bring him in... obvi he wont jump in and start but the more big blockers we have the better... im sure he can jump in a few plays as an extra blocker... and maybe motivate hunter a little to stay focused... weve been asking o-line depth all year...
Plus the Cheifs know they arent going anywhere this year, theyre season is pretty much over so why bother paying the guy. They probably wanted to bring up someone off the practice squad and get them some playing time. Its just a little too late in the season for us to expect much out of him.
you HAVE to bring him in. What we currently have is less than awful. hunter and ducasse are a coin flip of suck-titude at this point. evan if Gaither isnt as good right away, at the very least it should light a fire under these two idiots and motivate them to work harder.
and what do you know about Schlauderaff that REX and T don't know? How can you label the guy when he really has had no playing time? Ducasse is a work in progress and everyone knew that. Hunter played very well Sunday: no sacks and was tough in the run game. Maybe he is now confident and comfortable with his linemates due to consistency? His game seems to be improving weekly. To bring a guy( Gailher) who failed to stay with one team(KC) and think he will be better then an existing player who knows the scheme is mindboggeling. Its a case of the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Sunday's performance of the OL could be attributed to protection changes as reported by Rex last week On why Sanchez has been sacked more this year and what they are looking to do to fix that… I’m not sure. If you fall behind, then you set yourself up. You’re more vulnerable to giving up sacks. I think, in the league, I remember doing sack totals when I was a line coach and all that — it’s not even close. There are more sacks in the fourth quarter than there is in any other quarter. You can probably take the other three combined. If you’re trailing, obviously, you are vulnerable to that. We have been trailing more than we’ve done, at least in the year before, but it’s something we’ve looked at. We’re really looking at our protections. We’re looking at how guys are maybe scheming up our protections or whatever, and I think we feel good going into this game.
This guy is a big tall bag of shit. Stay away! he came in for once play and got a false start penalty. Guy is big and sloooooow!
If he has a pulse he is better than Hunter and Ducasse combined---we must take a look at this and any other guy out there
If you read the thread, we already discussed the penalty and that it is what probably got him cut. He has been an effective starter and would immediately improve our already depleted depth on the O-Line with minimal risk/cost. Where's the downside?
I don't understand how with this line and the way they have played from week 1 along with Mangold being hurt, along with the lack of depth has pretty much brought in NO ONE all year !:breakdance:
This wasn't an indictment of Hunter. I was addressing the backup OLine situation. So you feel comfortable, as a fan, with a 6th round rookie and Ducasse as the primary backups for the Offensive Line? Think about that for a second. Sure, Tanny and Rex may like the potential they see in these guys. But if someone were to go down again, the Jets will be forced to start another player with 0 NFL starts. Sounds familiar, right? Paging Colin Baxter.
I know he weights 400+ and runs a 8.7 40, but he would be a huge upgrade at Safety for us. And does anyone know if he can throw a football???
They just picked up O line depth last week. Austin Howard from the Ravens practice squad. 6 foot 7 mammoth of a man who weighs 325 or so.
This guy is killing it in san diego right now. It's a shame we sidnt pick him up. Hunter had to have that stretch of 3 good games in order to fool the coaching staff that he may have been getting better.