17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Somebody is selling two 2012 season tickets in section 143 row 10 on EBay and they are only at $800 with a day or so to go.
  2. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Nah sorry respectfully disagree since with the NYJs looking at the least several non PO years in front of them I think the UDers will be deserting there STs in droves. This is way, way, way beyond the good old days when a STHer had some status :sad:
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The fanbase has become much more fickle now. Don't forget that many of the old timers are gone... the ones (like myself and others) who rode out season after losing season and still paid the bill on time regardless. We were in it for the "long haul," willing to spend the money and go to the games with maybe just a glimmer of hope to go by.

    But much of that old guard is gone now... gone for many reasons, most of which was the passed-on expense of building the new stadium but more specifically, the incredibly demeaning behavior and schlocky tactics of the Ticket Office and their "representatives."

    So these guys have been replaced for the most part. The only problem for the Jets is, today's replacement is a 2nd-3rd generation "win now," this-better-be-the-year type fan. Instant gratification. Put themselves on the hook but good with the PSL, but did so because this was going to be a sure thing. Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez will get it done.

    Now we finish 8-8, an almost acceptable year for some of the old timers who remember far worse and use that as a comparison. But the new generation who shelled out major bucks to see results now are fuming. They were positive their "investment" would pay off. Many feel duped that they had to commit for so long and now, maybe, we could have years of mediocrity.

    Mediocrity won't cut it with today's replacement Jets fan. The pot is going to boil over. We're not only talking about defections in the Upper Deck Wastelands, we're talking about young people on the hook tryig to pay off ridiculous student loans and car payments and now their girlfriend wants to get married and they have to buy a ring and then maybe she'll want a home and then maybe some kids come along and all the while, I'm saddled with paying off a fucking PSL payment and also obligated to these high ticket prices and Preseasons too, and now we're going to have to go to games and watch mediodrity?

    "Come on. This ain't cutting it. The hell with this. I want out."
  4. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Makes me sick thinking about paying my jet invoice after the season we just had, but I will. Just looking forward to baseball and ignoring the Jets excpet for this site. I need a break from them, they suck right now. I don't think now is the time to decide on the Jets
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's a tough call. I've been paying this invoice every year since 1985. I wish I could say different, but I've never been on the fence about paying it as I am this time.
  6. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Just amazing the differences between how we feel and how Giants fans feel about the same seats, similar pricing. I believe they'd feel that way regardless of their recent VLT. Is it only because they trust ownership more? Can that really be it? I'd have to think I'd feel just as dissatisfied with this stadium upper deck, Jet fan or Giant fan. Giants fans apparently still feel privileged for the right to be inside the place - no matter where they sit. I guess for us, its just worn off VERY fast.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Same here.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Excellent point. I don't know much about how the Giants handled the process or more specifically, how they handled the longevity/seniority issues with their very loyal fanbase. It also didn't hurt that they had a very long Waitlist and I'm not sure if they charged $50 a year like the Jets did for many years either.

    So I am only guessing that there must have been a difference in the way they went about it. I only know from our side... the way we were handled... which was like the way Michael Vick handled his puppies as he was throwing them against chain-link fences for the fun of it.

    I've never heard much grumblings from Giants fans as to the process they used. I can only assume that is was quite orderly and fair given that we don't hear much about it.

    I do know one Giants fan who paid his $4,000 for his 4 seats in the Uppers, and he is around Section 335 or so, but in the very last row! You believe it? And he doesn't bitch about it! $4,000 and he knows he can't move, is locked in and obligated for Presasons for the rest of his life. Un-freaking-believable.
  9. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Decided to screw around with a Jets ticket rep online just now. Basically new subscribers will get better seats than us.

    Brian A.: [4:34:26 PM] Welcome to the New York Jets online chat. How can I help you today?
    Tony Jones: [4:34:26 PM] I was wondering if you had any upper deck seats available for next season
    Brian A.: [4:34:37 PM] Hi Tony, good afternoon
    Tony Jones: [4:34:50 PM] hello.
    [4:35:15 PM] i was wondering if you had any upper deck seats available for next season
    Brian A.: [4:35:54 PM] yes we do, are you currently a season ticket holders
    Tony Jones: [4:36:29 PM] no i am not currently. what locations do you have avialble
    Brian A.: [4:36:51 PM] the majority of the availability is in either the endzone or sideline price level
    [4:37:06 PM] Upper Prime has a few spots available in the top of the section
    [4:37:30 PM] was there a section or something in particular you would be looking for?
    Tony Jones: [4:37:35 PM] what do you have in the corner end zone in a low row?
    [4:38:05 PM] preferrably near lot L since i have friends who tailgate in that area
    Brian A.: [4:38:37 PM] ok, let me look through the availability...just give me one minute
    Tony Jones: [4:39:06 PM] ok
    Brian A.: [4:40:14 PM] how many seats would you be interested in??
    [4:40:32 PM] sorry for the excessive ?, typo
    Tony Jones: [4:41:14 PM] no biggie i make those all the time. i'd like 3 to bring my 2 sons
    Brian A.: [4:42:15 PM] ok...one thing to keep in mind with the endzone 300 level, it actually starts with row 5
    [4:42:42 PM] and you typically enter through the pepsi gate?
    Tony Jones: [4:43:00 PM] yes i believe that's the one by lot L?
    Brian A.: [4:43:16 PM] yes, just double checking
    [4:44:08 PM] there are seats in the corner endzone in section 347 in row 13
    [4:44:16 PM] so a true row 8
    Tony Jones: [4:44:39 PM] do you have anything in a lower row at all?
    Brian A.: [4:46:53 PM] in section 349 (so a little more behind the endzone) there is a row 8 with 3 seats avaialable
    [4:47:50 PM] thats actually a row 4 in that section...really in any of the 300 level, seats are sold out until row 13-14 in the endzones and closer to row 18 or so for the sideline sections
    [4:48:02 PM] a row 8 is really tough to come across in the endzone though
    Tony Jones: [4:48:16 PM] i'll try back again in a few weeks. thanks for all your help
    Brian A.: [4:49:04 PM] take my number if you have any questions
    [4:49:12 PM] 973-549-4883
    Tony Jones: [4:49:17 PM] ok thank you
    Brian A.: [4:49:23 PM] Just to give you a heads up on our process right now though
    [4:49:56 PM] we are currently going through our renewals....current season ticket holders will have an opportunity to upgrade into any available seats...and if any seats open up they will be given first access
    [4:50:35 PM] To reserve seats right now, you would place a $200 deposit per seat and then can be part of that upgrade process as well
    Tony Jones: [4:50:37 PM] ok thanks for the heads up
    Brian A.: [4:50:54 PM] feel free to check on availability with at anytime

    duration 16:38

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Of course they offer the newbies the best available to lure them in. They already have us what do they care? I was bumped back and im still pissed about it. Part of the reason im considering packing it in that and the upper deck seats suck.
  11. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Am I reading this wrong? That's not what it means.

    This means current season ticket holders will get the best available seats if they ask for them.
  12. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Yes but other people right now can just come by and pick up whatever tickets are currently unsold. For example if I am a current season ticket holder and wanted those 349 row 8 seats I couldn't grab them currently. However someone who calls up and is a newbie can have them.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    What else is fucking new?

    We already knew this. Come on guys, get with the fucking program and realize we're the targets. I'm telling you this is fucking out of hand.
  14. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    While me and the wifey are PSL holders this is the exact reason why we ended up taking the seats.

    The amount of BS that is being dealt to the UD is absolutley ridiculous.
    I prefer to sit upstairs and wanted 20 yd line or closer to midfield within the 1st 5 rows and when our names were called it wasn't even close!

    asa that happened I knew the UD was going to be a fuk fest so I decided to pay for a PSL and not have to deal with the idiots running the program.

    Yes, we got a BOGO free but we aren't unscathed.
    When we bought them, we were originally given the "PSL Only" Yellow pkg lots and in the 1st season they were absolutely awesome.
    Now, they sell them to any joe and we can't even get a spot in our original 'D' lot without showing up 5 hrs early!

    I'm sorry, but getting home early in the am sometimes I can't get to the stadium @ 8am.
    This was one slap in the face to PSL owners but I must say the amount of BS you guys have had to deal with is insane.
  15. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Here is my advice if you do indeed wish to stay upstairs and want an upgrade. Call up one of these clowns and get yourself in a location that you actually would want,,,one of these better sections being offered to NEWBIES. Once you get your new seats just cancel the old ones or NEVER PAY THE INVOICE.

    I got sick of the BS and lies and believe me there are many lies that the reps will tell you ,,,I have heard almost all of them----------and I happily canceled my season tickets and never looked back once with a regret.

    Good luck to all you guys staying and trying to upgrade.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I've been asking you for years... PLEASE ditch the extra small green font and PLEASE join us in the regular full-sized black font here. Your posts are very good but hard to read and therefore sometimes not replied to. I can't be alone.

    My previous requests go unanswered. Can you at least reply to this one this time and either change your smallish font or tell me to go fuck myself? I'll accept go fuck myself but that's better than trying to read your infantesimal font. Thanks very much in advance for your reply.

    I've always liked the substance of your posts, BTW.
  17. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    This is best way and does work! Given them your kids name or wifes name. I did this with my psl. I had row 20 sec 126 was pissed that i could be closer and called for months with my moms maiden name and boom got section 124 row 7 aisle. I am still stuck with row 20 but i love my row 7 on the aisle and amazing resale if i can not go!
  18. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    By not charging any PSL for the UD seats, the Jets thought that they were doing fans on a budget a favor. Unfortunately, they created a nightmare for themselves:
    1) Because there are no PSL's, giving up your UD seat is no big deal and the Jets are forced to resell them.
    2) If good seats open up, selling them to a current STHs means they gradually end up with crappier and crappier seats to sell.

    For the Giants STH, you paid a PSL and you are stuck with it. If you didn't like the deal on the frontside, there is no use whining about it.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Ever been to the last row in the upper deck in the new stadium? I have.

    Bring a parachute and an oxygen tank. Enjoy the game!
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Never been there, but if they allow Hubble Space Telescopes through Security, I'm sure you could at least pick out which team has the ball.

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