After this week-end's games, does Schotty look better to outsiders? One thing you have to admit, Jets' game plans for play-offs are simple and well-executed. As a result, Sanchez was always at his best then Well, now that Matty Ice and Andy Dalton have shown its not so easy for young QBs to win play-off games, and Mike Mularkey should run and hide after his abominable play-calling today, is it possible that Schotty might be looking better to outsiders? Not saying at all that he should stay, I'm just asking if his chances to be hired away are increasing.
Very interesting point, OP. The fact that Schitty got farther than any other OC with a young QB(especially one with only one year in College) may make him a bit more attractive to other least that's what I'm PRAYING for.
damn near every fanbase outside of green bay, new england and new orleans hates their oc. so i'm waiting for the jets to hire this mythical offensive coordinator, that will call 100% perfect plays for sanchez.
That's not the point. A change is necessary. If a change is only going to come if he's hired away, then I'm hoping he gets hired away. Who we hire and will he help is a different thread.
if Schotty stays he hays to be more imaginative with the offense . All of these 4 yard from the LOS plays allows defenses to cheat up and cornerback to take chances for the big interception because if they miss it the risk is so low since the entire defense is around the play. I think they need to look at what works when they have to play comeback..when they mix it up -- throw over the middle...mix things up and not be so predictable. That being said i still don't see how Schotty comes back next year unless his benching of Holmes won him some respect with the coaching staff and other players.
Sometimes you have to make a change just to shake things up. The Jet offense was stale and has been that way for a few years under Schotty. Things were missing in his gameplan that perhaps could have changed our fortunes. People burn out sometimes or worse yet, get complacent. I have a feeling that Schotty has gotten just a bit too comfortable here and even bringing in Tom Moore didn't really help the situation. Its time for Schotty to go now. 6 years is enough and perhaps a change would do Schotty some good as well as the entire JetFan Nation.
OCs in general are very easy targets for fans. Look at the games this weekend, I can't imagine worst offensive play calls and decisions then the Falcons.
whut?? fuck you! aids fire! ours is the worstest! all u gotta do as OC is coach the fast black mens and then call the play that you didn't call when you called the play that didn't work good! he should "of" done that! /fun
pretty much everybody hates and blames the OC - its the nature of the job. If Schitty takes a new job, we will most likely hate and blame the new OC. It doesn't matter how creative the OC is when the OL continuously fails to block and protect the QB. The game is about who controls the LOS and the Jets failed to do that all season long.
Seems pretty obvious that he isn't getting the Jacksonville job as we haven't heard a word from there since he interviewed on that was the only job I heard associated with him you can probably start preparing for another year. Looks like Fisher will go to the Rams despite the money being offered by Miami...since nobody wants to coach the poor Dolphins maybe we can get they to take Schitty...
I think to anyone who isn't overreactionary and needs a scapegoat they'd understand brian isn't as bad they think.
For years I'd take that approach but, when your team constituted as they are goes for a record for pass attempts in a game they are totally still in, you have to really think it over.... How in the hell did the Jets throw that many times? How in the hell did the Jets not throw the ball down field like they did the year before? I get some of it is situational but, we're talking about Tim Tebow throwing more completions past 40 yards in 1 quarter than Sanchez did ALL SEASON!!!
It's pretty simple, almost every possession we had penatlies forcing us to pass then we were down double digits in the 2nd half. do you think not throwing downfield was a conscience decision by the OC? or did we not have Edwards and not have time for the QB to throw downfield?
I thought this was fairly obvious. Our receivers suck (outside of Kerley) and our OL was terrible. But people can't seem to get past this. Schotty has fallen out of favor with me, but there's no way he could call downfield passes this year.
I assume the OP's question was outsiders compared to Jet fans, or specifically the Jet fans who blame Schotty for everything wrong with the Jets, perhaps even that they had the common cold once in the last twelve months. So of course he looks better outside compared to those people. Is that a real question?
I get the excuses, I live the excuses - But, damn we're talking an ENTIRE SEASON..... Kerley almost has as many deep throws as Sanchez on the year - Tebow in 1 Quarter. It's just mind boggling. And if it all comes down to the Jets not figuring out that they had No One that could go deep and teams would just double Holmes deep and then play tight then that's a pretty bad job all around...... But, on the bright side, things that could get fixed - I've ALWAYS been a Braylon Edwards fan, so I'd love to see him back.
It has to get fixed, I have confidence in this regime. We still have a good, young core of players to build around. I think we'll be ok, things change quickly in this league. One year you are on the doorstep of the SB, the next out of the playoffs and the worst team in the league.
To answer the question of this thread....NO! I think Shotty severly hurt his chances especially during the last three important games for the Jets. I also believe that those "outsiders' are listening to the complaints the Jet fans our making and they are taking notes. The Dolphins received a front row view of Shotty on New Year's and i believe they said nevermined. As for the Jets' was more than just Schotty, but the play-calling was just horrendous. So therefore he is on top of my list of guys who need to go or get their shit together. Here is my list in no particular order: *SHOTTY Must GO! (this is actually - number 1 on my list....random order begins after this one.) *Rex has to start holding guys accountable including himself. For 2 weeks I listened to this man say he was unaware of what was going on with the offence.....Sanchez throwing 65 times and Holmes benching. This is are the damn head-coach. *Tannenbaum....what the hell were you thinking of letting Edwards, B. Smith, Cotchery, Woody go. These guys were all missed this year in more ways than one. *Sanchez...time to man up...actually its been time. Stop all of this hand holding and let the kid play or send him some place else. This combination is obviously not working. *Holmes....while I understand your frustration with the QB and are still a professional and WAS a captain. You are earning millions to catch a football...shut up and do your job. If you can't do your job because of the resources you have a formal meeting with the powers that be instead of making the situation worse by acting like a little schoolgirl! This is from a fed up fan!