To all the sensible Pats fans here on TGG (and we/you know who you are), great game, and thanks for the good wishes.
Anyhow, congratulations. The Pats were outcoached, outplayed, outexecuted, outeverythinged. While I don't agree with your guys philosophy in the media, you can't argue with results. If you can talk and back it up, all the better. Congrats on a great game. I won't be pulling for you guys, regardless of who you play, but I wish you the best of luck and tell you to represent the AFC well. -Vert
Not hating the Patriots fans on this thread, props to you. Fuck Brady and Belichick still, though. Now and forever.
Wes Welker was the worst of all. It was all football until Wes stuck his foot in his mouth. Welker had a shit game and deservedly so. THE SANCHIZE is just that. 3 TDs, 64% passing. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!
You guys are one win away from pretty much one of the best feelings ever! Seriously, you know you can beat the Steelers. Are you not freaking out?!! I can put aside my Jets dislike to just enjoy watching some of my Jets friends emotions. It's an amazing feeling. I envy you! Anyway, I'm really looking forward to watching the game on Sunday, should be a lot of fun.
Really, how does anyone say "fuck you" to a guy like this? He may not be a Jets fan, but he one hell of a class act.
Thanks for always showing class DW. Ignore my thread, btw, I even made sure to put that in the OP. You're probably the only Pats fan on here who isn't pure trash.