Id want Tiki as long as he promises to talk shit about Jacobs, Coughlin, Eli, and the entire Giants organization on a weekly basis. Outside of that I dont see much use for him
Tiki to the Jets? As what? Dont we already have 3 backs that will need touches. As a HB coach, maybe. As a player, no way in hell.
You can speak for me on that too. I want only the worst for Tiki and would hate to see him ever wear a Jets uniform, plainly put.
never going to happen even if i'd love to see that!!!It would be great for the city and NY and i could pull my giants tiki jersey out of the closet!
Tiki Barber is a loser. Trashtalks his teammates as soon as he retires, including a young QB. Trashtalks his coach when Coughlin is the first coach that actually helped him out w/ his severe fumble-itis. Before Coughlin, Tiki used to drop the ball like the qb handed him a live grenade. Talking all that smack & then the Giants pull off the SB as soon as his whiny ass is gone. The Jets might be accused of talking a lot of smack but at least they do it before games. Not in cowardly, backstabing ways like Tiki did when he realized he doesn't need to walk into that locker room anymore. Let him sign w/ the Giants again. Or wherever ... just not w/ the Jets. On a personal note: normally I don't care about guys/gals cheating ... but to be walking around publicly w/ some intern your banging while ur wife is like 8-9 months pregnant w/ twins .... Come on, man at least be there while she's about to give birth.
No thanks, if I'm taking a flyer on a former Giant, I'd rather take Plaxico than Tiki, as long as he leaves his guns at home.