*** New Members Please Read/Introduce Yourself ***

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by WhiteShoeWillis, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. BScottFTW

    BScottFTW Banned

    Jan 21, 2011
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    This thread feels like an AA meeting. I guess this is where I stand up and tell my story :).
  2. Virginia Jet

    Virginia Jet Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Well, I suppose I'll take a shot at an introduction.

    I'm a fan as a result of Rex Ryan. Why's that? In a word, heart. I don't have HBO but I managed to hear enough buzz about the Hard Knocks season that he caught my attention. When I found out that he was Buddy Ryan's son, I started paying more attention---I always was sort of fond of Buddyball. After a while of listening to Warner Wolf on Imus, I thought that, "Hey, this could be the real deal" and went from there. Flash forward to the days after the Patriots loss, when Imus et al were ragging on Ryan for his post-game remarks, playing a couple of clips from the conference. Let's go to the audio text:
    I said to myself, "That's heart. I do like this guy---he's the antithesis of a soulless automaton existing solely to put rears in seats regardless of the on-field product, and I can respect that." I'm definitely new to the Jets and I don't live in the New York market, but I think I've found a team worth rooting for. It just took the combination of more than a quarter of a century and Rex Ryan to make it happen.
  3. edrhew

    edrhew New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    Hindsight being 20/20, I often lie awake at night wondering why I have chosen of my own free will to root for the Jets, Mets and Knicks for most of my 40+ years. I mostly blame my parents for living in Queens during my formative years. But since I have come this far no point in regretting my decision now.

    My Jet Fan Timeline:

    1978: First football game... Opening game @ Shea with my dad. We upset Miami and I am hooked... If I only knew!!!

    1980: Memories of losing to the 1-15 'Aint's. My youthful exuberance telling me "It can't get any worse?"... How wrong I am.

    1981: My first case of real disappointment... Klecko & Gastineau... Wild Card against the Bills... Falling behind 24-0... Furious comeback... Coming up empty at the 2 yard line... sound familiar???

    1982: Mud Bowl... 'nuff said.

    1983: Coming home from school and listening to 1010 WINS to see who they drafted... Ken Who????

    1984: We move to Jersey... Jets move to Meadowlands... seems almost karmic

    1986: My favorite year as a sports fan... Mets win the series... OT Miami game... Heartbreak against the Browns... Gastineau with 2 boneheaded penalties... Mosely in OT.

    1988: Knocking the Giants out of the playoffs... My first jersey #88

    1989-1996: The Dark Ages... "Joe Must Go" Walton... Coslet... Browning Nagle... Byrd tragedy... Carroll... and finally the Kotite era. Man those were some tough years... hits rock bottom with the Houston Oiler game and 60,000 no shows at the Meadowlands.

    1997: Parcells... return to respectability

    1998: CuMar... Great season... even greater disappointment in the AFC Championship Game... What is up with these Jets showing up for only one half???

    1999: Vinny's achilles!!!!

    2000-2001: Chadwick drafted... Monday Night Miracle... Things looking up???... Not really... 2 years of late season collapse... lest we forget-the Belidick debacle

    2002: "You play to win the game!!!"... Another collapse in the second half to Raiders in the playoffs.

    2004: Doug Brien... 'Nuff said again.

    2006-2008: The Penguin Years... I hate Brett Farve!!!!

    2009-Present: Rex "Swag" Ryan... Finally a head coach I do not hate since Walt Michaels... 2 straight AFC Championship Games... A real franchise QB... For me the last two years almost make up for the previous 30+ years... almost.

    2011-2012: AFC Division champs... League MVP-Mark Sanchez... Defensive MVP- Darrelle Revis... Super Bowl XLVI champs- NY "f'n" Jets

    We all deserve this... don't we????


    P.S. Schotty sucks.
  4. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    That's awesome.
  5. genesis76

    genesis76 New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Hi I am A CT. Fan that had season tickets in the late 70's at Shea - the Miod 80's at Giants Stadium. Had to give up the seats but I think I am coming back as of this Friday.

    Any people from CT on here?
  6. ProfJets

    ProfJets Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    I'm from CT, but recently moved out of state. I know there's a few more CT posters.
    Say, did you notice the same strange phenomenon? I lived in that state virtually my whole life, but until 2001 I never realized there were so many Patriots fans :grin:.
  7. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Let me introduce myself i'm the 1985er I live in NJ been a Jets fan for 10 years.
  8. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I'm Back

    I'm not a new member, but haven't posted in a number of years. I've been a Jets fan since the days of Joe Willie. I started out posting on the old NY Times Board and have followed it since the mid 90's. I joined this board sometime ago and posted on both for a while, then life got in the way. Since I had been with the guys on the other board longer I stayed there, but eventually grew tired of that board, so haven't posted anywhere in a while.

    I've missed the discussions, particuarly the offseason discussions regarding the draft, FA and possible moves the franchise can make to improve itself. I'm looking forward to reading and posting again, although I still have somewhat limited time. I'm also looking forward to getting to know all here. I've lurked a little and see some names I remember from the past, but not many.
  9. GreenPessimist

    GreenPessimist New Member

    Dec 15, 2010
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    32 Year Jet Fan here

    and the pain continues. This franchise has to catch a break. From Walt Michaels to Joe Walton to Bruce Coslett Pete Carroll to Richie Kotite to Herm to Mangini...much suffering.
  10. Ron Mexico

    Ron Mexico New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Allow me to introduce myself. I've posted a few times here already and I'm a huge fan of the Jets and Yankees. This fall I'll be going to school behind enemy lines (Boston College). Hopefully there will be a season then.

    I live in Virginia (where Mike Vick is from and played college ball), hence my username.
  11. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hey man, I remember you. You were a great poster in the early days of this board. Welcome back!
  12. greenandwhite49

    greenandwhite49 New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Hello everyone

    I'm a new member. I'm from Queens, born and raised, and currently live in Springfield, MA. (Yes i'm behind enemy lines) i've been a life long Jets fan. Never been to a game. Hopefully i will get to go to one soon. (Ticket prices are to rich for my blood right now)
    I bleed hunter green and white. I played football. Played for a small D2 school in springfield, hence the reason why i currently live in springfield. Just saying hello hopefully make some friends and i predict the Jets will win the. Super Bowl next year.
  13. N.O jets fan

    N.O jets fan New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I've been a big fan of the Jets since I was 10, the year Chad Pennington was first drafted to the Jets. I live down in New Orleans so growing up all my family ever did was watch all the horrible seasons the poor Saints was having. I must admit deep down I still love the Saints at heart and really appreciate the SB win they have received, because it has really brought together and rebuilt the nation here. But I am fully dedicated on being a Jets fan because I have always loved the team and I always wish I was born in New York or would like to move there someday. I have faith that our team will bring us to the superbowl next year and give all the teams a run for their money. Thank you for welcoming me to the gang green board, I hope to have alot of fun times on here and look forward to next season.
  14. youplaytowinthegame

    youplaytowinthegame New Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    English jets fan here, started following them in 2001, favourite players ive seen are, curtis martin,wayne chrebet,nick mangold,revis and laverneus coles.
    hope to make it out to NY some day to see the Jets, also hope to take in an islanders,mets and knicks game.
  15. nixhead

    nixhead Banned

    Oct 2, 2010
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    I'm a new member on this site

    i've been posting on the MSG Network message boards for many year under the same name - Nixhead. I used that name because when I first started posting I was a hugh Knicks fans - they had Sprewell and L.J. - the big L.
    I just kept the name over the years but I've been a hugh Jet fan since about 1974. I used to listen to Glickman on the radio. I went to boatloads of games at Shea - during halftime we used to bring a football and we all went and played football basically in the outfield at Shea. I was at the game the Jets lost to the Saints when they went 1-15. Great snow shower in 3rd quarter.
    I was at the game where Richard Todd threw a TD to Jerome Barkum with 7 seconds left and the Jets beat the Dolphins - I was right in that endzone.
    I loved the games at Shea - I will never forget those memories. Now I am a successful enteprenuer in Florida - I own a bunch of MetroPcs stores. Still I manage to go to a few Jet games each year - saw them beat Houston this season when half the stadium left. Of course I have DirecTV and never ever miss a game. I missed many a weddings and funerals to watch the Jets. I'm selfish I guess - I just ask myself - do i want to go to this wedding or watch the game and we all know what the answer is. Anyway see you guys out there on the boards.
  16. lakersmetsjets49ers

    Feb 12, 2011
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    i've been a fan since 94 of both the jets and 49ers when a 9 year old me first started really getting into football. i remember when i was younger then thet watching jet games with my uncles and they would have a bunch of people over and order pizza and everything for the games and i always enjoyed that. hell this year it was fun, i live in california now but i was in new york from week 17 all the way up til the end of january, it was like old times when i was little kid when everyone in the family all met up to watch the game against the patriots and tons of drunken foolishness occured that evening lol. all that being said it's alot more fun being a jets fan now then it was in recent years, i remember getting crap when the giants won the super bowl in 08, and when the raiders knocked them out in 2002 and 03 from all the raider fans in los angeles who still think the raiders play here smh.

    aside from that i've been a 49er fan just as long because jerry rice and steve young were my favorite players growing up and i couldn't stand the cowboy and raider fans that live in my area so i stuck with the 49ers even though they've been a joke pretty much every season since 98.

    other then that i've been a big laker fan since 93 and a mets fan for as long as i can remember.
  17. Stanky Leg

    Stanky Leg New Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    Nice website y'all got here. Been a Jets fan since about 1996 or so. Never lived or even visited New York City yet, so it's kind of weird being a Jets fan way down here in VA amid all the Redskins and Steeler fans, but I wouldn't change anything. Looking forward to sharing some good thoughts with everyone here.
  18. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    I was at that Miami game (Section 17 upperdeck)...beat the fins, no Bob Griese,.... 33-20

    Todd, Walker(2 tds), Bruce Harper had big games. Defense had a couple of INTs.

    Delvin Williams (Miami RB) had a Barry Sanders-esque run for about 55 yards for a score.

    My first game was in Oct 77 vs Raiders...we lost 28-27, Leahy missed an extra point.

    Wesley Walker caught an 80 yard bomb for a TD from Todd, instantly I became a huge WW fan.
  19. asu_oko

    asu_oko New Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I'm new to the forum. This is a really nice setup that you'all have here.

    I live in Arizona and of course, am a Cardinals fan. Recently been thinking about jumping ship, so I'm just here to learn about other teams to support. Here to learn and maybe become a Jets fan!
  20. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Well, a QB can put you guys back on track, but you've really never had one in your entire history, so I feel bad for you guys.

    We have an awesome QB, a funny as hell and cool coach who never runs out of awesome things to say, and every offseason is as exciting as the regular season because Mike Tannenbaum knows how to fleece teams of their players.

    The Jets are pretty interesting. We hate faggot haired QBs and the color teal makes us piss on those who wear it.

    If you'd like to jump ship, we'd love to have you.

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