17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Do you know when they are shipping them out though?
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    No sorry I don't
    But I did just received a survey email. Only question is do I fill it out sober or not?
  3. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    What was it on?
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I am curious as to what was on it as well ? Was it the same survey they sent out asking you how much $$$$$$$ you would like to spend on a bottle of wine :grin:
  5. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    the jets are thinking about a youth football clinic.
    another way to seperate me from my $$$
    fuck you
    i really am not in anyway happy with this organization
  6. JLJets

    JLJets New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Calling it quits after 28 years

    I am a STH of 28 years. Since we moved to the new stadium, I've been completely dissatisfied with the stadium and the Jets lack of effort to make my game experience any better. On Feb 21, I sent a letter to the Jets indicating my dissatisfaction, telling them I am considering not renewing my tickets and asked if they had any plans to fix some of the problems.

    Yes, many things can't be fixed, (like the distance from the UL) but many can. Of the dozen or so concerns I have with the stadium, several can be corrected, such as 1) Too many opposing fans at our games (since we don't sell out); 2) Price of my tickets went up over 50% in one year; 3) Two preseason games cost me $1500 for tickets no one wants, to see college players; 4) Access to the men's rooms in the UL are far worse than the old stadium (they said they would fix this but didn't); I'm getting older and can not transfer my tickets to my kids and grand kids; and 5) parking class system.

    I chose the UL even though I had the ability to buy a PSL, because I liked my UL seats in the old stadium. Thank God I didn't, as I would really be stuck now. I sit in UL Prime, very near the 50, with four seats in row 10 and two more behind that.

    In that letter I sent ten days ago, I gave them the opportunity to give me an indication some of these things are being addressed. I have received zero response. I expected as much, but I'm still disappointed.

    I expect they really don't care about me leaving. Since my tickets are near the 50 yard line, they'll sell quickly. It wouldn't make sense to let an end zone STH move up, as they'd have trouble selling his seats. So, I expect they'll sell mine outright, contrary to what the sales reps are saying.

    I haven't given them formal notice yet. I had to contact them because of the ACH withdrawal would have kicked in. Now, I have till April 1 to pay in full, so I'll make my final decision by then. But I'm 95% locked on this. The rep asked if I would share why I might give them up. After I was 5-6 reasons into the dozen I documented, she cut me off, saying thanks.

    I'll always be an avid fan. I just expected much more out of the new stadium and very disappointed they're not making any effort to fix some of the things that are still fixable.
  7. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Between the Jets and Mets you are being gang-banged on all ends.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I have returned from several days in NC and am saddened by such a post title upon return to this board.

    But posts such as this have been expected, haven't they? Here's a guy in UD Prime Row 10 (decented seats) and knows the stadium can't be altered very much, but the least they could do to retain STHers is to soften the blow.

    Like the Preseason nonsense. Like the Parking Lot Class Warfare. Like how about offering lower pricing to OUR fans so that the UD doesn't sell out to opposing assholes on Game Day. And like what about the ongoing Men's Room jousting contests at doorways, unlike the old "In-Out" systen at Giants Stadium. Pile on the escalator idiocy.

    This guy has every right to bitch. But do they send him a reply?.............

    Hahahahahaha...aaah ...hhhhahahahahahhaa.....haahahahhhhhaaaaaaaaa....
  9. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    i honestnot do not know what the Jets are thinking ?I mean does this guy deserve an e mail /phone call /reply ? Yes -----but in my dealings with them, they claim to care and not want to lose me ,,,,,but the end result was they lost me . Maybe after April 1 st he will get a reply but maybe by then he is gone-----then again do they care ?
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This behavior is SO corporate America now and I don't know what it will take to change the culture (or if it's even possible to change the culture).

    Large companies (and the bigger the worse) all claim to give a shit about the customer, yet their actions are a complete reversal. Bank of America wants to "hear from it's loyal customers," yet if you complain about their cockamamie "maintanance fees," your opinion goes unanswered.

    My insurance company wants to know if I will answer a "short survey" upon completing my business on the phone with their rep, but does anyone really freaking bother to look at the damned thing? And why can't the rep answer my concerns right then and there? Why do I have to fill out their survey? Because their in-house PR asshole says it's what everyone else is doing right now?

    The Jets themselves sent out surveys long ago, prior to the building of this monstrosity, the ones in which you could give them your opinions about what was important to you as a STHer. So I told them I need good sightlines and want good field vision and I don't need amenities. I couldn't have been alone in those opinions, but did anyone give a shit about the "survey" results, or did they just go ahead and do what they were going to do anyway?

    It makes you wonder... what is the purpose of these surveys and questionaires? And why do they even have a PR or "customer satisfaction" department? It's probably because some a-hole with an advanced marketing degree tells them that "customer satisfaction" take on many forms and that just allowing the customer to vent is almost all you need to do. It's not important that you truly satisfy them or even contact them, but just let them fill out fucking surveys and that will suffice to let them vent. Unreal.
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Do not start the croc tears for that guy yet since he said he is only 95% sure that means his love will take over & in the end he will reup

    As for surveys etc these are BILLION dollar companies as is the NYJs & there humble opinion is that if they lose you they will get someone else to replace you

    I found that out last year when we took a cruise on Royal Carib & they abused us & when we complained they DID NOTHING & have not even recontacted us asking why we have not booked another cruise with them :sad:
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This is, of course, what they are counting on. And in the past, they could count on it heavily.

    I'm not so sure now. In the past you looked at all the money you were spending and yes, we had all those losing seasons, but you still mailed in your check. Going there was a terrific experience and the views were great and it was all worthwhile, even though the Jets would lose and you spent all that money.

    Now, things are a little different. The stadium is a hassle, the parking is not as convenient and the prices are through the roof. The traffic, the tolls, the mandatory prepaid parking, the mandated Preseasons, the uncovered seating, the escalator and men's room nonsense and just the sheer audacity of the way many were treated leaves a really ugly taste in most peoples' mouths now.

    In contrast, 50"-60" HDTVs put you right on the field but in the comfort of your own living room without spending a dime on gas or tolls. No wasting the entire day, you watch the games for free, meaningless Preseason games can be turned off and you're not eating tickets to 4 games if the Jets go 3-9.

    So I think the KJets have less leverage now then they ever did... I truly believe that. They had us by the emotional balls before, but not so today. I think guys are realizing they can separate their love of the Jets football team from the Jets' Front Office and Woody Johnson. You can still root for the Jets and not feel like that means that you have to put your nuts in Woody's potato ricer. This is why guys like this are bailing and for good reason. They've fucking had it. Enough is enough with them.
  13. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    227, I take it you will not be renewing your seats next season and giving them up?
  14. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    none of them care if you even bother to go. as long as they get their 100 billion or whatever they are going to get tv deal they are happy. and they will get it and we will hear about how the nfl is more popular today than it ever has been even though half the stadiums dont sell out. then 4 years from now they will all cry about how broke they are.
  15. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    The NFL will never be broke!! Name a sport you would rather watch more of?
  16. JLJets

    JLJets New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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  17. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well paying for pre season goes back to BP days so I would think that bitch should be taken out of the equation now since it has been in effect for almost 20 years now

    Well as U know I have not attended a game in the new stadium so I cannot speak about the hassle/restrooms/parking etc, etc, etc

    I certainly think the onset of HDTV with big screens should be taken into account by the NYJs but I guess they blew off that option also

    We are trying to improve our seats to move more towards the middle of the field & if they do not assist us then maybe it is time for me to also depart since there is no benefit either my son or I to stay as STHers except the fact that I have had them since 65.

    You may remember that excluding the design of the stadium all that is said here was fore warn by some very forward posters some years before this all came to pass

    Since UDers like you & I no longer have the SB benefit why do U continue to piss yourself off by taking the tix year after year rather then just stay at home & watch it on the big screen HDTV. For sure that should lower your blood pressure & instead of being POed about how U were treated why not complain about the inept, bumbling/stumbing losing organization that is the NYJs ?
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I'm on the fence.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Heh-heh... you're a pretty funny guy LOL. Actually, I don't piss myself off by taking the tickets year after year as long as they give me an upgrade every year. This way I feel like I'm getting something back... payback or whatever. I feel like the reps fucked with me pretty good and now I get a chance to fuck with them. So I'm not pissing myself off but rather more like pissing on them. They uprooted me and charged me more for shittier seats, so now I want those better views back again at the same price.

    As far as your concern about my health, I sincerely appreciate your interest in my blood pressure. But it just so happens that I am pretty close to 120 over 80 whenever I get it checked, so that's pretty good for an old asshole like myself, LOL. And actually, it LOWERS my blood pressure to rant on and on about these dickheads, I get to publicly vent and relieve myself while hopefully helping others who don't know what a complete jerkoff Woody is, so that they can possible avoid getting their nuts in Woody's Potato Ricer.
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Sad but true. 10 years from now you'll eventually see "virtual stadiums" on TV... fake full-stadium scenery superimposed and blended into the background for television production (much like photoshop), where all you will see is a full stadium packed with fans of that home stadium.

    And the cheers and noise will be audibly overlapped, giving the illusion of a lively home crowd... lots of animation and hoopla in the background. Hell, they have this already in the football video games, but you can tell it's not quite real. Give the geeks 10 years and they'll have the audience looking exactly as it would in real life... a complete virtual stadium with programmable crowd reaction and attendance. By then they'll realize they don't even need parking lots... who needs all that expense for security and vendors and parking lot attendants and cleanup, etc. Let them do us a favor and NOT attend these games. Why do we need real fans there anyway? All they do is complain about the elevators.

    So yeah, real asses in real seats are becoming less and less important. There will be no such thing as home field advantage because years from now they'll just pipe in 3rd down noise. Eventually the commisioner will rule this "unsportsmanlike" and the loudspeakers will no longer pipe it in and the bookies will no longer give 3 points for Home Field.

    The entire NFL experience will become a video game with no need to even sell tickets anymore. The hell with these STHers. Who needs them?

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