Me, and my 3 sons were at saturday's pratice. As most of you have heard it was very hot. When the team split up from defense to offense, we stayed and watched the offense work. When the offense was running a play, Pete Kendell moved. At this point, my 17 yr old son pointed to me and said that Kendell was taking a lap around the field. I did not believe him at first, however when I looked, he was taking a lap. My son also told me that there was no hesitation, he knew what he had to do. A few playes later Brandon Moore moved early, he also took off. Then around 10 seconds later Mangini told the offense to go and all take a lap together. So at this point, everyone was very suprised and I saw some of the defensive players look over. What I was suprised the most was that Kellen Clemens was leading the offense around the field and all the other 3 were in the back. I have to give Mangini alot of credit. If Edwards was still here he would do nothing. What happened today told me that Mangini does not give a you know what. If you want to be with this team you have to be ready and prepared at all times. THANK YOU ERIC MANGINI.
Yeh, hopefully this is what the players need to be a "team". For those that are still here from last year when they had their "pow wow" with Henderson, and it seemed like a lot of me, I, me....going on.
That's awesome! They'll get so tired of taking laps that they'll concentrate harder and hopefully we won't have as many false starts this year!
this is very interesting. Obviously a lap is nothing to these guys, but it just sends the message that we need to get this down. I like it.
This is FANTASTIC! This is the type of stuff that builds teams and not conglomerations of players. So much "team-building" is lost in the professional sports of today filled with primadonnas and fat contracts based off a single year's performance. It's so refreshing (especially w/ my J-E-T-S) to see a coach that embraces responsibility for F-ing up. You false start, you take a lap, no matter who you are. I can't even express in words how much I love the Tangini era.
you know what would be awsome. Is if in a big game a Olinemen jumps offside and when he comes back after the series and mangini makes him take a lap.
What made today's event noteworthy was who ran the 1st lap. Kendall is the elder statesmen on the team and here he was taking his medicene like a man. No whining just yes sir and running.Mangini seems to be earning the respect of the players. Let's hope this will continue to build discipline throughout the year.
Nice to hear. If Herm was still hear they would gey paper plate duty at the BBQ for moving. I can't wait til I go tomorrow.
I'm glad that the new coaching staff actually holds players accountable for screwing up, but I think you are getting WAY TOO EXCITED about this "building teams"...
False sarts were never an issue under Herm. In fact, the Jets were one of the least penalized teams in teh league during his tenure. Let's not start changing history. There is plenty of things to rip into Herm about. Penalties is not one of them.
You are right. . Penalties were not a problem except for playoff games. If you noticed, then we took penalties. Also, last year we took a bunch but we had 3rd stringers in there so I'll ignore it.
Well I think you TOTALLY missed the point of the starter of the thread which was if you err you will pay. It had NOTHING to do about Herm teams but instead pointed at Herms easy policies towards errors of the starters.
The Jet's ability to avoid penalties was at least partly because they were such a veteran team for most of Herm's tenure. The inability of the last regime to blow things up and rebuild when it was appropriate had several positive side effects to it. The team was able to win 9 or 10 games in several years in which they got lucky and had few injuries and they were also one of the least penalized teams. Some day somebody is going to do a thorough forensic analysis of how an NFL team really ticks and I'm betting the Jets from 1996 to 2005 are going to be high on the list of exhibits.
That would be a tick on the counter for me as to evidence of who will be leading the Jet's offense this fall. Lots of ticks yet to go before the starting QB is announced but having Clemens out front on the lap while the other 3 QB's lagged would certainly form at least a subliminal impression on me if I was Mangini.