Giants Are Hanging SB Banners

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by boozer32, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. boozer32

    boozer32 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Jets are becoming a circus with this Tebow trade. Do they really think they are loaded that they can trade for a "Wildcat WB" This just doesn't make sense and with the fickle New York fans Sanchez first bad serious in the very first game they will be calls for Tebow. So out already fragile QB psyche will be destroyed and Tebow will come in throwing 2 and half yard passes all day. Its a total joke being a fan I always want the best for the Jets but we have gaping holes at other positions directly responsible for what happened last year and none of them have been addressed (RT, WR, FS, OLB and blocking TE). Tannenbaum needs to hit a homerun in this draft with players that can contribute right away like Revis and Harris did.
  2. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Our RingMaster doesn't know how to develop depth let alone find "diamonds in the rough". Evidently, late draft picks are meant to be traded, not used as that would require his team to do alot more homework to find late round quality. As evidenced by Ducasse, they're not real good lately at finding high round quality either. Might as well not bother to show up at the draft at all.
  3. mystikol

    mystikol New Member

    Mar 26, 2010
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    You're really going to stand by this post?

    He's not the greatest drafter, but he's had a bunch of successes.
  4. Nilton

    Nilton Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I'll keep dreaming to the day we have a front 4 remotely close to what the Giants have. Shit the patriots have no namers getting 10 sacks.
  5. Fightin'JetTitan

    Fightin'JetTitan Active Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    I'll keep dreaming until we win another got-d@mn SUPERBOWL!!!
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Firstly, wait til after the draft to talk about the holes on the team. Secondly, I understand it's painful to watch them celebrate, but they earned it. They got it done when it mattered.

    I hate the Tebow circus, HATE IT, but I can see him being useful in the Wildcat/option packages. Those who said Sanchez was coddled can speak no more, now he's got pressure on him. We'll see.
  7. PinPointPenning10

    PinPointPenning10 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Tannenbaum has gotten Kerley, Conner, Slauson, Stuckey, Brad Smith, and Washington in the fourth round or later since he's been here. That's a pretty good group of talent, considering the randomness of the late rounds of the draft. And because of that randomness, Tannenbaum has smartly used a lot of those picks to move up and get guys like Greene and Harris. What exactly are you hoping for?
  8. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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  9. mystikol

    mystikol New Member

    Mar 26, 2010
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    Perfection, obviously.

    I'd be very curious to see an empirical analysis of "winning" GMs. I think we'd find that most are very similar/average over a long period of time, and the difference is getting a franchise QB like Brady/Manning/Brees.
  10. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    conner has been less than well good.. slauson is average, stuckey was worthless. brad smith was a great special teamer who didnt do anything as a wr... washington was very good until he got injured... kerley has done nothing at this point and is a possible number 3 wr.

    its really not all that great of a group of cherry picked guys, you should be able to get a few decent guys in 6 years.
  11. ShaunLowrieNFL

    ShaunLowrieNFL New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Wow, where do you begin?

    After a breathless day or two, the stars have aligned and we now have destinations for two of the most talked about athletes in the game today. Peyton Manning has joined Denver, displacing the world's most famous Christian Tim Tebow, who was unceremoniously shipped to the New York Jets for mid-round picks as compensation. It will be discussed for the next 6 months by analysts, fans and probably the players themselves, but the shambolic nature of the trade re-emphasised that the Jets deserve a lot of criticism for their off-season so far.

    A lot of people have - quite rightly - homed in on the Miami Dolphins and their failings as an organisation, but the Jets have been just as bad. here are 5 situations that the Jets needed to handle better this off-season:

    1: Santonio Holmes Gets Paid

    Now Holmes isn't a bad player by any stretch, in fact he should be an asset to the Jets in a league where wide receiver match ups can make or break a game-plan, but he has proved time and again that his presence in the locker room is a liability. The organisation has made a rod for it's own back by giving Holmes a contract in 2011 that effectively guaranteed he would be on the roster for 2012 and 2013 at the very least. This contract guarantees half of next year's salary if he was still on the roster on Feb 8th this year. Complicating matters still further, Holmes would have cost the Jets $12m in cap room if he'd have been cut before Feb 8th.

    The Jets basically put themselves into a catch 22 situation and have only themselves to blame. Bearing in mind that he did not come from Pittsburgh without baggage (in fact I suspect airport security were particularly thorough when checking what was in said baggage), the contract made little sense then and makes even less sense now in light of his 2011 antics.

    Nonetheless, the Jets should have cut Holmes and absorbed the cap hit this year because no matter how much we talk about his physical skills, he is bad for the team and for his quarterback, Mark Sanchez. His criticism of Sanchez has reaffirmed what many believe; that the young signal-caller lacks respect in the locker room. Even if those two patch things up, Santonio is a divisive force and the chances are that he will strike again before 2012 is out. At that stage, what can the Jets do? Cut him? Probably not because of his contract, and so now the Jets are stuck with Holmes for at least 2 more years, all because they didn't do their due diligence on the contract he signed. Those words; 'due diligence', they're going to come up again in this article...

    2: The Big Peyton Manning Lie

    We know the Jets were in for Manning immediately after he left the Colts because they made no attempt to hide it. It seems that pretty early on, the Jets (for whatever reason) exited that race and decided to stick with what they had, which makes sense given that the QB options (Alex Smith, Matt Flynn) in free agency weren't a huge upgrade over their current starter.

    But then it becomes interesting, because the Jets can't just accept that they made an impulsive decision and got stiffed by Manning, they have tried to play this one off as a win by claiming they passed on him, when it is clear to everyone that they were not even given the time of day by 18. Sure it's pretty bad that he didn't even entertain them in the way he did Denver or Tennessee, but Kansas City and Seattle were both given no chance to make their case either, so it wouldn't have made them unique. It could have been a footnote, but the Jets felt the need - as is their way - to try and defend their integrity in the only way they know how: Lying.

    Here's why it's a lie: Why enter the race (so publicly too) to get Manning if you don't know if you want him? What possible reason can you have for being so brazen? Here's the real kicker: What new information did they get between entering the race and exiting it? None. They didn't see him throw and they didn't sit down and talk to Manning. If that's the case, then there is clearly only one thing that could have changed in that time, and that is that Manning made it clear he would not play for them.

    It's amateurish to suggest otherwise, but that's pretty much the hallmark of this regime.

    3: Giving Sanchez 'Sorry' Money For No Reason.

    Another reason that it's hard to believe the Jets passed on Manning comes in the form of current QB Mark Sanchez getting a needless 3 year extension after the team left the Manning sweepstakes. If they had assessed the situation and decided Sanchez was the best option right now, that's fine, but it doesn't mean they needed to reaffirm it with a contract extension by way of apology. Now the team is committed to paying Sanchez $20m over the next 2 years and $12m a year for the 3 after. Even if Sanchez manages to scrape by in New York to those 3 years, there's no guarantee he'll be worth $12m a year.

    By committing $20m guaranteed to Sanchez they haven't really added a great deal of money to his contract over the next 2 years, but they have put themselves on the hook next year even if he regresses. Sure he'd be tradeable in 2013, but with $8m in cap space, they'd need to find a team willing to make him their starter, and if he's coming off a bad year, that seems pretty unlikely. In that event, they'd be forced to keep him or cut him and lose a massive chunk of cap room. As with Holmes, this type of deal seems unnecessary and frankly, a bit reckless.

    Sanchez isn't a bad guy but he has a long way to go to prove his worth as a franchise QB. He was already a gamble at the best part of $12m this season and while that was an acceptable risk given the circumstances, it seems odd that they would further increase the level of that risk when Sanchez still had 2 years left. That seemed - to most neutral observers - the perfect time frame to assess whether he could do the job. Now the Jets have made another clumsy, impulsive move based purely on their desire to project an image of a franchise that is decisive and happy with it's situation, even if all evidence suggests that isn't the case.

    4: Trading for Tim Tebow - But Failing to do Their Homework Again.

    My word, what can you even begin to say about Tim Tebow going to one of the most polarising franchises in the league?

    This decision again reeks of the front office not thinking things through and just plunging headlong into a situation that can backfire massively if not handled correctly. The first question to ask is why the Jets need Tebow from a football perspective? At least a case can be made that Tebow is a great wildcat option for coach Tony Sparano, but it's more complicated, because Tebow brings with him the kind of support that will inevitably lead to a QB controversy at some point. If The Jets haven't factored that into their decision, then they deserve all of the fallout that will come when something that smells MIGHTY suspicious hits the fan.

    There is no two ways about it, Tebow will at some point get the call, so why bring him in? Do they not believe in Sanchez? If they do, why bring in a player who will completely undermine the contract they just gave him by virtue of dividing the fan base and the locker room? If they don't, why have they made it harder to make a decision between the two players next year by guaranteeing Sanchez more money? Nothing makes sense no matter which way you look at it and like much of the Jets' moves this off-season, it seems that they're backing themselves into a corner.

    Within 3 weeks the Jets seem to have made a move that could completely destroy any positives that could have come from the last questionable decision they made. Compounding matters, they have conducted themselves farcically, rushing through a trade without - yeah, you guessed it - doing their due diligence. Who is running things for the Jets? Do they not have lawyers? Do they actually bother to check the contracts they sign? The entire situation is embarrassing and needs to get a lot better very quickly if the franchise is to recover some dignity.

    5: Lying to Drew Stanton

    The final example of the Jets doing their best to shoot themselves in the foot, but to me, one of the most idiotic and perhaps even the one thing that will cement the Jets' front office reputation.

    Drew Stanton is a serviceable backup with no great ability, but someone who the Jets clearly thought was an upgrade over Mark Brunell behind Sanchez. Indeed, Stanton allegedly took less money from other interested teams because he felt that in New York, he would be the concrete number two QB. More importantly, Stanton was told by Mike Tannenbaum that they would not sign another QB via the draft or free agency.

    Understandably, Stanton is miffed and wants out. That's not to say that I have a huge amount of sympathy for him because the NFL works in mysterious ways and situations arise that no amount of promises can account for, but Stanton was lied to, pure and simple. When the Jets say they aren't going to get another QB, and then within weeks they go and do exactly that? Yeah, that doesn't look good to anyone, inside or outside the organisation.

    You accept collateral damage as part of any personnel move, but this is why NFL teams don't make promises that they can't keep. Look at the Seahawks for example; they've just given Matt Flynn a deal that puts him ahead of Tarvaris Jackson in the race to start next year, but they haven't guaranteed him anything in terms of playing time or a starter's job. If Flynn didn't like that he could have gone elsewhere, that's how the league works. No other team is willing to risk the perception that they lead free agents to their club with false promises, which it seems is exactly what has happened here.

    In conclusion... character limits suck... :D I can't post the rest and I can't link to my article. Anyway, you get the jist.
  12. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You know there's a lot of things about football, that football fans know little about. There's other things that we just don't understand. There's probably a lot of things a football organization does that fans and media alike comment on, where they completely miss the mark.

    And when it comes to things such as contract negotiations, finances and football operations- the who, what and why - I have no doubt, fans have no clue what they heck they are talking about most of the time, and have little understanding of the ins and outs of the way football teams do business.

    I wouldn't worry about Sanchez's contract, Holmes deal, etc. They always have a way to deal with things such as this. How often do you hear of cases where a team can't acquire players or because of salary cap issues, or can't cut players because of contracts they sign?

    They find a way. Always. I wouldn't worry about those things.

    As far as Stanton goes, If Alex Smith, who just led his team to the NFC Championship game, can understand why the 49ers went after Manning, then Stanton, who's just a back-up should have no problem understanding the Jets just signed another starting QB, who ALSO led his team to a playoff win and happens to be Tim Freaking Tebow. He should easily understand the value Tim Tebow brings to the Jets and why the Jets "broke their promise too". As of right now, the Jets are basically saying both Sanchez and Tebow are starters. Stanton is still there to back-up Sanchez, but both of these guys are guaranteed playing time day 1. He needs to view it as him being the back-up QB for TWO starting QB's. Because right now, that's what the Jets are saying they're going to do.
    #12 whichfan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  13. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The amount of people who are up in arms about Drew Stanton is pretty pathetic. Who cares? Circumstances changed. Doesn't anyone follow college recruiting here? Coaches tell 16-17 year olds all the time they aren't going to recruit over them, and then teams usually do. Why? Because it's they're job to improve the team and win.

    Time will tell if this deal helps the team win, and how much of a distraction Tebow is. It's much easier to be a distraction in March when there's nothing to talk about. In October, if Sanchez is playing pretty well and the Jets are winning, and Tebow is doing well in small doses, everything will be fine.

    Everyone wanted to bring in someone to push Sanchez. Well, why can't that person be Tebow? And not only does Tebow push Sanchez by being a more legitimate alternative than Brunell, he's also a notorious hard worker, which should propel Sanchez to work harder. Not to mention he's still young enough where he can improve, and, like Sanchez, he's already won in the playoffs with little experience.

    Is it an ownership move? Of course it's an ownership move to a small extent. But it's not like we gave up that much. I'd put the value on a pure Wildcat player as a 5th or a 6th round pick. We gave up a little more than that because Tebow still has the upside of being a starting NFL quarterback, which a 5th or 6th round pick is less likely to have. Oh, and he'll sell a lot of jerseys. That's probably why we needed to add slightly more on top of the 4th.

    Hopefully, those picks will be replaced by compensatory picks.

    Bottom line: Tebow is a Jet. What do you mean the Jets are becoming a circus, have you paid attention to this team in the Rex Ryan era? It's the craziest team in the league. Tebow will add to the craziness, but unlike a lot of the characters we have, he'll be a great teammate.

    The Giants have nothing to do with any of this.
    #13 Jetfanmack, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  14. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I will say it again',,,,',,,,,,,,,,,,,I truly believe that the Jet management actually feels this team is loaded with talent and underperformed last year. Why in the world would they be so laid back addressing glaring holes on this team....sure they brought in Landry but we still need safety help. The off line is a mess at RT and they do not even bring guys in to look at.i guess The OLB position is solved because we have Maybin,,,,,,,,they tradedforTebow,a huge distraction ,mistake in my eyes and I have not heard of a single FA scheduled to visit us . I guess they think Tebow will push us over the top and that there's no need to fix any more of the glaring holes that we all see..
  15. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    If the Jets have an issue at RT, that's going to cause some additional issues for Tebow, so count that as +1 for Sanchez maintaining his starting spot.

    For example the Pats figured out way before Fox ever thought of the fact Tebow's blind side is actually his LEFT side, not his right, with him being a left handed thrower. So the Pats sent their best rusher through the right tackle which is what blew the game open for them the first time by forcing a fumble.

    That's going to cause some issues when you decide to switch a right handed and left handed quarterback. It's easily exploitable if your offensive line does not adjust.

    Then again maybe they are considering moving their left tackle over to the right side, in which case both the RT issue and LT issue solved, with a left handed QB. But that would also mean designing your offense for Tebow...

    Also, rushing QB's can have a positive effect on an offensive line. See Carolina's terrible offense in 2010 versus 2011. Night and day. They didn't change linemen, they changed to the spread option, with a rushing QB, who can take a lot of pressure of himself by his ability to rush and avoid a sack.

    Food for thought. Just my two cents.
    #15 whichfan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I really hate our fans sometimes
  17. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    What U posted is EXACTLY why we have been losers since the end of the 68 deason :sad:
  18. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    and on top of all of that, we still have no depth at critical positions and sadly, no up and comers either. That's what happens when late round DP's aren't viewed as anything more than bargaining chips. Certainly makes draft day easier when you never plan to use all your picks. Draft 1-3, trade 4-7. Wash and repeat.
  19. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    4th and 6th round draft picks are worthless. Just ask Tom Brady.

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