Was listening to Colin Cowherd (yeah, yeah, he's a fucking hack, he sucks, but he's 1000X better than Fatecessa Jr aka Mark Malusis) Anyway, he's trying to argue that Sanchez is a better looking Chad Henne, then he has that big headed alien freak Clayton on and he goes ahead and makes the statement above. Can someone explain to me WTF these 2 fucktards have been watching over the past 2 years? Sanchez was in the AFC title game twice while Henne is teabagging Brandon Marshall trying to help him find himself. Is this the best ESPN can do?
That's weird, while Cowherd is a retard he usually has high praise for Sanchez. (since he's a USC fan)
Physical talent? They are pretty close but this position is about much more than just physical talent.
funny...I didn't see any threat of a Kyle Orton trade anywhere near the Jets this offseason. Cowherd should probably stick his head in the sand and take a couple deep breaths.
I'm surprised anyone listens to cowherd. That being said, I do not think you can really compare the two QB's. Sanchez has the clutch ability that Henne lacks. To me it is pretty simple one QB has to find consistancy and one has to find his game. I think Henne should be compared to K Clemens because both guys have trouble with stepping up and reaching their potential. While Mark has shown his potential in several clutch situations.
Its just BS theyre spewing...at QB theres only one thing that matters--> results! Talent? TALENT? How exactly do you measure "talent" at the QB position? I measure the QB position by wins and losses. Colin Cowherd is a Pats fan, so he's incredibly biased.
Except Chad Henne has no intangibles and can't even hit a guy on a slant or anything for that matter. This year we will see Sanchez widen the gap between himself and that mouth breather.
Chad Henne really isn't comparable to Sanchez at all, but was I the only one who felt sorry for him last season? The sight of the poor guy standing alone on the sidelines in one of the last games of the season (can't remember who they were playing) after he had been pulled from the game and seemingly had the whole world against him, including his coach and his gobshite prick of a receiver, was pretty sad. He may not be very good, but he was doing his best and it seemed the entire organisation was transpiring to make him fail.
I thought after last year these silly comparisons would end, especially when the Dolphins tried everything they could to get rid of Chad Henne between the end of last season and now. I'm fairly certain 32 teams in the NFL would prefer Mark Sanchez to Chad Henne.
Didnt Henne have a top defense last year to? all I heard was Sanchez hid behind his defense, which is true but the Dolphins defense was quite good last year. Henne had Marshall, Ricky Williams and all those losers at his command and he failed. And as great as our defense is, we dont score points. Pretty much all of our points came from the offense, none from the defense...
I take everything that Cowherd says with a grain of salt considering he blasted Aaron Rogers all of last season, but then was ready to have his love child once he won the Superbowl.
they're both huge douches. even without that statement, they're probably two of the biggest schmucks in sports.
I'm so sick of posts like this, threads, articles, douchebags on the radio/TV. The proof is in the performance. As it was brought up wisely by another poster in Mark's first 6 playoff games as our QB is overall QB rating is hiring then Brady's, Manning's, and Ben's. Does that mean he's a better QB? Hell no, not at this point. That shows what a true gamer he is by elevating his game when needed most, the same CANNOT be said for Henne. Stop posting this shit, there must be over 100 threads on here talking about the same exact foolishness.