I said a UDFA would take his roster spot, not replace his production. The Jets are apparently very high on Muaga. plus they reportedly like Jameel Mcclain quite a bit. If Bart is traded, I would bet Mcclain is brought in to replace him.
ANother brilliant move by Tanny. God, we need to stop with the win it now mentality and BUILD a team.
No one will pick up this contract and he doesn't seem like the type of guy who would shred it up for another team. Personally I believe no one wants him and if that's the case and keeping him doesn't mean incurring any other charges; I say make him play !
You know. One of these Two-For-One deal you can find in any local grocery store. You get two aged backups for one of the starter. Deal?
that's fucking stupid. you can't spend more money, you can only spend how much you have under the cap and that amount is the same whether you have to replace 10 players or 11 if you cut him. the money spent means they have $4million less to spend but one extra position that has to be replaced. that means they have less money to spend in free agency because it has to be split more ways. sadly, I have to spell it out for you. let's just make up numbers. let's say they have $10 million available but only 10 position to fill. they have more money to spend per position. if they cut Scott they have 11 positions to fill with the same $10 million. now you have to be ever more diligent who you sign and for what because it means you have less money to spend on the rest.
Scott was upset with his diminished role. I think the shopping him lets him see that no one else sees him as a major player. He may then be more likely to accept his newer role or is motivated to prove everyone wrong. If Scott on the bench is disruptive to the team I could see a trade where we find a team with cap room and trade him and a mid round pick and get a lower pick. In essence bribe the other team with a pick for the cap relief.
What games were you watching last year? "CAN'T WAIT TO TACKLE YOU TEN YARDS DOWN FIELD" is a cancer...
Cutting Bart would be a huge mistake regardless of his play. He will probably be better than any rookie we draft to replace him, might as well draft the rookie and groom him for a year under Bart. Releasing him results in a cap hit greater than his salary by $1.25 mil.
We might be able to get Tebow for Pace/Scott. We could dump salary, and get the highest paid fullback in the league in return.
This is blasphemy! Bart Scott IS the Rex Ryan era Jets. I don't care how much he sucks. That speech after the Patriots game in the playoffs was the best post-game interview ever. You guys should watch his interview later on in the locker room after that game. Also hilarious.
What happened to all the big mouths who said the rest of us didn't know what we were talking about when we said Scott wasn't that good? Where are all these intangibles that don't show up in the boxscore now? Thought so.
Trade him for Pat Angerer in Indy! Angerer is amazing, but I would not mind Bellore at all. Bart has played not very well since 2010. I remember in the 2010 season opener at least three times where Ray Rice just plowed him.
This is a real possibility. Scott was brought in specifically to be one of Rex's point men on the field and in the locker room. Obviously he wasn't all that good on the field last season and the locker room went boom at the end of the year. I can see Rex and Tannenbaum asking themselves exactly what Scott brings to the table in that situation.
Promote him from Inside Linebacker to Team Spokesman. First to speak at every press conference. Every postgame interview. Occasionally have him drop in on the CBS and FOX television crews...