westhoff at the beginning is priceless
Brad Smith ends up trotting into the endzone and my first thought, please don't let there be a flag please dont let there be a flag. BE has been lights out this year, easily our best WR
anybody see #50 stick his leg into the huddle at the end?! got dam! if he ever get's to a qb one of these days. one of these days...pow!
another aritcal i read talked about how braylon is transfroming from 'just a deep threat' to a slant and intermediate threat as well (like that 9 yard play in the video). his yards per catch are down but his number of cathes and total yards are way up. a good game against the bills and BE could have a 1000 yard season (hes around 850 right now).
Same here, love X's & O's! Holy crap, who was the poster who said we should use the xtra o-lineman for the Pitt game? Anyone notice that was the play Braylon got Helmet 2 Helmet but it wasn't called? :lol: So much irony for this board in those clips.
braylons performance against the steelers makes it more difficult w/ the holmes/edwards 2011 scenario.
braylons been holding on to the ball in some hairy situations in the middle of the field as well. taken some hard shots from defensive backs the last two weeks.