This might be the only time an insomniac driven thread is acceptable in the Jets forum, aside from on February 5th ideally. I cant sleep! I'm so excited about this game. I even slipped a couple Ambien to no luck except that the room is kind of spinning now. I imagine i'll get some shut eye after the sun comes up, thankfully we've got the late game. Anyone else feeling the insomnia tonight? I hope the players are doing better at getting shut eye than I am, that's for sure. :jets: CAN'T WAIT! :steelers:
I got pretty drunk a few hours ago hoping i would just pass out... failed miserably and now I am almost sober.
Glad I am not the only maniac who can't sleep! I have been polishing silver and weird sh** as I can't sit still. My stomach hurts. JETS!!
It's only 12:30 in Vegas but I am so fucking pumped for this game... I was excited last year but I had doubt. This year I am so confident that we are going to win. I have no doubt this year. I'm nervous but confident. I wish 3:30 would just get here already.
3:30 got here for me, the AM part. I wish you better luck in not seeing it. 624, good watch indeed. Problem is, that's only gonna keep us pumped up. Wait-a-sekent..that isn't really a problem. :beer:
Woke up (8:30am here in England, 4:30 in the Apple) and first thing I thought of was one of these: a) The wife b) Bacon & eggs c) The Jets Yep, the Jets! Its D-day folks....
21 year old College kid, tried to drink enough at the bar tonight to make sure I could hit the bed and be out... Too bad my room is covered with last weeks Jets newspapers clippings and all I could think about was how great Monday would be if I could get some new papers. I cannot WAIT for this game. What is it only like 15 hours now?! Gonna be the longest 15 hours of my life!
I have only been done with school for a month and I miss it already. I ended up playing like 4 games of Madden online as the Jets after I was pretty retarded. Now I am debating whether I should go grab a bottle and get drunk again or if I should just fuck around on TGG until I pass out or the sun rises.
Oh I wanted the afternoon version of 3:30 for me although honestly I'd much prefer 7PM to get here and Rex raising the Lamar Hunt Trophy over his head and tears rolling down my eyes as I kiss every single person in the bar.
Haha yeah I feel ya, I have to see mad Pitt. shit out at the bars too cause my school is in PA, it blows big time. I just can't stop imagining seeing the joy on my pops face if we win this tomorrow. The excitement he and I will feel is nothing I've felt. The Rangers won the cup when I was like 5, so I really have no clue what it's like to win a Championship as a real fan. Oh I'm a Mets fan too, so we know how that goes haha.
Hi guys iam feeling it too. I thought we had a real chance against the broncos a few years back but this game is ours, go jets!
im up as well. Probably go to sleep in an hour or two and hopefully wake up for the first game today.