What an awesome game by Revis. But you have to call out Peyton Manning. He knows and trusts Reggie Wayne more than anyone on his team, maybe Jeff Saturday. But with that much playing together, and we know Wayne is a top wideout, you have to throw something his way. I understand the respect to Revis, but where's the confidence in your 4-Time MVP ability and great wide receiver? Sorry Reggie!
If Manning is going to get a 10 yard completion, he doesn't care if Reggie Wayne, Pierre Garcon, Jacob Tamme, Blair White, Gijon Robinson, or some other no name off the practice squad catches it. He job is to pass it to the open man, not to force it at whoever Revis is guarding just to keep him happy. If the Colts had won you wouldn't be hearing any of this.
Has one player take your top receiver out for a whole game this year? I agree, he wouldn't be talking if they got the W.
Revis has cemented himself as the best defensive player in the NFL, maybe even THE BEST player overall. I have never witnessed such a dominating player at the CB position. It's downright scary
(please ignore this tool, the colt official forum is a joke) Tool??? I fall very short of that and the official colts forum doesn't allow some of the language that goes on here but I dnt mind how jets fans talk bc I wish the colts organization would be more outgoing as most of u are
although Wayne was like 3rd in the league in yards he's not that gamebreaking talent that his numbers suggest. Not taking credit from revis or making injury excuses but limiting Wayne isn't that tough a task hes not overly fast or strong he just runs good routes and he's also know to be sure handed but he's dropped like 11 easy catches this year and I think the colts lead the league in drops
I understand but the Colts didn't a deep ball besides the Garcon play no? Manning knows how to shred coverage defenses, and more than a majority Wayne was in single coverage, you're telling me they couldn't hook up again? Look Wayne said enough in his comments, speaks volumes.
GTFO Wayne is one of the best receivers in the league you can't admit the fact you have no one like Revis.
Are you one of those assholes from Boston that tries to call Reggie Wayne a system WR? New England delenda est.
Its amazing reading those comments by the Colts fans in that article. They even go as far as blaming Peyton for not finding ways to throw to their 5 time pro bowl WR. Ummm ... if you throw to a man who isn't open, chances are the ball will be incomplete or even worse intercepted. I don't care if its Jerry Rice in his prime. If a WR isn't open then simple ... you don't throw to him. Peyton did a good job knowing what could have happened. Some Colts fans even went on and said Revis isn't THAT great because he has 0 interceptions ... WTF its because no one throws to him.
Even micheal Irvin made that stupid comment pre-game. He said Revis isn't as good this year because he had 6 INT's last year. I think against the Pats, since they don't have a real #1 WR, Revis will be moved around to get him involved.
I thought they showed a shot with Wayne on the sidelines with Revis showing him the printouts of how to run his routes.
Totally agree, Manning knew coming into the game that Revis was going to take Wayne out of the game. He knew he was going to have to go elsewhere mainly Tamme and White. And when you rely heavy on unproven guys like Tamme and White, that isn't good for your chances of winning the game. If Wayne isn't open don't throw him the ball, it's that simple.
No I'm not an ahole from Boston but Waynes key to success has always been great route running and good hands when u have a good cover conner on him and a safety lined up on the inside of him automatically eliminating quick slants so theres nothing left for him to run