lol I know he's not the only one. I know some pats fans like that personally too. Ever since Rex came over they been more preoccupied with the jets and after last year I hear them talk more about jet teams faults than the pats team. you can tell from the pats posters on this board that they are nervous too. even tho they try to hide it by insulting Sanchez
Wayne Hunter actually took Wake to school in the first game. if they were in prison, he would have made Wake his girlfriend.
how can we do a Miracle on the Meadowlands again when we didn't do it the first time? Miracle at the Meadowlands is used to describe the Eagles/Giants playoff game.
Everyone is 0-0 to start the postseason. You shouldn't have any trouble remembering the Pats finishing 0-1 in the postseason the last two years.
As long as the fish have at least one TE, even a TE that's never caught a pass, they can beat us handily
Also, unlike Henne, Moore actually uses his tight end. Fasano isn't flashy or anything, but he's solid. Doesn't drop many passes and can make the acrobatic grab. I actually think if he had a quarterback that used him consistantly he could be a 70 catch guy 8 touchdown guy. He's also a very good blocker. One of the best blocking tight ends in the NFL (according to The only thing I worry about is that Moore tends to throw high at least once a game over the middle, if not more. I just hope a Jet isn't in the area to make a play on it. He's gotten away with it for the most part, but eventually somebody is going to make him pay for it.
See the Pats fans making excuses already. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. I'll take good luck all day long if it wins football games.
Yeah, and there is a big misconception that the Jets are luckiest team ever. Every team has good luck and bad luck and the season is defined on how you handle the bad luck.
yeah count me in as a Pats fan who really doesn't want to see you guys. I mean I don't really want to see any team in the playoffs...even if the Jaguars somehow got in we would find a way to lose at home.
I don't know why you have to take it that far. Cincy will loose, Oakland or Denver as well, my only problem is with titans-texans, I can see t winning that one, but the odds has to be pretty good for the jets to make the playoff. And then you have the sanchez AND HUNTER playoff-transformation and anything can happen.