Sanchez considered not good enough by rest of the league?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jetfan76, May 9, 2011.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm not pretending to know TBs OL but I do think it's impossible for an OL to be taht bad if their main RB rushes 200 times and averages 5 YPC.

    Stats like that from PFF don't tell us how long the QB had to throw, it just lists pressures. he could have been standing back there for 5 secs and then gotten pressured. I think pressure is on the QB almost as much as the OL. A QB has to be decisive, w/o watching Freeman the way I do Sanchez I couldn't tell you if it was more the OL or if the QB and OL shared blame.

    We would not have made the title game each of the last 2 years if sanchez didn't elevate his play. In his rookie year he got carried a bit in the reg season them played very well in postseason, last year our running game and D were inconsistent and he saved us multiple times. There's no way we win 11 games w/o him and he folloed that up w/ another strong postseason. he struggled in the 1st half at Indy but was great int he 2nd half including the GW drive.

    I think we are both going to be happy w/ our QBs for years to come.
  2. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    The way I see it:

    If you asked Jet fans who they would rather have they'd answer Sanchez.

    If you asked Buccaneer fans who they would rather have they'd answer Freeman.

    As far as who's better, I'd say it's Freeman up til' now. Honestly though, I love what I see out of Sanchez regarding his preparation, maturity, and team chemistry. With that being said, I think Sanchez will be a better QB than Freeman in the future. At worst I think they will both be good qb's in the league (top 10)
  3. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    stop thinking that Sanchez gets carried by the defense and running game.

    He made plays this year. It's just more uninformed drivel by non-jets fans.

    Freemans a good QB, is Sanchez. It's a joke to think he isn't.
  4. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    freeman has better stats, so he is better. (99% of NFL fans on the internet)
  5. bibigon

    bibigon Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    You really think their floor is being a top 10 QB? Look, I'm thrilled with what Rex has assembled for us. We're as good a bet as anyone to win the Super Bowl, and even in the current passing based league, you can win with a league average QB. That said, take a look at the career QB ratings that the guys who win the Super Bowl lately:

    Rodgers: 98.4
    Brees: 91.7
    Roethlisberger: 92.5
    Eli Manning: 80.2
    Peyton Manning: 94.9
    Roethlisberger: 92.5
    Brady: 95.2
    Brady: 95.2
    Johnson: 82.5
    Brady: 95.2

    Basically, with the exception of Eli and Brad Johnson, the guys who have won the Super Bowl over the last ten years have been the guys who put very impressive statistics as well. Yes you need to perform well in the clutch, which Sanchez has done, but unless you're also a top level performer the rest of the rest, it's awfully hard to do it. There's a reason we remember that Giants team primarily for its defense and a crazy helmet catch. They didn't win because of Eli - they won because of an amazing pass rush and David Tyree. Eli just managed to not quite screw it up.

    We can stick our heads in the sand and say Sanchez is a top 10 QB, but so far, that just hasn't been the case. Maybe he'll develop into one this year (year 3 is usually when it happens if it happens), but he does need to improve for him to be a top 10 guy. Right now, he's just not there.
  6. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    I'm not sticking my head in the sand or doing this with blind faith. Rather, I understand Sanchez is young and going through growing pains. He started less than a dozen games in college and has been the Jets signal caller since day 1. I know it's going to take time.

    John Elway's stats weren't good his first few years. Shit.. Ben Roethlisberger won the superbowl with a 22.6 passer rating. Stats count for something, sure, but watching Sanchez the past couple seasons leaves me very optimistic regarding his future. I don't need a calculator to verify or dispute that. I can see it.

    If you think that's me being an idiot or a homer then so be it. What it boils down to is Sanchez excelling in high pressure situations and showing that he is the leader of the team under the most scrutiny in the NFL, and has shined.. sans a 17 year old and a hot dog on the sideline. I'll stick to his floor being top-10, if you disagree that's fine too.
  7. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    where in what you quoted mentioned Rock thinking Sanchez is currently a top 10 QB?

    He said future - meaning years down the road, not now.
  8. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    In 6 playoff games (all on the road)

    95-157, 60.5%, 1155 yards, 9 TDs, 3 INTs, 94.3 rating

    Plus: 3 4th quarter comebacks and 5 game winning drives last season alone and 2 4th quarter comebacks resulting in 2 game winning drives in the playoffs.

    Don't give me anymore shit about who's on who's team. Tampa had an excellent defense last season, 2 very capable WRs and a borderline pro-bowl TE, and an excellent running game. Don't tell me about their schedule, because we had the toughest in the league (if I'm not mistaken). For the Brett Favre reference that flew on by, he had almost the same fucking roster as Sanchez give or take a couple of guys and he folded like a cheap a tent. So, enough of the ignorant shit.
    Lock this motherfucker, please.

    FTR: I like Freeman. I think Tampa's got a good team in a tough division. Just...get the fuck off our QB.
    #188 guinness77, May 17, 2011
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  9. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Greg Cossel tweets:

    Ranking based on film study entering 2009 draft: 1.Stafford (by a wide margin) 2.Freeman 3.Sanchez. So disappointed in Stafford's injuries.

    out of KSU: Effortless thrower, power thrower but catchable ball. Strong foundation to work with. More NFL traits than Sanchez.

    Pretty much how I felt at draft time..... and still even though sanchez is our guy and has performed above expectations IMO, and I'll live and die with him in the near future... Freeman is the type of QB with all around talent that I like.

    I would have taken Freeman and kept my draft pick, that said, I'm ALL IN on Sanchez.
  10. A-11 Jets

    A-11 Jets New Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Sanchez vs. Freeman:

    I think both these guys are becoming great leaders, both look like they could take the next step. I like Freeman, I think he played even better than projected by statistics last year. Good for Tampa, good for Josh. He is fun to watch.

    I think Freeman has played better to date, and I can understand his place on the list. My take is that Stafford would still out play either one today (currently healthy), but like the list itself: so open to interpretation there shouldn't be a definitive answer.

    Still, I'll give my allegiance to Mark Sanchez, he has been fun to watch himself. That Dick!

    Also please note: Another point to consider when talling up #'s is that Josh has been asked to do so much more for the buc's... Can't penalize Sanchez for not having executed on things he has not been asked to do.
  11. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    It puts a gigantic smile on my face that opposing fans come here, sign up just to try and convince "us" that Sanchez is no good.

    Us is quoted because who are you really trying to convince?
  12. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    if Sanchez looked as shitty as he did in the clutch as he does at times id understand.

    but one of the few redeeming qualities hes displayed is the most important.

    he plays his best when it matters most.

    i stated WAAAAYYYY back that i argued with a bucs fan he kept saying our defense saves him.

    i basically said maybe his rookie year but we couldnt get off the field to save our life on 3rd down.

    ironically the other person in the room who agreed with me in my sanchez analysis was a patriots fan.

    either way if I was a Bucs fan I wouldnt give a fuck about mark sanchez. id be more concerned with Pryce and McCoy staying healthy and them actually having a consistent OL which they havent had since Alstott/Dunn were carrying the load
  13. mightyleemoon

    mightyleemoon New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    For those who say Freeman hasn't won a meaningful game, the same could be said of Sanchez.

    Neither of them have won squat.

    There is only one game that counts and neither of them have participated in that game.

    The Jets are the better team, overall, so Sanchez has a better shot at participating.

    Also, you can't go on about how statistics don't matter and then use a team statistic to try and prove some point. You can either evaluate a player's talent or you can't. Relying on the W/L column indicates you lack the ability to understand a position well enough to apply any kind of analysis.

    Either way, both QBs are in situations well suited to who they are.

    Freeman is a quiet, blue collar leader that commands the respect of his locker room. Perfect for a young team in a small market.

    Sanchez is two steps away from showing up wearing a fur coat and commands the attention of the media. Perfect for a veteran team in New York City.
  14. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I read the first sentence and stopped reading. You signed up and write that? I'm not even dignifying that RETARDED sentence with a answer. Common sense, go look up what it means to have some.

  15. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    "Ranking based on film study entering 2009 draft: 1.Stafford (by a wide margin) 2.Freeman 3.Sanchez."

    Josh Freemen = 35 KSU starts

    Mark Sanchez = 16 USC starts

    ...just behind Freemen at that point ?......OK.....I'll take that.....
    #195 Andy_M, May 19, 2011
    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  16. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Don't even bother-

    Sanchez has won 4 road playoff games, and was the only reason we were still in the Steeler AFC Champ game.

    Taking out Brady on Peyton in the playoffs on their turf doesn't count as a meaningful game... lol
  17. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    thats horrendous logic.

    ill take playoff clinching and playoff victories over talking about how awesome my qb can sit on a couch come playoff time.
  18. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    By your brilliant logic there have only been 10 meaningful games in the last decade, with only 15 different teams participating. Are you seriously implying that 17 teams in the National Football League have not played ONE meaningful game since 2000?

    Out of the ~300 games that take place in a season only one counts to measure how good a quarterback is. By that regard Marino is a shitty quarterback.
  19. The Mak

    The Mak New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    Stopped reading here. Have you ever herped so hard you derped?
  20. mightyleemoon

    mightyleemoon New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Either every game in the NFL is meaningful, because there are only 16 games that determine your ability to enter the tournament, or only 1 game is meaningful.

    I subscribe to the school of thought that every game is meaningful. This isn't baseball. There aren't a hundred more games coming up to make up for a little losing streak. Every game in the NFL has significant meaning. Folks around here seem to think that someone like Freeman has never played a meaningful game, when in fact, he has. You can wax poetic about how everything is more difficult once the playoffs begin. But, not one of you has experienced the NFL, and neither have I. All we have to go on is what players say time and time again. Once that whistle blows, the circumstances tend to disappear and their focus is entirely on the moment, not the circumstances of the moment. (Paraphrasing Montana from an excellent NFL Films documentary on the third decade of Super Bowls)

    Also, you guys love to cherry pick your stats. And, since you want to lean on the team's Win/Loss column, that logic has McNabb just as good as Marino with both having a 59% career winning percentage.

    Again, this is a group of people that appear to lack the ability to evaluate the play on the field. Whenever your QBs shortcomings are pointed out, you're extremely quick to point to team wins and loses. Fact is, there is a reason that the only people to pay Sanchez any respect are the ones wearing green tinted glasses.

    Bottom line, the Jets are a very solid football team. Easily one of the best in the league. But you guys look like a bunch of whiney douchenozzles when you go crying about your quarterback not getting the respect he has done nothing to earn.

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