rex does it in front of hundreds of people and cameras someone claims that they overheard BB on a noisy field while he's privately talking to someone else. yep, fairly similar situations.
Wow, just read today's paper, Boston Herald, front page (yeah, a little late but)... "Rex Ryan fined $75 K for profanity". Wow, that is F'd up I thought I read somewhere that he was also fined about $50 K for giving the finger at an MMA event too ?? How can you get in trouble for doing something totally unrelated to football ? But I digress That guy in the stands ran his mouth (his right) & Rex just shot back at him. No harm, no foul. Nothing major, just a deserved "STFU" as kept on walking. It should have never seen the light of day really & wouldn't have when the whole world didn't have a cellphone w/video. I remember the days, not all that long ago, when all tickets (ie concerts etc) explicitly forbade ANY recording devices inside any events. Now EVERYONE has one in their cellphone. Maybe they should include cellphones as a prohibited item. Do you really need to make phone calls at the game? I find people blabbing on them annoying, and not just at games, but in line at the supermarket, in the movies DURING the movie, etc etc. I'd bet Rex wishes they weren't allowed in. I like Rex. He is a funny guy, bold, playful, speaks his mind, talks a bit of trash, but is just as serious about his job as anyone in football. He came to the Jet's and made them a defensive force right away, something BB hasn't been able to do for years, even with the powers of GM given to him. He also took his team w/a rookie QB to the AFCCG in his first two seasons. I imagine he'll only get better. The fine is just wrong. An apology is almost too much of a punishment.
That's just stupid. The scenarios are #1 COMPLETELY different and #2 Who even knows if that Belichick thing happened... because one teeny article in the NY Post said it did??? Really???
I'm assuming you are writing this from the Aaron Hernandez perspective, rather than the Mark Sanchez.
I would question most stories coming from the NY Post. If it's confirmed that BB said it and it was overheard by reporters, I think there should be a fine. That said, $100,000 for Rex seems excessive to me.
Yeah... huge Pat's fan... that's me It's called being reasonable and not being a homer with blinders on.
I don't know what's worse... You calling Rex's fine "reasonable" or me asking if there was any word on whether Bill Belichick would be fined?
When did I call Rex's fine reasonable? Never. I think it's a stupid, out-of-line fine, so out-of-line that it made me rhyme.