I have a feeling that we're going to see that again at least once tonight. It's not like Smith's coverage abilities have gotten better in the last few weeks.
There's something good about this: if Patrick Chung doesn't play, Eric Smith is better than all of New England's safeties. Schottenheimer needs to go after these bums and Sanchez needs to step up and execute.
I'm not saying that at all, and i think u should chool out. 4 real. the only way that Revis would guarding against something shallow and "pass-off" Welker, is if there was another target that came thru his zone. there was not. Therefore revis was obliged to take Welker down the field even if there was safety help overtop. This was the first play of the second half. U don't think that it is possible that Revis could have been caught by surprise? I find that funny.
there was no one within 40 yards of Revis's zone. His job there was to cover Welker. Welker just beat both Revis and Brady. Bad. The point here isn't to argue this ttho. It is simply to say it might be an idea to bait Brady using Wilson. End of Story.
How long did Brady hold the ball on that play? I'm not watching that shitty clip again. He got rid out it fairly quickly, did he not? Revis and the rest of the secondary were probably hoping for some kind of pressure on Brady. When Welker leaves Revis' zone, Smith is supposed to pick him up. If Brady holds the ball and Revis leaves his zone to run with Welker, then another target could easily get to a completely wide open side of the field. You clearly don't know how zone coverage works. The secondary you played for was most likely swiss cheese.
it wasn't quarters coverage no chance. there was cover 0 on cros side and leonard is creeping up like cover 3 SS. it actually looks like standard cover 3 with with smith as the FS and the SS creeping up to the "hole". Cro is in cover 0 on one side tho potentially without safety help so this is a hybrid scheme. revis bit on Welker's subtle inside fake - this is very clear and didnt have a smooth backpedal to begin with. welker is not clearly in smith's zone at all. revis should have totally followed him - which he did after Welker blew by. im out this is retarded
Put Wilkerson on Welker. Brady may become confused by the names on the jerseys and throw to our guy instead.
As long as Schotty calls the same game he called last week, 3+ Wr's, Sanchez out from under center, and more than a handful of quick hitters inside the numbers, or on the numbers closest to the hash they're snapping from, they should win in a walk.