Who says the Jets can't win the superbowl?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by CrusHaN30, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. CrusHaN30

    CrusHaN30 Member

    Sep 17, 2004
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    Am I disgusted with how the team has played down the stretch? Big time....am I getting sick of the defense which was supposed to be far and away the strongest aspect of the team? Yes. Did I make a pissed off thread about the defense after the game yesterday? Yes...that comes from the fact that I know they are better than that.

    However, I know how good these guys can be and I feel they are a lot better than what they have displayed against NE, against Miami, and against the Bears. I know they have the personnel to win and win big.

    Too many people here are saying "how can you be happy with just making the playoffs?" Well, we haven't JUST made the playoffs yet. If we get knocked out in the first round then yes, we just made the playoffs and it would be a big disappointment because I always felt this year would be a superbowl year. But we are in the playoffs and we need to win four games. We will likely start with the Chiefs who we can definitely beat and then it's likely going to be the Patriots. They beat us 45-3 a few weeks ago so we may as well not even watch....actually ya know what....I'm still going to watch if you don't mind....
  2. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The scariest thing is that this defense just might be what we saw yesterday. They are a year older and apparently, a year slower. With no pass rush, we'll make most QB's look as good as Brady and if we face Brady with no pass rush, its over before it starts as we won't win in a shootout in Foxboro assuming we can even get into one.

    This team, although in contention via a playoff berth, is not a SB Champion calibre team YET. Maybe in a year or two after we retool once our one year guys are all sorted out and we overhaul the older and slower parts of our defense.
    #2 Cman68, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2010
  3. MowTin

    MowTin Active Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    The defense this year is just not as good as we expected. Mostly because teams have figured us out. We have terrible safeties and average linebackers and no pass rush. So now they attack our middle and leave our corners alone.

    We're not a superbowl caliber team but we're good enough to get lucky and win the SB. The Patriots are the only team that is much better than the Jets.
  4. patsfaninpittsburgh

    Sep 12, 2008
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    The problem with the Jets defense goes all the way back to the famous "46" defense.

    Pressure is great for finite periods and needs to be incorporated into a scheme. however, blitzes get figured out and you then get burned. The Giants in 2007 are another example.

    On your side, a bright note would be the drafting of Kyle Wilson. He may or may not be good; what's more relavent is that Wrecksy seems to believe you can never have too many NFL CB's.
  5. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    The Jets are definitely serious Superbowl contenders. We have tons of serious problems, yeah. But guess what: so does every other team in football. The Patriots are the only great team in the league this season, and even they have a defense that is capable of laying an egg at any moment.

    At the end of the day, the Jets could definitely beat some combination of KC, Indy, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and New England in 3 consecutive weeks. Therefore, they are legit contenders.
  6. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Any team that makes the playoffs has a shot. Case and point, the Cardinals from 2 years ago. People were calling them the worst playoff team ever and they came within a hair of winning the title.

    The Jets have a shot, and I'll be rooting my ass off. I just don't see it happening though.
  7. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    We have a shot but I doubt the current defense will be able to beat any type of elite qb in a playoff game. It's not the coaching or the gameplan it's the players. We have only drafted 9 defensive players in the last 5 drafts. The defense is old and needs to be rebuilt. Taylor, Thomas, Pace, Scott, Jenkins and Ellis are all slow old players. The secondary is one superstar, Cromatie and a bunch of jags. It's a miracle that the Jets ever get off the field on third down.
  8. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    there's a realistic chance our road to the superbowl could be manning, brady, roethlisberger. odds are, our awesome pass rush will derail us in one of those.
  9. marcusthetruth

    marcusthetruth New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    I agree with what most people have said about the Jets defense this year, but everyone has to be realistic about the Jets future---are things gonna really get better next year than they were in 2009 and 2010? I have my doubts, because the Pats keep getting better. This was supposed to be the Jets Super Bowl year--the time is NOW---now is not the time to run away and hide...you've gotta confront and embrace this opportunity even if things look bleak

    What everyone fails to come to terms with is its a rebuilding year for the Pats ---yet somehow they are 13-2. This year was the time for the Jets to sweep them while NE was young and inexperienced, but it never came to fruition. Pats will only become more formidable next year with more experience and their high round draft picks. As crazy as it sounds, they seem poised for another dynasty run. I'm not sure you can keep banking on the "maybe next year or 2" attitude with the Jets.
  10. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    no pass rush, no safties. i dont relish playing brady or manning with our defense playing the way it is. disgusting to think our defense is a liability now
  11. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    if the jets play in K.C. in round one, it is going to be a bloodbath, no two ways around it, but they do have the experience of last years run in the playoffs as opposed to K.C. not having any playoff experience as of late. Not to mention the jets have been a great road team. Let's get through the first round and go from there!!!
  12. Johnny English

    Johnny English Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Possibly so, but we've already beaten two of them this season and the other one has been getting beat by powerhouses like the Texans, Jags and Cowgirls.
  13. benhamean

    benhamean Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    It is ridiculous. NE is starting a ton of rookies right now, including many on D. They are missing many starters on IR, who will return next year.

    PLUS- freaking Belichick has 2 picks in each of the first 3 rounds in the next draft (including sucky Carolina's 2nd- 33rd pick overall).

    So, somehow, they've gotten hella younger, the rookies and 2nd year players are 'getting it', they are winning now, and they will control the upcoming draft.
  14. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    They have Tom Brady, that is all. Without Brady they are an average team.
  15. Dirtywater

    Dirtywater 2005 Award Winner: Best non-Jets fan poster/Best S

    Aug 7, 2004
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    This has been billed as your year, and now that you're in the playoffs, anything can happen. As long as you guys turn it on come playoff time, I don't see a reason why you can't win the SB. You have all the tools.

    I think the Patriots' inexperienced defense will be exploited come playoff time, so I don't see us standing in your way. Anything less than a trip to the SB will be seen as a disappointment in my eyes based upon not only talent the Jets have but how they have told us that they are ready to do it.

    There is no doubt the Jets have a great team. Rarely does a team go through a season without difficult times. Seems like you guys can start planning for the playoffs now (given that you've clinched a spot), and with a potential bye-week coming up (if Rex rests key players), I think you are well-aligned for a SB run.

    Should be fun! Here's to an amazing playoffs! :beer:
  16. Skicats

    Skicats Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    With all due respect to a Pats fan giving the Jets props, the Jets are definately not a great team. At times, they play great, but so do the Lions, Broncos, etc. Do I think the Jets can beat any team on a given day? Yes. but I see this team having to get quite lucky to make the SB.
  17. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    If you're in you have a shot. Did anybody think the Arizona Cardinals in 2008 were gonna make it to the Super Bowl, let alone come within a couple minutes of winning the fucking thing?

    What about the Giants the year before? They were a wild card team.

    What about the Colts the year before? Their run defense was absolute horse shit, as soon as they got in the postseason their run defense tightened up.
    #17 ace_o_spades, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2010
  18. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I remember when I won the fucking.

    Sorest dick ever. But it was worth it. She was the greatest competition I ever had.

    I loved her.

    #18 NDmick, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2010
  19. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    you can make a case for last year with the jets run as well. If they didn't go to sleep after the first half against the colts, who knows? i recall the jets D playing very well against Brees last year, they only gave up 10 points to that offense in week 4. Anything can happen, and as strong as the patriots look, i think the conference is fairly still up for grabs.
  20. DbaJets

    DbaJets New Member

    Aug 7, 2009
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    Absolutely not. They aren't good enough on any side of the ball. Special teams are pretty good, but does anyone think this is a SuperBowl caliber offense? Of course not. Defense? Fuck no, not even close. (the loss of Jimmy L hurt badly IMO). Coaching? Nope not with the mistakes they make with the clock. Sorry guys, this may be a decent run but I certainly would never predict it nor trash talk our ompetition. This team isn't good enough on ANY phase of the game to be considered a legit contender.

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