Wilson has been fairly dominant this year in the slot. With safety help (disguised in and out) this could be a nice wrinkle. i wonder if Rex-Pettine-Thurmon could toy with the idea. U could run with an over-under combo and dare Brady to beat Wilson over top, which would also expose WW to some vicious flying dropkicks from the top ropes from an over-top S, such as Eric Smith. With this sitch in place Revis and Cro get Branch and Johnson/Edelman/whoever, or even Gronk/Hernandez. Disguising the double coverages would be key to trapping Brady and getting him to hold the ball a second longer for the pass rush or make imprudent throws. Bad idea?
IMO if Wilson has developed to the degree that he has indicated on the field and that the CS says, he may be up to the challenge - actually a great boon since he is disguised as bait for Brady and would have plenty of opportunity for interceptions. Why protect Wilson? The more he is challenged, the better he will become. It may be that he is already our 2nd best CB this year.
I read a NY Post article which said after the Welker 73 yard completion, the Jets stuck Revis on him and he had 1 catch for 4 yards the rest of the game.
You put your best cover guy on the opponents best WR. Period. Welker picked up 124 yards on 5 catches in the last game, all of which I believe were when Revis wasn't covering him (I'm pretty sure they were against double coverage not involving Revis, but I never checked to be honest).
Revis was on him the entire game. The 73 yard reception happened because of shitty safety play and zone coverage.
Revis was definitely on Welker on that 73 yard play http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-fantasy/09000d5d822fa89e/QB-Brady-to-WR-Welker-73-yd-pass
Revis did not play that coverage particularly well either. Smith and Revis screwed up big time, but u gotta put some of that on Revis. When he saw Welker take of on the fly pattern, he should have just stayed with him esp knowing that Smith is a liability.
That looks like Revis fixing someone elses mistake, Welker looks like he left Revis' zone but the whoever the other defender was was in such a terrible position and Revis was lucky to have the speed to fix that mistake.
there is no zone coverage there that wld suggest that Revis should have covered anyone but Welker...i mean even Revis makes errors.... Watch - Welker Releases downfield Revis in off position. There is no TE on that side. The RB releases into the hook zone and there are three LBs there. The only possibility for Revis was to cover Welker. That was his assignment in that play.
Do you know what zone coverage is? That's a stupid question, because after your past couple posts, you clearly don't.
Ive played football my entire life. In fact, i played CB. So yes, i know and recognize many different coverage schemes.
I'm no football expert but I believe Revis was playing to stop anything inside knowing he had help over the top.
You're more of an expert than Toast Vader. Eric Smith was OBVIOUSLY supposed to pick Wes Welker up if he went deep. Smith failed to pick him up and Revis took off when Brady let the ball go. That was Eric Smith's fault. He blew an assignment. We've seen it many times before. The OP is basically trying to say that Revis can't cover Welker, and that our fucking second year nickel corner should cover him instead. Like other posters have previously said, you put your best cover corner on your opponents best wideout.
Hit him early and often. Every play. Knock him down when he comes across the line. Make him hate football. Make him piss blood for a week.
And if someone made their way over to the right sideline while Revis was following Welker away from his zone? I'm not even a Jets or Revis fan (apart from him being an incredible player, he's fun to watch) and I can't blame Revis for that play. That was on Smith(?), Revis is the only reason it wasn't a touch down.