So it seems we can be effective playing coverage...blueprint for NE????

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MoBa18, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    Is this defense you speak of in your incoherent comment the same one that Sanchez threw 3 td's against earlier this year? Yes

    (If you are wondering why I say it was say not to fear the defense, and then you continue to explain why we should fear the defense?)

    And by the way you people don't deserve a respectful are cheaters...proven, how do you feel about that?
  2. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    I don't know, Rex Ryan and Mike Pettine don't post here.

    What we do know is that the Jets defense (for the most part) shut down the Colts offense. No one thought the Colts would be held to less than 20, only 7 at halftime.

    The Patriots offense has been really good but you have to realize that there is no invincible scheme that works every time. Pats fans seem to think that though. This game is going to be a chess match. Rex has shown he can get past his stubborn blitzing roots by playing a soft defense with a slew of DBs to take away the pass. In earlier games Rex admitted to trying to do too much by completely eliminating both the run and pass.

    When you try to shut down all phases of an offense simultaneously there will definitely be weak spots that can be exploited, as Brady proved in their second matchup. It'll come down to limiting Patriot first downs and getting turnovers. The jets offense needs to keep the ball out of Bradys hands by running the ball heavy. Sanchez needs to play well too.
  3. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    This would mean you have 2 TE set which is a good running set but you would be allowing us to put 8 or even 9 in the box, if you send both te's on routes you have maybe 3 seconds before the pocket collapses with no hb protection (because you sent him on a route). The patriots LIVE on short screens and slants that rely on the pressure to get between brady and the reciever to create the open space.

    The jets are a pressure team, thats obvious, what makes us successful is our ability to send blitzers with the knowledge that our edges are safe, lets be honest, the pats wr corp is barely above average, it's the schemes they're in that make them have success.

    If we can protect ourselves from being torn apart with 5-15 yd passes all game long than we have a shot at's all in the gameplan
  4. RUSH

    RUSH Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    No its not. Our defense has transitioned and evolved over the course of the season. As evidence of this you can go back and look at the stats for the final 6 games of the season, not to mention that Sanchez threw those 3 touchdowns at home in fucking september and not in Foxboro in the cold.
    Let me break my post down for you,
    first sentence: Self explanatory
    second sentence: The Jets offense scored only 3 points against what Jets fans described as one of the worst defenses in the NFL.
    third sentence: This requires a little critical thinking but what I was trying to say is that your own defense regressed. Given the original topic of things to fear you should fear your own defense and the clear step back it has taken.
    Im sorry for making you think critically, I was unaware that you didn't have the ability to do so.
  5. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    Reasonable enough. I just wanted to point out the argument that most Pats fans are thinking, whether they are intelligent enough to put it into writing or not.

    While our scheme is not "invincible" (we are stopped at times every single game), we do have an 8 game streak of scoring more than 30 points (including games against top defenses: Pitt, NYJ, CHI, GB, MIA). I think that this provides evidence that our offense isn't really vulnerable to any specific type of defensive scheme or gameplan (heavy blitzing, soft coverage, etc.)... it will take some truly stellar individual performances, and probably uncharacteristic mistakes on our part, to REALLY slow us down.
  6. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    I think that 3 seconds is more than enough time for brady to connect with a receiver in single coverage if you guys stack the box like that consistently.

    Also remember that either one those TEs can release to the outside, and leave any one of your LBs in the dust.
  7. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    In 3rd grade I learned what a topic sentence was and when to start new paragraphs

    I GUESS i'll have to pretend i'm your teacher writing on your paper...

    Rush, your topic sentence, (You shouldn't fear our defense you should fear your offense.) makes the reader think you will be talking about the offense.

    So when your next sentence is (The Jets scored 3 points on this defense, one that was supposed to be one of the worst in the league.) , it very much confuses the reader into thinking you never made it through writing class.

    by the way last time the pats "progressed" so much is because they had every single fucking playcall the other team was trying to call in (including any audibles he might try and call)...must be hard trying to make the wins look legit when you know everything the other team is doing, huh, bud?

  8. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Cromartie does afine on short routes as long as he's in bump and run coverage, he gets burnt on slants when he plays back....If I'm Rex I have Cro in bump and run all day.....
  9. NY Vilmaniac

    NY Vilmaniac New Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    This is where the genes of Buddy Ryan kick in to come up with a scheme, hopefully to trick brady with some new looks and throw him off long enough to sneak in a W

    we'll just have to see what happens
  10. RUSH

    RUSH Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    Last time I checked I wasn't typing a paragraph I was typing a simple response which any logical person would be able to understand. Read the person I quoted, it may help in your understanding of my reply. In response to your last sentence about something that was overblown and happened five years ago. I offer this, "da pats were da only team doing it dey cheated!!!!1". The Pats were trying to gain a competitive advantage, kind of like forming a sideline wall.
  11. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    If teams were able to figure out the Jets defense, we should be able to do the same for the Patriots offense. They're due for one of those "everything goes wrong" games.
  12. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    In the 45-3 route, the Jets sucked on offense, defense and even special teams. I don't expect them to be so bad this game, but I still think the Pats are a better team. If they have an off-night, the Jets could win.

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