Yes, agree, I follow a footy side down here called the Cats. Some years just a few wins exceeds expectations. Other years you get this year, won the preseason competition and then fell away.....
Look on the bright side: When the Panthers went to the Superbowl in 2003, they were 85/1 in futures odds. When the Patriots went in 2001, I'm sure they were even longer odds.
Last year in late April, when I was out in Vegas, the Steelers were 50-1. Nobody thought they had a quarterback. :wink:
I just left Vegas yesterday, currently the Jets are 75/1. Only the 49ers (100/1) and Titans (80/1) have longer odds.
The year the Pats won their 1st SB they had just lost their first two regular season games and the odds went up to 80:1. I was in vegas and bought a $10 tic just b/c I knew they were better than that and the odds were so high. I won $800 (minus the $100 I blew on the jets bet to win it all..hahah).