In Rex We Trust

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. DeutschlandFan

    DeutschlandFan New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
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    I don't understand how any Jets fan can be at all unsatisfied with Rex. Anyone who has been a Jet fan for long enough should easily be able to see how lucky we are to have him when you consider all the coaches who came before him. In his short time here he has already proven himself to be one of the best head coaches in franchise history. Sure, he has made some mistakes but the bottom line is that in less than 3 full seasons he has taken a team which historically was one of the laughingstocks of the NFL and willed it to 2 consecutive AFC Championship games and made the Jets perennial contenders. And he has done all of this with a wildly erratic and inconsistent young QB.
    Anyone who thinks that Rex has not done an amazing job does not know the history of the New York Jets.
  2. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Great editorial. The guy is about to change the fate of a franchise. He has my full trust.
  3. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And...he came here as a Rookie head Coach.

    When Parcells came here he had already been to other places, done other things.

    Rex is blessed with a better GM than Parcells had/or was....

    Anoyone pining for Herm these days?
  4. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I couldn't agree more with the article. Who cares what Rex says? It doesn't matter, it matters what happens on the field. Rex is the LAST thing I think about when thinking of why we're under performing this year.
  5. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Its New York. Of course the rest of the country will hate our sports teams. We're pretty much better at everything. Everything Rex says gets amplified. If he were in San Diego - I am sure no one would give a crap what he said. The guy is a living show. Of course everyone wants to hear him, read about him, and most of all comment on him.

    The only thing that I find amusing is when Rex comes out and says he believes his team can win the Super Bowl and then the rest of the league mocks and laughs at him. What the heck is he suppose to say? Of course he believes that, if he didn't then he should be fired.

    Winning will shut everyone up. That is what Rex needs and what we all need.
  6. mj2sexay

    mj2sexay Active Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    This is a giant block of shit that no one wants to read...

    ...just kidding buddy. Great job. Wacka wacka wacka.
  7. joolander

    joolander New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    i had a dream last night that rex got fired after this season and went to coach san diego. i was so infuriated that when i woke up, i instantly checked espn to make sure i wasnt still dreaming
  8. Royce Parker

    Royce Parker Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Well done, Fozzi. I don't know how anyone who's watched this team for any length of time could disagree with your sentiment - or Rex's results. We finally have ourselves a top notch NFL coach and I hope he's not going anywhere for a LONG time.
  9. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Luckily you were only dreaming. We have a great coach. Easily the best that we've had since Parcells left.
  10. Tonetime320

    Tonetime320 Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Great editorial. There is no reason a fan should be displeased with Rex. He is doing a great job and has that NY swagger that makes him fit perfect.
  11. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I wish more Jets fans would realize what a gem we have in Rex. Nice write-up fozzi.
  12. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    is there a lot of vocal opposition to Rex in the NY area?
  13. pcmodem

    pcmodem Member

    Sep 17, 2007
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    Guys I watch the game with have tried to jump on rex the last couple of weeks, I have had none of it - rex is my coach, through thick and thin as long as he continues to be who he's been.
  14. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    In the media, definitely. Most media outlets here are either Giants homers or thrive on controversy, so the Jets and Rex get criticized more than anyone else. With Jets fans, most people love him. Ravens fans also know that Rex is a good coach. My uncle is a Ravens fan and as soon as Rex joined, he was disappointed and said, "Just watch how your defense transforms and the team will get better and better". Overall he was right, but Rex still can't beat his former team :) We may get our shot again in the playoffs.
    #34 Barcs, Dec 9, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2011
  15. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Everytime Rex goes thru one of his dreamstates and starts predicting SB wins, it reminds me of Patrick Ewing. Loved Ewing, hated the preseason predictions that never came true. It wouldn't be so bad if now and again we could beat a good team in primetime...

    So far, everytime the spotlight has been on the Jets, we folded like a cheap lawn chair and that includes the AFCCG's. Its ok to talk up your team. I got no problem with that. Its ok to be a player's coach to but sometimes that can be destructive.

    If and when this team proves it can beat the better competition or at least compete with them for an entire game, then MAYBE I won't be so bothered by the chatter. So far though, all I hear is talk, talk, talk.

    When its time to put up or shut up, we do neither. Not good IMHO.
  16. ArgyleFury

    ArgyleFury New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    Great stuff, the same goes for Sanchez imo. He has been one of the best Jets Qb's we have seen in years. Name me, in the history of the franchise, all Jets qb's that have gone to an AFC championship game. Three? four? Obrien, Todd, Namath, Testaverde? How many have taken the team to TWO afc championship games? How bout two in a row? Everyone has super high expectations, including myself, but this guy is a winner, and has accomplished more at 25 years old than almost every other Jets quarterback in the history of the franchise. Four wins and we kick down the gates for the third year in a row as a live underdog in the playoffs. Go Jets!
  17. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Your post is exactly the reason I wrote the article. I'm not saying this to disrespect your opinion, and I do understand where you are coming from. The talk is providing cannon fodder to the media types and opposing teams & their fan base. So obviously the target got put on our backs - all of us - even the fans - cause we have to come out swinging to defend our team. It's part of the passion and emotional attachment we have with the Jets.

    But if you look at the regular season spotlights vs the playoff spotlights, Rex has come up big. Where Parcells, and Herm, and Mangini played it cool, covert, and toned down and put the W's in the column they failed in the playoff spotlight. Rex succeeds.

    Parcells went to 1 AFCCG in his 2nd year as a our HC, and quit on the team in his 4th year. BB resigns as HC of NYJ and after 3 years of relevance, BB makes the Jets the laughing stock of the NFL again.

    Rex has stated multiple times over the course of the last 2+ years that he wants to remain here for 10 years plus.

    If he continues to win, I really don't care if every year is as drama filled as last year was. He's winning, he's making the Jets relevant, he's making us a nationally known team. Eventually he will break through that ceiling and we'll be singing him praises as the Jets bring home a Super Bowl Win.

    Until then, we need to keep supporting and defending our coach & team. Blustery talk or predictions aside, this is our leader now, and hopefully for a long time.
  18. Johnny English

    Johnny English Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Have a look back and tell me how many times Rex has actually guaranteed a Super Bowl, and how many times that guarantee has not been honoured.

    As for the primetime wins, perhaps you missed the wins over New England @ Foxboro, Indy @ Indianapolis, San Diego @ San Diego, Cincinnati @ Cincinnati? If there's a knock against this team, it's that they don't win the games against shit teams that should be cannon fodder for a playoff contender - Denver, Miami last season etc.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The only problem I have with Rex Ryan is he has a built-in self destruct timer and I'm worried we won't see a Super Bowl before it goes off.

    It's not just the mouth creating problems now and then, he's also not very smart at all health wise. He goes aerial with Santonio Holmes for a big chest bump and within a couple of weeks he's having problems with the lap band.
  20. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Fozzi, I'm saying Rex needs to tone down the rhetoric. Its great that Rex wants to stay here 10 years plus. I can only hope that his dad's genes doesn't get in the way of that. Perhaps along the way, Ryan will finally back up the rhetoric but the cold hard fact is, teams play to make and win the SB, not just to be happy to make the Post season.

    Regarding the regular season spotlight. So far in 2011, I remember two embarrasing losses in primetime to our most hated opponent, the Patriots. The Jets didn't look like they had prepared for the team they were playing against. That's squarely on Ryan. We got our ass kicked on Primetime against the Ravens. We got lucky against the Cowboys and Chargers this year as both opposing Qb's giftwrapped critical INT's. Hell, the only gimme games this year was against the Bills and Jags. We're damn lucky to have the schedule we have finishing out this season and right now, it don't look so easy..

    Herm and Mangini didn't have the same level of talent Ryan has on hand today. Parcells did and if it wasn't for that fateful opening Day when Vinny went down, Parcells could quite possibly have brought us at least a SB appearance. Neither of those coaches by nature are big talkers although Herm provided many a gem.

    Support the team and its Coach? Absolutely. Believe the hype? I'll take a raincheck if you don't mind until they actually WIN and show they indeed are the equal to the "elite" teams. Perhaps a good starting point would be taking the division from the Patriots. How about not getting your ass kicked on National TV twice by the same team you claim to know and be better than.

    After all these decades of following NY Sports, I don't buy into the hype anymore around ANY NY Team in any sport. Talk is cheap and gassing up your players' egos above and beyond might work for a bit, but in the end, you are what you are. No way can you continously get your ass kicked by your "peers" i.e.: teams you consider your equal aka: the class of the Conference and then harbour valid SB dreams. Ryan I'm sure knows that and if he doesn't yet, he will.

    Having belief in your players is one thing. Overstating, overhyping and overselling to your fanbase is something altogether different. Ryan is only a 3rd year HC so he's still "cutting his teeth" so to speak. Even though he's been a coach in the league for almost 20years, he's been in the big chair for 3 and he has a learning curve just like Sanchez.

    I'm saying that Ryan should stop writing checks with his mouth that his team can't cash. Talk all the shit you want, but unless you can back it up with wins, it makes you look bad and I'm really sick and f'n tired of this organization looking bad..
    #40 Cman69, Dec 9, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2011

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