I knew a thread about this would come up. Like, why wear a scarf in the presser area, indoors? GQ at its finest. But hey, that's My Quarterback.
I really hope he getting an endorsement or something to wear that shit... He would maybe pull it off if he was ACTUALLY FUCKING OUTSIDE, but to the press podium. He is being a selfish prick by representing out team with fruity scarves. He should do that shit on his own time.
Very much like the GQ spread... I like it the scarf is part of the outfit people lol indoors or out you keep the scarf on...
baha wtf is he thinking? He must've been paid a lot to wear that. If this was Brady we would be killing him for it, so no defending Sanchez.
I bet the linemen made him wear that because of the flinch on the wildcat play. that is the only reasonable explanation.
Mr Electric always loves my post. I must be doing something right. HAHA anyone hear Bart Scott. "we don't read it anyways. You guys don't know your talking about".
Yep. I'll buy that. They gave him two choices: dress or scarf and being a QB he was smart enough to take scarf. If he was really smart he'd have worn a beret and had a gauloises hanging off his lip, making him look like a French intellectual or a Palestinian. That would have taken everybody's attention off of that scarf.