- Ryan's false bravado act harms Jets more than it helps

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ConcordeChops, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Agreed, we get the public Ryan and people shoot off like they know anything as to what goes on behind the scenes. I saw Ryan talking to Holmes after the first turnover, Ryan said a couple of things to Tone and I know the word 'fuck' was used at least twice, the he walked away and Santonio was just standing there like an admonished child.

    I saw a miked up segment a few days ago where Schotty was in the middle of suggesting a play to Rex and Rex turns to him and yells "Just score a fuckin' TD!"

    Rex isn't all smiles and high 5s. He just wants you to think he is. The guy's father was an 18 year old Sergeant Major in the Korean War, and also the architect of the most aggressive and violent defense in the history of the league; when you learn from a man like that, you don't exactly learn to be a pushover.
  2. BookEndTackles 72&79

    Apr 15, 2005
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    We have reached the point of no return on this season. The time for any talking is done. Missing the playoffs is unacceptable with the talent on this roster. It's not a SB team but it for sure is a playoff team. Rex shoulders some of the blame (not all) for losing games the way they did this year. There is simply too much sloppiness in protecting the football, undisciplined play, wasted timeouts, crucial penalties and recurring mistakes which are not being corrected. Doesn't mean I want him gone but he needs to improve his attention to detail in preparation during the week especially on the offensive side of the ball. Constantly getting behind early in games has to fall on the staff at some point.
  3. Canadajetsfan

    Canadajetsfan New Member

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Is there anybody on the NFL network more irrelevant than Michael Lombardi?? Yeah he has a cool last name but he's an idiot. He would be "skiddish" too with our o line. I for one love having a head coach that stands up and says I don't give a shit ( that's right Tony dungy I said shit), Rex thinks his team is the best and there is nothing wrong with that. Tell d bag Michael Lombardi that if I want to know if I should start Brandon lloyd or Laurent Robinson in my final this week I will call him otherwise keep your mouth shut.
  4. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    I hear you, but im not even sure I'd say its a lack of discipline. it seems like nobody on this roster handles adversity very well. that's why we've seen some big games snowball completely out of control. one or two things begin to crack and suddenly the entire ceiling caves in. other good teams seem to be able to dig in and stabilize the game before its too late. not this team ... and I think it starts from the coaching staff down. they seem to be easily flustered.

    What they are good at is REBOUNDING from adversity, and playing a solid game the following week.

    They're a top level team when the sheet music is right in front of them ... but apparently they can't play Jazz.
  5. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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  6. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Chan Gailey?
  7. portfolio1

    portfolio1 New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Is Ryan the best coach the Jets have had in a LONG time? YES

    Is Ryan doing a great job? NO... but he is doing a decently good job.

    There are talent problems in this team. They start with the O line. You cant have a consistent and dominating running game without a really good line. You cant consistently have a good passing game without a solid O line. There are REAL holes here. It sometimes hurts their running game and OFTEN hurts the passing game. And Sanchez, while decent, is not exceptional. He absolutely needs better work from his line. Even more so because, while the receivers are dangerous, they are inconsistent.

    There are problems on D as well. Nothing grat at safety and not much depth. Not much depth at corner. Inconsistent play at linebacker spots (though I still think Harris remains cornerstone). Unimpressive pass rushers.

    Ryan has a big mouth and while that is good for fans and players who like to pound their chests it is the mindset of a bully. The great ones in most sports usually talk little letting their play speak for them. Still, I can live with Ryans mouth. But it isn't a positive. It just is what it is. And it gets old when someone guarantees something (like a SB victory) ... THREE times.. and never delivers... Eventually it sounds like a used car salesman - or worse.

    Bottom line: NO reason to get rid of Ryan. He is good. But he needs better players. I would like it if he wasnt a big mouth bragging about something he ahs no right to brag about but let that ride...

    Sanchez is another story.. He is OK. In fac tin big games he usually plays strong(er). But he is not good enough to CARRY a team on his shoulders. He is a manager who can make some good plays. The Jets either need to get more talent around him (O and D) or they need to move on to look for an elite QB who can Carry a team. Two ways to go. Both can work.
  8. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Agree with most of what you're saying, but Rex never guaranteed a SB 3 years in a row. This year and last year he did, not the first year.
  9. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    1. if he shuts up now,what is the team going to think? "hey rex doesn't think we're any good"
    2. you can't win with the media.they take anything rex's says and glorifies it into a bigger deal then it is.on the other hand they will bash belichek for giving them nothing in his pressers. really they can all fuck the injuries give me the transciption from the pressers and i will form my own opinion of the coaches and players
  10. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    With an attitude like Rex' he has no choice but to have his team in contention every year.
    As fast as his star rose it will sink if he doesn't produce on the field.
  11. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Exactly. Also I remember hearing about players talking about the halftime speech Rex gave during the Pitt game and how pissed off he was at everyone.

    And did everyone forget about the snack meeting in Hard Knocks? Was that all fun and games?
  12. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Three words for a crap article on that topic... slow... news.. day.

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