17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    31 year STH, my daughter's college costs 45k per year, I can never go downstairs and sit, thanks to no PSL's I can still bea Jet season ticket holder. The UD sucks compared to Giants stadium but at least I can still go and will go until we win the damm Super Bowl.. Glad you can afford the LL and love the place SG3
    #11241 sec314, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  2. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I personally think there is something un American in us having to pay the owner of a FB team a dowry to watch the team we root for play live & in person

    I am a STHer since 65 so this coming season will be 47 years in for me & while now I rent the tix out I can assure you if my renters say no more that when that next renewal comes around for me I to will say no more to Woody J & hope he gets dummped on by all the NYJ loyal fans some day down the road

  3. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i have a tremendous respect for you, not because you come on here with fire in your veins ripping douchebags new assholes... no because you get it, you love this team, this game, this tradition... BUT on the same hand you know how to prioritize and put whats truly important first. not many people are that way and fall so in love with a football team that they will put it in front of things that are necessary or not even think about the big picture when making a decision about this team they are in lust with.

  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Maybe this means that I'm not an asshole then? Or maybe I'm getting a little too carried away and let's not go quite that far! :lol:
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Amen brother. I'm sitting in the same church as you, though maybe in a different pew sometimes. I am contemplating bailing myself, or at least cutting my number of seats. I'll still attend games - but the idea of having better seats and missing some here and there is looking better and better, especially after the underwhelming experiences of the new stadium. I'm trying to "let go" of the security blanket known as season tickets that I've held since the '79 season. It's difficult - most of us are trained to covet the heralded season ticket - but you're right, they've changed the rules. It's just not going to be easy to accept quickly.

    Nothing pisses me off more than being called "cheap" for taking the upstairs option for this year rather than to take a financial risk on Woody's behalf so he could build a stadium that was so "spectacular", that half the fans dislike it for many reasons. Nothing has been more over rated. I carry six seats so there was no way in hell I was financing six rip-off licenses. Those that did may certainly regret it. Things have changed around here, but we can name 12 seasons in the not-too-distant past that would have caused me to learn how to tie a noose had they been PSL seasons. Law of averages says that it happens again.

    BTW, great 'Nam photo. Someone had a good camera over there. Closer to Japan, I guess. ; )
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Thanks man. You guessed right. It was a Minolta SRT101 that I bought at a PX when I arrived In Country. The film was Kodak color slides. I recently took all my slides to a photo place and they converted them all into dig pics. I was amazed how sharp they are.

    I've written a book based on the diary I kept over there for the entire year, so now I'm going through all my slides (they're all in my computer now) and getting the photos lined up with certain dates and events, etc.
  7. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I didn't know you were black. :smile:

    Thanks for your service. :up:
  8. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    haha, you didn't know? Why do you think I replied amen brother?

    By the reproduction of the greens in this photo, I'd guess Kodachrome 64 - A film so well made Paul Simon wrote a song about it. The only reason it might not have been Kodachrome but rather the more common ektachrome is that Kodachrome processed in different chemistry that wasn't as common, and was solely a Kodak product. Not easy to find in SE Asia.

    Sect 227 - Wherever you brought your slides for scanning, the scans were good. Nice and clean - no dust. Looks great on a computer monitor. I'm curious what you paid per slide for the scans. I'm in the photo/digital printing biz.

    Since I'm still off-topic I may as well stay there. Let me share with you guys another 'Nam vet story. A guy I worked with (In the digital photo/ print biz) was relating a couple non-combat 'Nam stories, so I was all-ears. He told of how wherever he was, when the guys during down times would get bored with the local ho's they'd fly a helicopter to another village for a new selection.

    Astonished, I asked "You're telling me they'd fly a military helicopter to another area in Viet Nam just to find new ho's? His answer was classic....

    Can YOU think of a BETTER reason to do it?
  9. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    just so we understand each other 227, I appreciate your service as I hope you appreciated mine -- May 68- February 69 -- not a really great time in my life...

    as for the story just quoted --- my guess is you'll discover if you dig into it a bit further that you were talking to a "Vietnam Era" veteran who probably spent his entire service stateside or in Korea or Germany...

    those are the guys with the most glorious stories of helicopters for mamasans and such in my experience

    First of all, you say he was telling "Nam" stories.... in my entire tour in country I never heard the stinking hole called "Nam" --- we just referred to getting out of there as returning to "the world"

    I think your story teller got his Vietnam experience by watching Scorcese or Coppola movies on the subject ---
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Loge, I took my slides to a place called FotoBridge down in Berlin, NJ:


    I haven't even had to run this particular pic thru Photoshop because the clarity and color is good just the way it is. I can't recall what I paid FotoBridge exactly, but the prices are on the website. There was a huge price break because I gave them like over 500 slides. I was told by photographers in the late '60's to use slide film because it was better than a negative and I could always have the slide made into a negative if I wanted.

    So I bought the Minolta and every chance I got I bought the Kodak slide film. The quality of teh pics turned out really well. They ran out of it about midway thru my tour though, so I started using anything I could get my hands on, even B&W print film if that's all they had.

    Sgt. Boyd is the guy on the right. I was in charge of a 5-man team of advisors. MAT (Mobile Advisory Teams) we were called. We lived in triangular outposts 50-meters across, with a platoon of RFs or PFs or ARVNs and it wasn't exactly a place to be if you had an insecurity complex. By day we'd go out on patrol with the ARVNs, by night we'd have to accompany them on their night ambushes. Two of us would go out with a VN squad and set up the ambush while the other three were back at the outpost monitoring the radio. They'd take turns with sitting by the radio.. one listening for the shit to hit the fan and the other two catching some shuteye. Then the next day, we'd be right badk at it again, so when you talk about sleep deprivation, that was it.

    At one point, on my team, 3 of us were black and two of us were white. And I use the term "us" because we really were a family. So I really don't like getting into the black-white thing. Were were brothers... no doubt. Sitting out on night ambush with Boyd and 7 or 8 other half-assed Regional Force clowns with M-1s, who do you think you're going to count on? It ain't the ARVN next to you, that's for sure.

    So I don't want to get into the black-white thing. I know Boyd made it home in one piece and I haven't seen him since. But if I did, we'd hug like the brothers we were because we each had each others' backs.

    Sorry to get way off topic. I'm sorry I posted this stupid picture now because like they say, once you put it out on the internet, it's there forever. I'll be using this picture in my book, so I hope I haven't damaged the copyright to it by posting it here.

    What does this have to do with the Jets and the New Mausoleum Stadium? Not a fucking thing.
  11. bbombers1985

    bbombers1985 Active Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I'll try and get us back on track.

    When do people think:
    1. We'll be invoiced
    2. Given the opportunity to move UD seats?
  12. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I think by mid April we will get invoiced--anyone care to add?
    I think relocations will be handled as they have the past two years ---> be prepared to be blatently lied to and have the Jets tell you that "nothing is available"-- "we will note it in your folder that you wish to be moved" --- "we will contact you as soon as the process begins and seats become available" . They might even tell you that you are "misinformed " or " you misunderstood " when friends and relatives get offered better locations than you currently have and you inquire as to what that is about? In other words I think that if you are in the Uppers you will be stuck where you are as the Jets and the ticket Reps unload better locations as they have the past 2 seasons and are easier to unload. There is a good chance that where you sit now is where you stay. Time will tell--either way I am ONE AND DONE ----it was hard to come to terms with it going into the new place but after last year and the parking fiasco that broke my back it's over for me !
  13. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I wish you all the luck in the world with your project

    I look forward to seeing your book some day listed on the NY Times best sellers list

    Thanks again for protecting all of us from whatever evil enemies out that lurk against our country

  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    ^^^ Bbombers1985: what CBG said ^^^

    They are never going to "move" you because they know you want a better location and they don't want to be stuck with lesser seats. It's much better to lie (and CBG covers them pretty well). Cold hard fact. It's also much more cost effective for them and quite frankly, much easier, to sell a better seat.

    I know this is hard to imagine, but that's what has been taking place. I purchased my 4 originals back on June 16, 2009 and was told there were no better seats left... that everything closer to the rail and center were already gone. Over one year later, when it became apparent to me that others on the board were just simply calling in with no seniority whatsoever and getting better seats than mine, I called to complain.

    Still the runaround. "Well, yes, there have been some people moving out of the Uppers and so these better seats have become available here and there." Okay, fine, but I've been calling my rep with no heads up whatsoever... I wanted to improve my seats.

    "Well, no... there is no improving of the seats. Of course, if you want to BUY ADDITIONAL SEATS in your account, we can sell you XXXX (whcih was closer to the rail). I took them and sold off the first set (I've never sat in them even for one game) and now still own 8 seats. That's going to rudely and abruptly change for them, but I'm going to torture them as much as they tortured me and gibe them as little a heads up as possible before relinquishing my first set and possibly my 2nd set.

    I would say that if there are a lot of guys like me, turning in their tickets, that there will be seats opening up that will be an improvement or upgrade over seats that you already have, Bbomber1985.

    But that doesn't necessarily translate into you being able to upgrade for free. Again, they don't want you to upgrade. It doesn't suit their purpose, In fact, it hurts their effort and you are a thorn in their side by even requesting same. Of course, if you want to, you can always upgrade the way I did and BUY ANOTHER SET OF TICKETS. It's probably the only way to beat them somewhat at their game.

    26 years of mailing in checks faithfully. Never late... not once, and never a quibble. But it's a whole other ballgame now.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Thanks Champ and everyone else, but Bbombers1985 is right and we need to move on to the discussion at hand.

    Champ, you have front row seats, so you should NEVER ever give these tickets up, IMHO. I think Row One Upper Deckers are the MOST VALUABLE seats in the house, pound for pound.
  16. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Thanks for ur input.

    Reality is that UDers like U & I are NEVER going to have a opportunity to win SB tix if the miracle ever occurs & we make it & since my son has zero plans to move back to the NE he has mentioned that instead of the repeated battles with the NYJs it may just be better to say adios to them. I do not know if he is just saying it out of frustration or he actually means it. However, I will do my best to have him keep them but since they are now in his name naturally he can do whatever he wants with them.

    Funny I to am on a project to transfer all my VHS tape to digital & then onto YT
  17. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    227 I am rite there with you !!! If I can string them along or jerk them 1/10 of what they did to me I will be a happy man! I have zero intention of renewing, I could care less what they offer--but I will listen and have them call me and e-mail me as many times as humanly possible! I might even tell them I am considering a PSL or maybe even Club level seats just to giggle some more--BEYOND SHAMEFUL HOW THEY HANDLED THIS WHOLE PROCESS! One of the guys on this site stated how the REPS were " college kids " and how " this job was better than working at TGIF's" ( I paraphrase ) but last year I took a bunch of tours and after a while I bypassed the "young reps" and dealt directly thru e mails and phone calls with the higher ups in the ticket office and supervisors, NOT KIDS!--end result is I am ONE AND DONE.
  18. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    1. Invoices should probably come out in the next couple of weeks. I'd bet before March 2nd the date of a potential lockout and now they have a due date of April 15th.

    2. In the past the Jets never really allowed people to move seats. Unless they try to do what the Yankees do which is you pay and then when they see what nonrenewals are they move you. My best guess is if you want to be moved you may be better off taking a gamble and not paying for your tickets and when they call you after April 15th you say move me or I'm not paying.
  19. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    When my dad was in the war (Air Force Pilot), he ended up getting a Nikon camera there. Simply put, that thing was built like a tank (in a good way). The glass: fast, clear, and optically perfect was built like a tank (again - in a good way). Nothing has a single piece of cheap plastic anywhere to be found.

    The lenses will even work in my new Nikon DSLR (but obviously won't autofocus). I wish we could get anything built to that level of quality. Someday (a long time in the future), my infant daughter will be able to pass it down to her children.
  20. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I couldn't agree more. Front row UD seats will always be valuable.

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