After reading about Sanchez working with Pennington to get up to speed on Sparano's offense I got to thinking ... We should try to talk Pennington into coming back as a backup for one more year. I would hate to have to rely on him for an extended period of time given his extreme injury proneness, but for a game or two he'd be a fine game manager. Most backups would suck for an extended period of time anyway. If the unfortunate circumstance did arise where he was required for an extended period of time and by some miracle he was able to stay healthy, he's proven a capable NFL starter. If that situation arose and he didn't stay healthy, at least he would have been here to help McElroy get up to speed. Think about it, this guy is smart as hell, probably knows the offense like the back of his hand and is absolutely a team first guy. He'd be more than willing to work with Sanchez and even McElroy (CP light) to help get them up to speed. He'd also be much cheaper than other options. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have another positive locker room guy around either. I realize some people want someone who can "push" Sanchez, but I really don't think that's something we need. And to be honest, it's going to cost too much for someone of that quality. We either need to replace him, or get a backup IMO. I think it would make a lot of sense. He'd be a better backup than Brunell for the simple fact that he knows the offense so well.
I thinkk the reason Pennington isnt playing is because hes smart and knows what injuries are doing to his body This guy has a pretty crazy record with injuries, and I cant imagine this being worthwhile for him. Dont get me wrong if he was healthy hed be one of if not the best backups in the league, but this guys like the Bob Sanders of QBs
Which is why we'd have to talk him into it. No one is going to argue with you about him being injury prone as fuck, but hopefully we don't need our backup QB for any extended period of time anyway.
Don't know if he has anything left as his arm is probably hanging by a string But I'd love for him to come back as an offensive assistant or QB coach
I doubt that Pennington is interested in coming back to the Jets as a backup after the way that he left. Just a hunch. People aren't going to like my suggestion for backup QB, but I think that we should bring in Brady Quinn.
I'm sure he's smart enough to understand it's a business. I doubt that has any impact on his decision. IMO it would be all about whether the Jets could convince him that he could physically do it.
Well apparently he was contemplating coming back this year. This isnt exactly new (February 7th) but interesting Per rotoworld
He wouldn't be any different than Brunell is to Sanchez, who the Jets aren't bringing back. A teacher who won't push Sanchez or put fear into him. Sanchez never feared losing his job to Brunell, no matter how many 1st team reps he got.
If Pennington was willing to come back as a 3rd string, I'd pull the trigger. 2 reasons. 1. I think given an honest tryout Mcelroy would give Sanchez a run for his money.That's not to say he's anywhere near as talented as Sanchez, but rather he just comes in & runs the offense, mistake free. If the primary option isn't there, throw to the check down.Takes shots within the 30.shorten the field. He is in fact, a mirror image of Chad Pennington.And I'm not sure the 03-04 versions of Pennington wouldn't have won a championship with this offensive group & defense. 2. He would essentially push the #1 and #2 Qbs. He'd know the offense like the back of his hand while bringing an extremely strong locker room presence. You wanna send a message to Sanchez? Face him with smart system runners, one young & hungry, one a well respected veteran. Certainly Pennington isn't gonna bring much value as a potential starter..but make no mistake about it,he will have that locker room & QB meeting room in order. It THAT doesn't make Mark cut down on the turnovers and choose his big plays more wisely, than he isn't a good fit for this team.
He needs someone to push him, Chad won't do that. While it wouldn't be a competition for the #1 spot, someone that can actually compete would do Sanchez some good. Fear was a poor choice of words on my part as I didn't mean literal fear, but Sanchez was never gonna be usurped by Brunell. The Jets have already done the mentor backup, it's now time for a younger, more talented option that can serve as a viable backup AND take Sanchez's place if he were to falter. If a perfect world, someone like Henne or Quinn would give Sanchez some healthy competition to make himself better with them never seeing the field.
The last thing we need is another glorified coach/mentor at #2 QB. Give me a break, it's the kids fourth year. Hire him as a consultant if you want. Fly him in for weekly conferences...shit put him as a full time staff member if you must. But for God's sake don't make him be the guy who's number we're planning to call if Mark goes down. It's bad if he has to go in the game. It's bad if Sanchez knows that the #2 can't go in the game. It's just bad. Do you have any recollection how sad it was to watch Chad warming up on one side of the field with the opposing starting QB on the other? Chad's like shooting a jump shot to get the ball to fly more than 30 yards down field and the ball hits the upper deck to get there. Opposing QB zips it to his spot 45 yards away barely flinching. That was years and injuries ago besides. You really want that again? Really?
Sign him for the vet minimum and put him on IR. Or, just have him as an inactive every game unless we really need him. Isn't that kind of what Houston did with Garcia late this year? The guy was basically there to be a QB coach.
I second that. I know that Chad Pennington is leaning towards retirement due to multiple injuries throughout the career, so there is no way Pennington will return as a QB. I would love to see Pennington back as a member of the coaching staff.