The guy is the father of one of the people on the power 105 morning show from Daily News: A diehard Cowboys fan wildly fired a stun gun in a crowd at MetLife Stadium in the Meadowlands injuring three people, including a Marine, cops said Monday. Leroy McKelvey, 59, of Moncks Corner, S.C., used a Taser gun on Jets fans during an upper-deck brawl at halftime Sunday night, said Sgt. Julian Castellanos of the New Jersey State Police. McKelvey is the father of Power 105.1 deejay Charlamagne Tha God, co-host of "The Breakfast Club." Three men suffered minor injuries in the fracas at the nationally televised football game. The melee erupted after a Marine became annoyed at McKelvey and his friends for not taking their hats off or standing during the National Anthem and speaking loudly during "Taps" and "Amazing Grace." Witnesses told cops McKelvey got into a fight with the Marine, who was sitting at the end of his row in section 324 and refused to let him out to go to the restroom at halftime. McKelvey pulled a stun gun from his pocket and fired, hitting the unidentified Marine in the neck and sending him tumbling down six rows, witnesses told cops. The suspect's son said that his dad is a devout Jehovah's Witness and doesn't believe in standing for the Pledge of Allegiance or National Anthem. "He's not a violent guy at all. He just likes to have fun," Charlamagne Tha God told the Daily News. "I would hope that an altercation didn't happen because of him not standing for the National Anthem." It was not immediately clear how McKelvey snuck a Taser into MetLife Stadium, where there was tight security because of the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and because former President George W. Bush was at the game. McKelvey's son blamed Jets coach Rex Ryan for creating a hostile environment at the game by saying in earlier press conferences that "it's probably not recommended that you wear Cowboys stuff" to MetLife Stadium. "He shouldn't have had a taser on him. But I really feel he took a risk because he felt threatened," said Charlamagne Tha God, explaining his father was wearing a Cowboys hat and jersey and sports tattoos of Cowboy stars on his shoulder and right forearm. He said his dad suffered a broken nose in the fight. "He got jumped by Jets fans when the Cowboys were leading by two touchdowns, so he was just defending himself," the son said. The Jets mounted a second-half comeback to win the season opener 27-24. McKelvey was charged with felony aggravated assault, felony possession of a stun gun and illegal possession of a weapon. His son posted the $22,500 bail and was waiting Monday night for his father to be released from Bergen County Jail.
I'm sure he contributed nothing to himself getting jumped. The Jet fans just attacked him because he was aCowboy fan.... You walk into a stadium with a stun gun... that tells me your looking for trouble.
Several points here. First, the man was probably scared not only by the "reputation" of Jets Fans and the NY/NJ Tristate area as a whole, but also because of what Ryan said earlier in the week causing such a stir that he had to retract and elaborate on his statement. Ryan is at least partially to blame here as he really needs to be more aware of what comes out of his mouth and how that plays to the public, not just the media. So the stun gun in itself isn't "looking for trouble" as why in the world would a 59year old man go looking for a brawl in a hostile ballpark. Especially one who is a devout Jehovah Witness which leads me to point two. The man should have had more respect for those who aren't Jehovah and been at least quiet during the ceremony. He knew that a ceremony was going to occur and if honoring that compromises his beliefs, he should have vacated his seat or not taken them until it was over. For him to not only sit, but talk loudly thru such a solemn event was not him expressing his religious beliefs, but disrespecting to those that don't share his beliefs. Had he been muslim, I dare say they'd still be stomping his ass this morning so although he got his ass kicked by only 5 or so, it could have been much, much worse.
Here is the story
I love the fact the article says, at JETS STADIUM. rex did say for cowboy fans not to show up wearing cowboys stuff, this is NY/NJ, we don't play around, no one comes into our stadium and disrespect's us.
Who in the Hell names their kid Charlamagne Tha God? The kid should be the one carrying the Taser around everywhere he goes.
Devout Jehovah's witness who carries a weapon and has tattoos? Sounds like bullshit to me. Sounds more like he used his religion as an excuse to paint him in a better light.
This...100%. He must be "new" and doesn't know what the fuck he believes. I have relatives who are Jehovahs Witnesses and have went to sporting events plenty of times with them. This aspect of the story really pisses me off. This dude was a phony dumb-ass. No honest Witness would think to smuggle a fucking stun gun into a stadium, esp. on 9/11 anniversary. As was mentioned, he was ready for real trouble (not just some insults being hurled at him, but a fight...which did occur). I personally have not seen a Witness relative refuse to stand for the National anthem. Maybe it's an individulal thing...I haven't heard of it. If he was going to refuse to stand, then go to the fucking mens room or food vendor until the anthem's over. You don't draw attention to yourself and disrespect other's feelings. Again, the guy was a goddamn retard. I'm pretty close with my cousins and grandparents, and I hate the idea that they could be lumped in with this hillbilly, asshole hypocrite.
McKelvey was charged with felony aggravated assault, felony possession of a stun gun and illegal possession of a weapon. The best part of this story is that he was charged with serious crimes. Enjoy prison asshole! :up:
Come on, Cman, are you even buying what you wrote? He's so scared of the 'reputation' of Jets fans that he brings a stun gun into a stadium on 9/11 and provokes a group of people during a emotionally charged and high profile national tribute? That's horseshit. The dude was there to start some shit, make a statement, and use religious freedom as a shield and blame the Jets' head coach for it all. Copout BS and he deserves to serve time for being a fuckface.
I've been going for 17 years now and Sunday night was probably in the top 3 for number and severity of the fights around us.
Blaming Rex by this guys kid is weak! He had trouble because he disrespected America during a tribute to 9/11. Not because he likes the Cowboys. He probably was enboldend with the knowledge that he had a stun gun. So he went overboard with his little protest against America. He is solely responsible for bringing in the weapon into the game. Rex had nothing to do with it. As for being a Jehovah, i did not know that they were anti-America like this. Is that true or is this guy just making it up to save face?
See,and I thought Sunday was one of the most thorough pat downs at a Jet game I've been involved in.. They made me take my fucking hat off, open up my jacket which I had folded as I was carrying it. They also patted down my bare legs (I had shorts on) and made me empty my pockets.
They're not anti-America, nor did he say that. You inferred it. They don't believe in worshiping "false idols", and label the flag as such. They also don't approve of tattoos, especially those which reek of false worship like the faces of Cowboys stars and the emblem. I'd guess they would have a bigger problem with that than with the national anthem.
Here's what his asshole kid had to say: