Is there anyone worth replacing Schotty with available to interview, or just give the job to sight-unseen? Serious thread. Is there like a list available of candidates? Surely Tanny and Woody have to be considering a change.
id dump him and give the job to callahan for the rest of the season then hold formal interviews at the end of the season
honestly i think wed have a better shot at scoring some points if we let mark call the offense the rest of the game and just tell schotty to make sure there is no trace of him left in the locker room when the game is over
for the season, charlie weiss' name has been thrown around here, i dont know if hes available to go right now or not, but he could be a good candidate otherwise i say just throw some extra money at tom moore
LEt callahan call the offense, the man was the HC of the raiders when they had the #1 offense in the league in 2002 and went to the SB, he has to be better than schotty.
Definitely Callahan or Tom Moore. I'm sick of the slow 1st quarter starts and terrible boring formations where Sanchez first read is a dump pass. I don't care who Brian Schottenheimer's dad is, a change needs to come now!!!
of course the pats are gonna start scoring the entire team is losing faith rex isnt looking too good right now letting this happen schotty is a cancer
If you still believe in Schotty right now......You don't know football. He sets of Sanchez to fail and then Mark gets all the blame. Divisional game or not against this defense we should be playing much better. Play calling is terrible.