this... SOJ fans are just that- old time jets fans... we've been through this bullshit too often.. you wanna whitewash this whole thing and say we're not fans because we can own up and say playoffs just aint happening this year? then fucking move to kansas city and cheer the goddamn chiefs with a smile tattooed to your fucking face.
I'm not even going to start an argument because it's absolutely pointless to do so over the internet, but look around in this thread. It seems that people are tending to agree with me. It's "okay" for me to be upset with the loss. You can too, no reason to lay out and color yourself with Sunshiner.
No. Of course not. Tonight sucked. Worst loss since...Well, Pittsburgh last year. Worst loss in eight months. Jokes aside, it was very bad. Pretty much put the Sanchez Era on life support (to those who have the pitchforks out, as long as he's still starting--and he will--it's simply not dead). The defense let Tim Tebow drive 95 yards. Special teams decided to take the night off. It was awful. But that's part of sports. Sports are often very awful (as a Mets/Knicks/Jets fan I know this well), but that's what makes the victories so sweet for the die hard fans. For sifting through all the shit to finally get the good stuff when you least expect it. So, so long as I can, I'm gonna watch every game. I'm gonna root for the right teams on Sunday so our wild card chances improve, and then I'm gonna root for the Jets to sweep Buffalo next week. If you can't do that, what's the point of sports? If the losses are so terrible that they are physically and mentally debilitating (as some have indicated in this thread), go find a hobby to replace football. Besides, just watching when things are good is what we call being a fair weather fan. Even if you're being dramatic about it.
I understand your point, and respect it. I'm just saying, me personally, it'll keep me sane the rest of the season if I take a break from watching what could potentially be another letdown the way we are currently playing. Knowing me, I'll give in and watch the game live, because I'm a big fan. But right now, I really don't want to, and really think I'm not going to.
Yeah, I left it unsaid that I don't even know you and I know you're gonna watch anyway. It's just natural behavior at this point.
I'll be at the Bills game. I root for this team no matter whether we win the division or go 1-15. You're barely old enough to drink. You think you've had it tough? Sit through losing season after losing season and get back to me. I'll still be at the Bills game at 8-8:30, regardless.
Thats what I'm saying. Always someone rushing to say "stop overreacting". It's a fucking sports forum. If he wants to get mad and vent, let him. I wish more fans would get passionate about this team. Jets fans should be flooding the radio phone lines, ripping Schotty. If fans can get a 3rd string FB to start at QB, we should be able to get our OC fired who's been terrible for years. I say fuck it. Be pissed. I'm a Knicks,Jets and Mets fan. The Jets are probably the closest thing to a ring that I've ever witnessed and we're squandering it because we don't know how to get rid of dead weight and replace it with talent (on the field AND sidelines).
You've gone thru 1-15, some 4-12s mixed in there, etc... And THIS is what's making you miss a game? We've seen worse.
Now that I've had time to vent (which ultimately was the purpose of this thread), I guess I overreacted big time. I've been on this board since I was 13 years old, and if anyone knows me based on my posts, I've been overall positive with this team, hoping and expecting the best. I guess losing tonight, the way we did and who we did to when we fully expected not to get Tebowned, it hurt big time. <3 you all & the J-E-T-S.
OK,but ten mins after a loss,there is no better place to come and discuss the frustration than a Jets message board. I've been watching this team since the early 80s,and they still piss me off after a loss. I come here,drop a line or 2 about then move on with my day. is that not what this place is for? If somone is at your job driving you nuts about then fine,but you sign on here for Jets talk.
I'll be watching the RedZone channel instead and will only partake of the Jet game WHEN there's a reason to. There's really no need to watch Sanchez and Schotty grind through another game with keystone kop like efficiency. Not much need to watch our defense go to sleep late in the 4th qtr again and definitely no need to listen to another Ryan presser.