The risk with sanchez - KOB

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jilozzo, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    i have been waiting to post this idea on here cause the sanchez supporters would take mucho offense to it but now seems like a decent time to do it - after the cluster fuk last night.

    those veteran posters i am sure will realize that KOB stands for ken obrien. yes the obrien that qb'acked the jets from 83 - 89 and had 3 or so very good years as measured in QB stats.
    he had a good arm, was pretty smart, and from california - familiar? - and was able to put up with joe walton which was an accomplishment at the time.
    well when the jets had a good OL in front of him he was very good most of the time but when the OL began to crumble in later 86/87 - injuries and poor drafting - obriens performances began to crumble as well. the sacks piled up and he took beating after beating until it was obvious that he wasn't the same QB as he was in 84, 85, and most of 86. man he was like a deer back there and would flinch at the first sign of pressure. was kind of embarrassing at times.

    so what does this have to do with MS. well watching him this year i see a similar pattern evolving and it needs to be rectified immediately. for a guy that should be fluid and strong in the pocket he isn't, and it looks like a fire drill in there when pressure is coming. he has taken some big hits this year and he is definitely gun shy. now 300 lbs coming at ur head or legs will do that but he EXPECTS to get hit on every play and that is preventing execution of even the most basic nfl pass play.

    the jets need to keep his uniform clean, fast - easier said than done with 2 injured RB's, an injured WR, and an underperforming OL. as much as this game is physical it is psychological. MS appears to have a fragile psyche to start so this is compounding the issue and it will continue to bring him down.

    dont know if anyone else has thought about this but IMO its a potentially serious outcome if the OL continues its bad performances and MS continues to get battered around.

  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    im scared it may be too late.. after the baltimore game i said uh oh that didnt look good. happy feet, throwing the all before guys came out of their breaks etc... last night was exactly the same and he has done this quite a bit this year. it is becoming rather common place for him.

    he is scared to death in the pocket right now. the thought of getting hit has him wincing.
  3. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    A lot of the things you just mentioned I have been saying as well. I understand Sanchez is not living up to a lot of people's expectations right now, but he isn't the sole problem on this team. The people that are calling for his head refuse to account for the factors that are leading to Sanchez underperforming the way we all want him to.

    You can not ignore the fact that this offense has a ton of glaring weakness. The most significant is in the trench, our OL is getting mauled on a consistent basis, which is leading to a ton of pressure on Sanchez. The opposing teams have been getting to him early and often, setting him up to fail in the mental aspect of the game. Sanchez is getting rattled and feeling phantom pressure and very real pressure both. It is going to make him perform lower then we want him to.

    I agree, it needs to be resolved because Sanchez has all the talent in the world to be a great QB, if he loses that confidence, he will falter.

    Right now I can't blame, Sanchez. Did anyone else see how staind and dirty his jersey was against the broncos? How often do you see QB's with stains like that now a days in the NFL? Not very often. That should tell a lot in it's self.
  4. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Sanchez is playing scared no doubt. Slightest pressure, dump it quick.
  5. duketogo

    duketogo New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    Very true. He hasn't looked great since the baltimore fiasco. I think that he is mentally fragile to begin with, and the internal clock is running wrong. Without a consistant run game and consistant pass protection (im looking @ you, hunter), he's never going to develop.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If the Jets can't fix the pass protection problems nothing else matters. Tom Brady without pass protection is just another joe. Peyton Manning without pass protection is just another joe.

    The only QB in the NFL today who can maintain any semblance of good play without decent pass protection is Ben Roethlisberger and he barely keeps it together.
  7. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I wish I would have kept my post that simple. Ha.
  8. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    I see him playing scared too, but I also have an issue with his pre-snap reads. He seems to not be able to recognize where the pressure is coming from, even when his right tackle points it out for him. He also locks onto his double covered first read for far too long, when he should be able to find the single coverage or mismatch elsewhere before the ball is even snapped.
  9. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Spot on.

    Two Supremely talented players at risk of being ruined by a duo of, hold on to the ball schemes coupled with bad O Lines.

    Perfect analogy bro.

    We can save Sanchez.
  10. swifty1021

    swifty1021 New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    This has become lost in the great Sanchez debate his development has been derailed by us having the worse running game and offensive line since he has been here, I guarantee if we had our 09 line at full strength he would be playing tremendous. He is being asked to do something we never asked him to do in the first 2 years and thats be a threat as a passer.

    He still throws stupid interceptions and thats part of growing, but the Dallas and Oakland game Mark played extremely well, since Bmore he is uncomfortable in the pocket and can't see the field anymore.
  11. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Ken Obrein had no problem throwing the football down the field. He was a statue and we didn't have a great OL but he still delivered the ball down the field with no issue. His issue was he couldn't escape or get a first down with his feet if the entire field was open to him.

    Our OL doesn't suck our O scheme sucks. There is no reason for a D not to stand on top of our line and bring numbers. We want to ground and pound and use a short finese passing game. The D is going to bring numbers until we make them pay. We should either go all WCO or go ground and pound with a passing game designed to go over the top and make the D pay for cheating up. Get rid of the empty backfields and chuck the ball over the top from the pro-set or the I.

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