something?? you kidding me, that team sucked horribly besides him, of course they didn't win a SB.

    And of course there's lots of great CBs that havent won a SB, do you want me to list all the great QBs that havent won a SB too? Cause that list would be very long as well..

    Darrelle Revis has been a Jet for 5 years and hasn't won a SB - Does that mean he can't?? Huh?
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    We all get that Qb is the most important position in football, but that doesn't mean great players at other positions cannot be critical to the success of their teams.

    Even great, truly all time great, Qb's do not win SB's by themselves. Look at Marino. Look at Elway until Davis. Look at Brady since the Pats lost those great LB's and Seymour.

    But the main point to be made here is that other than Qb the CB is just as important and critical to success as any other position on the field, including MLB, RB and WR.
  20. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I find Brad's position on this not only poorly supported, but frustrating since he usually makes good arguments and, on this one, does not seem to fairly take into account counter arguments. He seems to have convinced himself of the point to the extent that you can't shake him.

    Btw another excellent Qb who even had a great team around him who never won an SB was Jim Kelly.

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