An observation from a neutral thats watched many jets games the past 4 years...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by gammatec, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. gammatec

    gammatec Member

    Dec 27, 2009
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    What's different this season?

    The running game has stalled, Sanchez is now getting beat up and thrown around, they're rattling him.

    This is simply because the offensive line isn't meshing the way it used to anymore. Imo, the root of the problem.

    The defense is good enough for a superbowl, the running backs and qb are good enough to get a superbowl, however, none of that matters when the O-line is useless.

    I was stunned when you guys beat the pats last season in the playoffs, and this was accomplished because you were able to beat their o-line and rattle Brady. A pattern I've seen, occuring against the jets now.

    Fix your offensive line issues, and the season isn't lost.
  2. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    the defense isn't good enough for the super bowl though. We lost one of our better all around LBers in Bryan Thomas, and the rest of that group aside from Harris is getting older and slower. Jim Leonard is decent, but Eric Smith sucks. You can't have one decent safety and one crappy one in the back end. we can keep leonard as long as we replace smith is a good to great safety

    but you're right and i've said what you just said in a few other threads. it all starts with the offensive line. The defense would actually be playing better or considered to be better if our offense could sustain drives and give us bigger leads
  3. releasesanchez

    releasesanchez New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    People are missing one thing, the Jets offensive line is still as good as before, the reason why they get beat is cause teams finally figured out Sanchez sucks and are begging the Jets to throw it deep and just rushing them alot more then they used to. No offensive line can block when the whole defense is going after your quarter back. And the offensive line did just fine at pass protecting when Sanchez threw that pick 6 for basicly a 14 point swing didnt they? As long as Sanchez continues to suck any smart defensive coordinator will keep blitzing every play. Sanchez and Shotty are to dumb to realize this and make adjustments.
  4. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    you're an idiot and a troll.

    someone ban this guy please.

    teams have been trying to stack the box for 2 and a half years
  5. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    not even close. Teams get through with just a 3 man rush, very easily. The Oline this year has been terrible.
  6. warpedsoul

    warpedsoul Active Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    The Jets Oline is the main downgrade from the previous two years. Wayne Hunter is the biggest piece of trash on the field.

    Sanchez is only a good QB when we have a good running game. He throws slants, play actions, and quick passes. Asking him to pass 40 times a game does not end in good results.

    The defense has lowered some, but our offense can't stay on the field to give them a rest.

    The Jets biggest problem is Sanchez. Sanchez's issue may be a shitty OC. Brian treats him like he is 5 years old. Then again, Sanchez keeps making mistakes after mistakes. The other issue is the Oline. He can't stay in the pocket which in turn results into more bad decisions.

    It is hard to put the blame on one person or one group of people, but my biggest issue is the QB.

    My guess is that the Jets will stick with Sanchez (for better or worse) but give him a new OC next season. We have been screaming that for years, but now something has to change.

    I just pray that Sanchez can get it together, but I don't have my hopes up.
  7. releasesanchez

    releasesanchez New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    The ravens didn't send everyone and the kitchen sink after Sanchez right begging him to beat em. Even when he did have time he played like a scared little shit and didn't even come close to the receiver. Sanchez has been exposed and teams are going after him am I the only one that sees this?
  8. releasesanchez

    releasesanchez New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Well what if Shotty doesn't trust Sanchez, would you trust Sanchez at this point? How many times this year has Sanchez let us down? Shotty is not a good oc but Id play conservative with Sanchez to if he was my qb. You think Shotty wouldn't open it up if Aaron Rodgers was his Qb? Sanchez has 10 interceptions while playing dink and dunk if he opened it up it would be atleast 20.
  9. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    You know you're only still here because we're not done wiping our ass with you.
  10. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    whoa. That Ravens game was a perfect example as to why our Oline sucks. Literally every play the defenders would get through to rough up Sanchez. Seriously, name a QB would of performed well that night the way the Oline was playing. Go ahead, name one.
  11. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    releasesanchez = Raiderjoe

    Seriously. Do an IP check.
  12. releasesanchez

    releasesanchez New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Peyton Manning had a crappy oline for years. Tell me one oline that can stop the defense every play when they are rushing every freakin guy and begging the qb to throw it deep? Olines get beat it happens that was not their best game but our defense and special teams played awsome that game and a good gb would off found a way to back of the rush. You think the ravens would be rushing everyone and their mothers against Brady even with a garbage oline? No because they respect his deep threat. You honestly think they respect Sanchez?
  13. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    We didn't necessarily beat their o-line, well, I suppose we did but they were all pretty much coverage sacks, we barely rushed anyone. It was amazing seeing him sit back there forever and just make incomplete passes.

    And what the hell? Releasesanchez? Listen, Im not feeling the love for Sanchez right now either but people are getting out of hand. (referring to our new user)
  14. BleednGreen

    BleednGreen Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    You stupid troll Sanchez had no time to throw against the Ravens :lol:

    This line got routinely beat by a New England 4 man rush and Andre I forget his last name had 4 sacks :lol:
  15. warpedsoul

    warpedsoul Active Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Less than 24 hours after the loss, I've accepted that the Jets aren't going to release, trade, and probably wont bench Sanchez, so I'm trying to have optimism that the Jets fire the OC and can get a new one to bring out all the potential that Mark has. I still have my doubts that he can be a good starter in the NFL though, but I know the Jets will give him every chance under the sun.
  16. releasesanchez

    releasesanchez New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    The jets already ruined Sanchez beyond repair.

    mistake 1: drafting him so high and giving him so much money they probally could of gottn him at #15
    mistake 2: Letting him play as a rookie after 1 year at Usc are you kidding me? They put way to much weight on his shoulders. They should have brought in a experienced qb who would have thought him how to play the game and let him watch defenses from the sidelines. Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady sat on the bench for years learning the game. They put the whole franchise on his shoulders and risked it all. They beleived so much in him they brought Mark Brunell who is like a 6th string quarterback and knew would never play as his backup? Failure was not a option for Sanchez well now hes failed now what?
    mistake #3: Letting him work with a shit for brains Oc coordinator for 3 years who is just as dumb as Sanchez.
    mistake #4: Babying him from the moment he got here, You can't be a baby in cities like New York, New England and Philly you gotta be tough.
  17. colleen74

    colleen74 Member

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Some of these things are true. But you are a stupid fuck who can't spell or use grammar and nobody wants to read any of the shit you are writing.
  18. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    To answer the OP, our OLine is certainly a big part of our problems on offense, but there is plenty of blame to spread around. There is a lot of shit that needs fixing.
  19. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I don't think they're the same guy. My initial thought was PatsFanTX
  20. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Unless the FO whiffed on their pre-Draft evaluations of Sanchez, he must become a QB who can put the Offense on his shoulders and pass 40x (effectively), if necessary. If they viewed him as worthy of trading up to #5, then he should be able to play at that level.

    Having said that, I am willing to be patient and believe he'll develop into that type of QB, but he in order for that to happen, he needs more experience along with a solid OL. I'm expecting him to fully reach this level in his 5th/6th/7th year and beyond.

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