According to Nfl network it will start friday July 29th. I'm heading up August 1-3...If anybody wants to meet up and talk some jets/gg lemme know..
Yeah I would like to know too. KOZ---get a life and stop being so negative & cynical about everything.
according to Yahoo it's July 28th for both veterans and rookies
thanks sash,that Koz is always picking on me. I will be attending the first sunday of camp which is July 30
Hey 17A, someone should post a "beat-down KOZ thread". Have a poll question where we ask how many out there want to kick the shit out of KOZ.
Hey 17Awanna fight? We're overdue anyway! Sash (smashing name) why don't you first read my reply to you in the bullshit forum and then maybe things here will make a little more sense. I apologize in advance for the big words and lack of pictures. Let's hope that you can navigate the thread without incident.