Embarrassing Display Mars 1st Day - NY Post 7/28 - Merged

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Pavlus53, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Well, this to me has little to do with Penny's "privilege" comment last year. I don't believe that it's a privilege to cover the Jets, and I also don't think that it should be a spa retreat - it's a job. Clearly the Jets beat writers are afraid that they're not going to get the easy quotes that can easily fill an article, which will make it a lot harder to write the articles. What I do find so funny about these articles is that the writers actually seem to think that the average fan cares if the writers' job is more difficult for them.

    I expect that this first day was deliberately heavy-handed, so that an easing of the restrictions can then follow. I do find it surprising that the team wouldn't trot out Ferguson for a photo op, but I don't think it's such a big deal. Ultimately, while it's nice to get information about the team, nothing actually matters other than the performance on the field anyway.
  2. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Actually, I am talking about just a couple weeks ago. Right on this board. People were yelping about Penny not having the right to say what he did.

    I disagree with you statjeff. The media has specific times they must be allowed access. However, a team has every right to lock them out at any other time. Just because they had an open ticket for so long does not entitle them to it now. As a result, it is a priviledge that they are given such intimate access to the team. Same goes for all other area sports. Given that teams know they will hear nothing but crap from the local media, I am surprised any of our teams allow reporters inside when they don't have to.
  3. WesleyWuzTheMan

    WesleyWuzTheMan New Member

    Dec 6, 2005
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    Interesting theory. Apparently you believe only if you write favorably of a team and its people should you be allowed the chance to ask them questions. Why then would you have a problem with Cannizzaro and Herm? Apparently Cannizzaro was writing puff pieces about Herm because that's what you do if you want face time with a Jet.
  4. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Don't twist my words to start an argument with me.

    I have no problem with the media ripping the Jets to shreds, if they deserve it. But I want facts. I don't want pieces of quotes twisted to mean what the writer is trying to say. I don't want to hear how good or bad our coaching is simply because they won't allow the press to invade camp.

    I'll make an example out of A-Rod, the NY media's favorite punching bag. He is still on pace to hit 40-50 HRs this year. He is still on pace to have at least 120 RBI. People say he can't hit in the clutch, yet he has scored the go ahead, or tying run, either himself, or via RBI almost a half dozen times since the All-Star break. Not to mention the other night when the Yankees were down in the 8th, and he hit a HR over the centerfield fence to put the go-ahead run on the board.

    The stories abound when he has 4 Ks in a game, but when he wins one, it's as quiet as a library.

    It's not about writing fluff pieces. Freedom of the press is in place to garuntee that the public at-large has an outlet to speak out on the truth. That is the intended purpose. When a beat writer suddenly has the power to write either positive or negative pieces with no basis in factual evidence, yes, I do have a problem with that.

    The Jets are not required to allow the media in right now, and they aren't. Period. I don't disagree with this behavior in the least. It's not like they are only letting a select few people who will write fluff pieces in, they are excluding everyone.
  5. WesleyWuzTheMan

    WesleyWuzTheMan New Member

    Dec 6, 2005
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    I'm not twisting your words around, Alio. You say that press access is a privilege a team can take away whenever they feel like it. I say you're wrong.

    You throw up straw men instead of arguments, saying the press shouldn't be allowed to twist quotes or call the coaches bad simply because they deny the press access. I don't see the Jets press corps doing either of those things, and I don't think anyone here is suggesting that either, unless you are now. If Cannizzaro was a bit snarky in describing his being stiffed by a 4-12 team, that's his affair, but Cimini and Ziegel seem to be impressed with Mangini's camp regimen thus far, and said so while also noting the zippermouth treatment.

    If a reporter or columnist writes positive or negative pieces based on how he or she is treated rather than what is actually going on, that bothers me, too. But if what they write is based on what they honestly see and feel, whether you or I happen to disagree with their opinion, that's not a legitimate reason to take away their access.

    By the way, I think A-Rod gets a bad rap, too, but there are those in the media who make a case for him.
  6. Rambo13

    Rambo13 New Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    Cannizzaro obviously doesn't understand that it is a privelage to report on the Jets.
  7. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I think the headline over does it...as most headlines do. What really irks me is his second comment:

    "IF THE Jets perform on the field the way their operation performed yesterday during the players' arrival at training camp, it's going to be a long, calamitous season."

    Really? Because the Media Relations people were not press friendly on day one of camp means the season will be a calamity? PLEASE MARK! This article wreaks of self-importance.

    I agree that it's not smart of the organization to not have a press conference to introduce their new #1 draft pick - a local guy made good. If you want to call it a "GAFF" to ahead...but a calamity? Just a bit of overstatement Mark?

    Yes, the Jets have a history of not doing things as well as the Giants - off the field for sure. Yes, they could learn to have a balance between Herm's off the cuff insanity and the Parcells-Belechick-Mangini closed mouth treatment. However, give the new guys a break - they are more interested in football than footsie with the media. Blame the Jets media relations group and get over it.

  8. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    Well technically they don't need a legitimate reason to take away access. They can give and take away access as they see fit, it is a private organization. They run the risk of bad PR, but that is their prerogative. It is not like these beat writers are covering the white house, congress, or some other public institution. They are covering a private organization, and are therefore subject to its whims and fancies. At that point a real reporter would actually try digging and investigating for the story, instead of bitching and whining that he is not being spoon fed a story anymore.
  9. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Actually the NFL has rules for all of it's teams about access to the media. I would bet the Jets will get a phone call from the commissioner's office letting them know the league would like them to hold some sort of press conference to introduce their new #1 pick.
  10. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Jets Post negative article on their web site...

    Wow Wow Wow...

    The Cannizaro article - headline and all - is on the NY Jets' web site with a link!

    Well, the new guys may not like to talk to the press, but they at least seem to believe in freedom of speech. I can just hear Herm pissing and preaching about the story - talking trash and all about the media versus the team. In this case, Mangini does his talking on the field!

    I love the new regime so far!
  11. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    I am loving every second of this.

    I feel like the Jets just won their first game this season...not a football game but the yearly battle of wits vs. the NY media.
    #71 CaneJet, Jul 28, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2005
  12. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 TGG.com Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    how bout this

    All of you guys who are lucky and able enough to go to training camp should start some quality anti-canny chants...."fat bastard" this and "fat bastard" that all day long!!! would everyone get thrown out for that sorta thing....is anybody ever loud at camp? ive never been but I actually can feel my blood boiling after reading that fat scumbags article today....hes worse than umpires who think people pay 50 bucks a ticket to watch them....his point about brick not being able to handle dwight freeney because he cant handle the press was the most moronic,unprofessional, asanine comment Ive ever heard....he actually thinks hes part of the challenges that rookies face in new york and in the nfl....this fat tool needs to hear about this loud and clear
  13. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    As a fan, I don't want access to the team. I want the team to win. And if that means I only watch them from a distance, I'll gladly take it.

    I read articles mostly to see what the media are up to as opposed to actually trying to get any kind of information or analysis. The posters on this board are all I need for that.
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I totally disagree. I see this as a statement by the current regime to the fans, the media, and the rest of the league. No more false promises, no more pretty pictures, no more fairie tales. They are making the following statement as far as I am concerned:

    Judge us by what we do on the field.

    And they will be roasted all year long by the beat writers and the media in general with exceptions. They will suck for a year and the writers will do their best to try to turn the fans against the team for their own selfish reasons, and it seems like they are fine with that, and so am I.

    Change is needed, and in a situation like this, I think only drastic change will do. Eventually I think we'll see a more spotlight-friendly approach from the FO, but for now they are playing their cards inside their undershirt, asnd that's cool with me.
  15. Hot Rod

    Hot Rod Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Maybe it's just the beat reporters their not talking to becasue ESPN interviewed Chad & Patrick today.
  16. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Word Play. Excellent.

    Nobody used to beat up Parcells if he closed people out. They'd call him a hard-ass, sometimes a little worse, but they never actually let him have it because by and large the NY Media is a bunch of whiney butt kissers. I say big whoop on this one. I find it rather amusing, sets the tone. Out with old, in with the new in every way. Works for me. Besides, what's so bad about not giving our enemies fodder? It has its positives. All the Jets owe us is what they give us on the field. And, don't be surprised if they are allowed to be magnanimous to the fans at some point by and large while continuing to say "no comment" to the note-takers. Or better yet, "My boss said I'm not allowed to talk to you." HAH, could you imagine?! :lol: I did feel a little bad for any kids that were waiting around in the hot sun all day for a D'Brick sig, but whatever. And, if anyone thinks Mangini doesn't already know what he's doing with our QB situation, think again. It's just that Canned Spam may be the last to know.
    #76 jetophile, Jul 28, 2006
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2006
  17. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    We're all being a little too hard on Cannizzaro because we really don't like him. He should be able to get some information, but come on. GG is right, this reeks of self-importance. The new regime is harder to get stories from and is tight-lipped when it comes to the media. That has nothing to do with how the Jets will perform, obviously. It's ridiculous for him to even think that.
  18. JetsIn2004

    JetsIn2004 Banned

    Jan 26, 2004
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    No.. it doesn't bother me...

    If there is a decision by a coach to say no talking to the media then you listen to it. It bothers me that he was told not to and he did anyway.

    The move to North Korea statement is just plain dumb.
  19. WesleyWuzTheMan

    WesleyWuzTheMan New Member

    Dec 6, 2005
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    Does Mickens have any right to self-expression at all in your view? Or do his conditions of employment require signing that away? Apparently your view of the First Amendment and mine are too far apart to discuss rationally. I'm just glad the Founders saw it my way, not yours.
    #79 WesleyWuzTheMan, Jul 28, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2005
  20. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    This whole thing is comedic. I love how D'brick runs laughing across the street so he doesnt talk to the reporters. And i love how the reporters then report that since he runs away from them that means he cant handle guys like Jason Taylor? HOLARIOUS

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