Cannizzarro is a douche I never liked him,, that said Holmes is also a douche. The Jets made a mistake ( again ) by even allowing Holmes on the conference call ( what are they thinking ? ) do u guys expect Holmes to talk to the media alla conference call and not be asked these questions ? Last year was a bad joke and so is Holmes,,,, I will cheer for anyone wearing our uniform but hopefully this assclown ( that was made a team captain last year ) will be gone a year from now. We are stuck with this guy so we have to make the best of it ,,,for now,,,,,ps I wish the league would throw a flag everytime this a-hole catches a first down , points and drops the ball at the refs feet----it's worn old and so has # 10 !
im sure people wouldnt have ripped him if he took personal responsibility for his actions. when he says we he is in turn blaming everyone else as well for his bad behavior. typical douche tactic to not owning up to being a douche. the guy is a sociopath, he will have a long and tough life after football. however we have to wait a few years for that to happen...
the media and their ability to twist anything around if they don't like you... or twist things the other way if they do like you. they're the most powerful people in the world with their ability to influence the public with whatever slant they want to put out there.
That is so true... Holmes will never be a media darling or a perfect teammate, he needs act professional and HUMBLE. I am not the biggest supporter of Tone but he is saying that he and the team moved on from the debacle of last year. However Tone does not know how to explain his thoughts professionally or humbly. By him getting upset with reporters bcuz they are asking him abt last year is immature. The reporter made this interview sound worse than what it was.
This makes me laugh. It will all be forgotin when were in the playoffs and Tones is winning games for us again.
You made an entire determination on the rest of his life based on one game? C'mon man. You saw the entire quote from displaced fan (thanks alot btw). This hack writer was butt hurt he couldnt get Holmes to bite and decided to rip him by taking bits and pieces of quotes and making Holmes look like a habitual malcontent. It's NY sports media 101. See Marbury, Carmelo, Ewing etc. The guy said his peace and doesn't want to talk about it anymore. This dick of a writer saw to options. Go to my boss with a story that isn't juicy, or make something out of nothing. He chose the latter...and will continue to do so as long as people feed into his bullshit. Im not saying Holmes is a saint by any means. I think all of us agree he handled himself unprofessionally, but Jets fans act like Holmes is the 1st receiver to get pissed about not getting the ball. N before you say "he quit on the team"... Schotty said himself he took him out of the what difference does it make?
Holmes doesn't want to talk about 2011. That's all I take from that interview.... Cannizzaro is a fuckin douchebag for putting this kind of spin on it.
I don't remember people being this mad at Holmes after the Houston, Cleveland, Detroit or Chicago games in 2010; or the Patriots game in the playoffs; or the Redskins game last year. So fickle.
Keller was more valuable and Burress just as valuable so what does that say about how valuable he is? What he is is an expensive albatross around Tannenshit's neck..nothing more.