some of the retards in the game thread with their BS about being sure we would lose when it was 7-0 in the first half should be perma banned.
I never gave up baby.... U bandwagon bitches can go cry and start talking about New England and how they will rape us.... Any Given Sunday U Fuckers!
Bring it on bitches... Now you got what you wished for. I have been nice on this board since I joined but it's the playoffs so the gloves are off. Go ahead and call me a troll and convince yourselves you have a chance this week but bottom line is your done. Play like you did tonight next week and we beat you all 65-3 this time.
That's the best you got; since i'm sure you take a coney island hot dog the long way I guess I don't have much to say to you...
I can't stand the bandwagoners and jumpers in the game thread. Here is what everyone is up against next week, potentially longer.... If you make a post proclaiming the game over, and we end up winning, you will be banned for the duration of the season. Keep your shitty anti-Jets posts off this board when everyone else is trying to enjoy the game. *Victory shot* Scik.
I like your style man. Yeah, we're gonna bring it and by COB, there's gonna be a new power in the AFCE. Tell Brady he needs to spend some of that money and go buy his wife a recognizable ass as her body is looking like a 10 year old girl's in photos..
I'm glad you think that... I hope the majority of you think that and most of all I hope Rex still thinks that. Keep shitting on Brady and see what happens.
i called the game over after the pick im an idiot who is way too neurotic i deserve to be called a asshole
Waitasecond. Well, waitasecond here. Waitaminute. Just waitasecond. Dat's outrageous behavyah. There's no need for foul language. Don't worry. It won't get on da radio anyway.
I'll eat crow. I gave up on us about 3 different times. I was wrong. I'm happy. Season was a success no matter what from here. We are playing with house money now.