On the other hand, Bayless's brother, Rick, owns a restaurant in Chicago, and it might be one of the greatest feedbags I've ever strapped on.
The argument was about offensively more important, Rice or Irvin. Has nothing to do with the defense. He didn't say the defense wasn't important or that the offense was more important.
again,,,this is the same guy who said Tiger Woods wouldnt go down as one of the greatest golfers in history...
Bayless has been nuzzling up to the Cowboys organization almost since he started writing. This doesn't surprise me. Indianapolis delenda est.
Honestly I'm a fan of Skip Bayless. Yea some of his opinions such as this Irvin Rice comparison is a little loony but he's clearly not afraid to say whatever he wants and most importantly to me, he actually admits when he's wrong unlike the majority of analysts out there. I actually have a lot of respect for Bayless because of this and although he is a Cowboys homer, in general he has a pretty unbiased opinion on sports and doesn't fall in love with a team for years, again, unlike every other ESPN analyst.
So Skip Bayless is in fact that dumb. The question was did the Jets win it or the Colts lose it. Skip says "I give respect to LT for playing out of his mind, Revis holding Wayne to 1 yard, Brick making Freeney a non factor" (he said something shit too) "....but the COLTS LOST IT". The other guys were like you just made a case for the Jets winning it
It's always funny when they have a player debating Skip Bayless about football. Bayless has to disagree but he just sounds so stupid compared to the player.