Cleaning up this year's mess

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LAJet, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    OK TGG members, this condition is really starting to get to me and I fear it is much deeper that what some of us are seeing. Right or wrong LT is bringing forward some major issues that need to be corrected ASAP.
    No doubt winning hides many problems in the locker room, and masks a sense of unity and focus that appears to exist when things are good, but they are serious problems nonetheless that left unattended will kill a team. The moment things go south the malcontents will rise again and sabotage the ship. So who is responsible, who for God’s sake is in charge of the NYJ ship.

    1) As I said it on another thread it starts with the leadership and with the captain of the ship. So Rex and Tanny, get your act together now, stop the tough talk and actually act tough when the problem is in your own locker room. That situation should not have been tolerated from day one. I am tired to portray the tough “we back down for no team” image when in fact the biggest problem is in our own house. How tough can one be when it cannot handle his own internal problems?
    2) Mr. Johnson, it is time to send the message as the owner of the ship. “Fix this vessel now before its starts sinking or I will get a captain that can. Every swinging dick on this team will follow the team vision or will not be on board when the season starts”
    3) This mind set should not wait till April. Having a great draft will be for not if we do not fix the moral of the team and clear house of those that will continuously sabotage it. Soon the new players will be fractioned by this mess and wasting time taking sides instead of making the team better.
    4) The Captain better be sitting with the team and set the record straight. Then with Sanchez and Tone and whoever else and make it abundantly clear what the expectations are. For Sanchez the message is clear “You are young and hard working but the honeymoon is over and you will need to improve significantly next year” Then lay out clear, no shit expectations and give him the schemes, supporting cast and confidence to succeed. Don’t help make his job harder than what it already is.
    5) Stop signing contracts with selfish super stars that are neither leaders nor team first players.
    6) The Jets organization and loyal fans deserve better than just tough talk.

    Sorry guys for my venting
  2. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    nice job good post .
  3. jets12

    jets12 Active Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Woody, you need to make changes for the fans

    I have been a Jets fan since 1965 and after reading what LT had to say I now feel that I may never see another Super Bowl unless drastic changes are made. I know I am going to get roasted by all the fans that unfortunely are willing to make excuses for everything and think that our fortunes will change when we wake up tomorrow. However, I could care less about that and I feel that I am speaking for a majority of the Jets fans when I bring up the following points and as a result of these, ask that Woody goes out tomorrow and appoints someone like Bill Polian as head of football operations, make him bring in a bright young GM and an up and coming coach like Tom Clemens or Pete Carmichael and have that person build a staff of seasoned coaches who don't have desire to be a head coach but are great teachers so we will have continuity.

    1) Tannebaum is in way over his head as a GM and we don't need an accountant as GM we need a personnel guy. How could he give a 5 year, $45MM contract to a thug like Holmes. What kind of GM has $9MM left in his cap and does not even go out and get a decent back-up QB to light a fire under his prima donna QB who is more concerned with GQ covers and making commercials.

    2) Rex needs to go because he made this team a joke and hated by everyone. His act is old and tired and there is nothing worse than a person who talks a good game and does not even have the ability to control his own team. He is nothing more than a great DC but does not have the long term leadership ability to be the guy.

    3) Rex and Tanny have to be held accountable for treating Sanchez as a prima donna. Sanchez is soft and we have seen the best he has to offer. They also need to be held accountable for what took place in that locker room and not having either the balls or leadership to correct it and save the season.

    4) They both also need to be held accountable for keeping Shottenheimer when everyone knows he was not a good coach. I don't want to hear how many hours the guy puts in. To make matters worse they gave him a new contract when they did not have to and knew they were making a mistake because they did not release that news for 11 months. That is where you have to question their judgement.

    5) A great head coach cannot be best friends with all his players and be lax with all the rules. One of the most important things that a team needs is discipline and leadership and we had neither and will not until these changes are made.

    6) Woody, you cannot turn your check and think things are going to get better because now you have subjected the fans to being the laughingstock of all fans. You need to blow this up and bring in the right people to build something that will make Jets fans proud instead of embarrassed by the actions of both the team and the organization.
  4. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I don't think things are as bad as the media is making it seem. This team is still stacked with talent and should fill some holes this offseason. I think Rex is the right guy for the job and will right the ship.
  5. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    I think that if things are this bad, a message needs to be sent. The way to do that is to fire Tanny.

    He has a spotty record in talent evaluation, and assembled this team. Rex gets another year, but changes have to start at the top, and that means a new GM.

    I happen to know of one that is available, who has ties to a certain qb that might become available in about 45 days, and who should be brought in to replace Tanny..
  6. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Polian hit gold with 2 high draft picks spent on QBs.

    He did nothing to fortify the Colts in the event Peyton went down.

    Furthermore you want Tannenbaum fired for Holmes' contract. What about the Peyton contract Polian offered? That is 10X worse damage than Holmes' contract.
  7. jets12

    jets12 Active Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    I totally agree with you.
  8. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Polian did a horrible job in Indy. He landed Manning, look at his team without Manning. Its horrible, all this star players like Jeff Saturday, Reggie Wayne, Garcon, Collie, Clark that looked oh so good when Peyton was around, looked medicore when they didnt have a G.O.A.T. Qb throwing to them.

    I dont want Polian, unless he plans to bring Manning in here.
  9. jets12

    jets12 Active Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    The guy drafted late every year and always came up with 5 to 7 players from each draft and had his team competitive every year.
  10. Jets Dan

    Jets Dan New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Favorable schedule next year, gents. I see us in the playoffs. But I don't see how deep-sixing our wide-receiver corp as being especially helpful, esp. with a QB who still has a lot of regular-season development to undertake.

    S. Greene will get 1250 rushing yards next season.

    Holmes, get your head outta your arse and act like a man and a professional. Keller, reintroduce yourself to your hands. And may the O line get everything it and Sanchez needs.

  11. ScottFrost

    ScottFrost Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    "stacked with talent"...please tell me where...our D line is weak, our linebackers are thin, our O line has huge holes, our QB is shaky, after Leonard, the safeties could not start for any other team, Cromartie is hit or miss, Kyle Wilson is a f*^%'in bust, our kicker misses 20 yard field goals in big spots, even our special teams can't hold on to the ball...the last few years of bad draft picks are catching up....Any time the Jets played a good team ,they got blown out, The Raiders, Ravens,Pats, Eagles, Giants punched them in the mouth and they backed off and got blown out...THIS TEAM SUX & HAS NO HEART...
  12. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    That's a great contract Polian gave's fucking Peyton Manning and if they cut him before the beginning of March their dead money is only 4 million more that our hit with Holmes...that was genius.

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