NFLPA Trying to increase 2012 Cap

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jets2884, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    True to a point.

    But the concept remains.

    Players would still play for less than half of what they currently play for.

    Owners would still 'own' for less than half of the $billions they currently 'own' for.

    Perhaps we need a higher authority to slash the cost of sporting events in half.
  2. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    Cmon guys you are all fantasizing again. I know the original post says that the NFLPA is TRYING to get the cap higher. It also says that it might not be possible. The biggest obstacle to get it higher are current revenue, of which the players only get 47%, this year, instead of the 50% in the past. Plus $110MM of revenue that would have gone into the cap is now going to performance bonuses that will be handed out at the end of the season. Plus the increased costs of health and pension benefits are also weighing on increasing the cap.

    Face it the NFLPA is just trying to save face with this ploy and the league might just let them save some face, but I'd wager it would be for $1MM or less.
  3. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Did you not read what they are doing ?

    The players get a flat 47% no matter what. That 47% is split between salary and benefits. They are trying to reduce the costs of benefits, so that salaries get increased, thus raising the salary cap so that players feel better about the new deal.

    So instead of a player earning 10 million in salary and 2 million in benefits, he can now earn 11 million in salary and 1 million in benefits.

    Eitherway thats what this plan is, it wont be gamebreaking, but it could be something to help smooth things over until the new tv deal
  4. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Relax, he's a pats fan. No way does he want the cap to increase because it helps the Jets more than any other team in the afce. And if the cap does increase by any more than 2 mil it'll be because our former intern is running the league. I still expect us to have at least another 5 mil in space after more restructures are done, so regardless if the cap increase I expect the jets to have around 12 mil in space when all is said and done.
  5. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    292's a question of what the market will bear. The NFL is out to maximize profit by charging fans as much as they can for seats, merchandise, vending, t.v. etc. Then, they give away as little as they can of the profit to the players. Unfortunately the whole game is the players so they have to give them a decent percentage compared to the pittances in some other monopolistic markets.

    The players money is taken as a percentage of the owner's profit. Good luck convincing owners to take smaller profit for themselves to make players salaries drop. I'm sure they'd be all for you getting the players to take a smaller cut of the pie though so they can keep more profit for themselves.
  6. bibigon

    bibigon Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    I don't think this is the case by the way. You'd see more top athletes going into the NBA, MLB, or Soccer. The linemen perhaps couldn't make the adjustment, but given the beating they take, some of them might try for normal careers instead.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's simple supply and demand. The owners charge what they can get for tickets. The players charge the owners what they can get for playing.

    As long as people will pay the prices the owners are charging everything works. If people stop paying those prices then ticket prices will come down.

    You think of it as the players are making X dollars and that causes ticket prices to be X + Y. In fact it is the other way around. The owners are making X dollars and that causes salaries to be X * .47 (well salaries and benefits.)

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