Thanks BTB, I will try not to change anything else. And nice job using the pic where he is high fiving the defender
Better then the pics of him in a I know Carolina will be up very soon as I think we have all the boards between now and when they pick again.
Chance I might be gone for 2-3 hours during the day...will PM you the boards you may not have gotten BTB if in the event I am not around.
Ok, so the Bucs are on the clock and we don't have a board. We do for the Skins and Dolphins though as well as Lions and Panthers if casman has to jam.
Feel free to make that pick. I think the second draft board is okay and I will be working or pretending to for the next 45 minutes
Yeah, I got all of them, I'm checking periodically as I'm doing some work around the house. I should be able to check about every 20 minutes or so.
I think that is the wrong Carolina pick. There two lists, one for the for the first pick and one for the second
If I'm not online when the ravesn last pick comes up someone make it. I'm gonaa be out from here for about 5 hours or so. I may be able to check in, but if not I don't want to hold things up.