A sentence we should all get used to. In other news, I'm all-in on the new design. Change is good. Also, I don't mind the ads. I have a lush lawn, a 4% mortgage, and a date with a Dominican chick next Friday - all just by clicking the TGG ads.
Me too. It's searing green and white stripes onto the light-sensitive tissue lining the inner surface of the retina of both of my eyes. I'm thinking maybe I need to have my optometrist design a screen saver for my eyeballs. No, seriously, it looks like many other websites are going with stark white backgrounds as well. Here's Comcast's look, for example: http://xfinity.comcast.net What the hell, you can't fight city hall. I'll just wear sunglasses.
I don't mean to sound like a tightass (I am, btw), but I appreciate the effort to keep this board as a free service. It is worth $30 a year personally as often as I check it, but most likely would never have created an account to start with. I definatley would expect to see less non Jet fan based posts. The ads are a small price to pay, but also would not mind sponsership accounts. At any rate, I like both versions (perfer the new) and am just glad to get some entertainment from the work and comments of others. Thanks.
The $30 would be for a ad free experience. So trolls would still be lurking. If you click some ads you've done your part.
I've neglected this duty too often, (gotten better) and will make it a point to open some everytime I check the boards. Appreciate the reminder.
Pretty much every site has a white background now. http://www.jetsshop.com/jets/home.php?cat=554 http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/nyj/ http://news.google.com/ http://www.wwtdd.com/ http://failblog.org/ http://www.facebook.com/ http://www.cnn.com/ http://jetstwit.com/ http://twitter.com/ and so on
One thing I miss is the full link or "breadcrumbs" on the top. For instance the old one would display this as- TheGangGreen.com Message Board > New York Jets > New York Jets > Which message board look do you prefer? Now it just displays- TheGangGreen.com Message Board > New York Jets > New York Jets Anyway to get the full link back, I liked it because sometime I would copy and past the thread title into a post, or if I went away for a moment and came back I'd know what thread I was in. + When I make a new post and go back to the "user cp" , the thread I just made the last post in is highlighted as if I didn't read that thread.
I voted for the old design thinking we would go back to the old advertisements scheme. But since that is not the case then I think the new design is a nice change.
Um, right... do I really have to go through all the differences starting with the 3 rows of banners that one has to look at before reaching the actual content at JI?
I just mean the posts.....not the excessive amount of ads that website has, which is one of the reasons that makes JI unbearable. Not that it matters, TGG is infinitely better than that website....I just prefer the old design for it's uniqueness and readability.
I've never visited JI... not once... not in my entire lifetime, until you furnished this link. I found this site and here I am. But now that you mention it, the background behind their Avatars is light green while ours will be grey/light blue. If I'm going to permenentally burn green and white stripes into my retina, I'd like to have a light green cocktail on the side as my avatar background.
Hahahaha... I know you're being facetious, but please furnish your defintion of "commie" for us. This thread is becoming interesting.