Branch is still upset we totally passed on him when Seattle was dumb enough to pony up cash for him. Seahawk fans can barely remember him being there. Oh thats right,....the QB situation there was totally unsettled = not his fault.
Sounds like the Patriot Way is showing some cracks in it. That tends to happens when your shit-talking rival crawls inside your head and skull fucks you from the inside out.
And the Pats acting like cunts after beating the chargers is forgotten too right? LT remembers that one.
I completely forgot Deion was still on the Pats after Ocho signed because he became so useless to their team.
I don't know to what extent you might be kidding here, but Branch's rant is not the kind of thing you expect to see out of Patsland. Look at how Welker was disciplined for making fun of Ryan last year. Belichik is okay with Pats players acting like assholes toward opponents on the field, and after wins. But he's clearly not happy when players mouth off to the press. Now Brady has said things to the press, but imo he's been careful not to cross some line that exists in Belichik's mind. It's hard to define, but I am not surprised the things Brady has said have not gotten him into trouble while Welker did. By that analysis, I would not be the least bit surprised if Branch is disciplined for that rant.
I was going to mention that as well. A bunch of Pats running to mid-field and mocking the Chargers by doing the "lights out" dance was way worse than what Branch is crying about.
Deion Branch is totally irrelevant. He can talk all he want, but he is the most irrelevant WR in the league.
They can talk all they want, but the reality is that they are slowly garnering a reputation as playoff chokers...The collapse in '06 vs Indy, 18-1, and getting crushed at home by the Ravens and Jets. They'd do themselves good if they just stfu for a while
What ever happened to all that jazz about "media silence" and "we do our talking on the field" and all that good stuff? Apparently the Patriot Way only matters when you've got video feeds.
I think Branch should quit his bitching. The SD lights-out comparison made above is accurate (although Branch wasn't on the team that year, making way for Reche Caldwell to drop the AFCCG winning uncovered TD lob, and preventing another NE SB win over the RexGrossmans) That being said, it is remarkable that something as small as Branch's comments gets the attention that it does. That really speaks to the cone-of-silence that has been over NE for the last several years. It also speaks to the fact that the 'border war' is simmering at the highest level since Belichick resigned as the HCoftheNYJ.
Branch will be picking splinters out of his ass while Welker, Ocho, and Edelman split all of his catches.
So, Branch, tell me. Who did the Lights out dance in the mid field at Qualcomm stadium after defeating Chargers in 2006 playoff? *Not that I should have expected any better from that classless organization anyway...* PS: NDMick beat me to it.
While I love a GPC as much as anyone, I'd take three SB wins, a near decade of AFC East championships, and a series of flameouts any day over getting close.