Funny, the 2 free 1st downs resulted in a TD, I guess those aren't important since they = 7pts. and if anyone didn't think that the STEELERS O-line was holding all fukin day is blind and biased.... Even when we sacked him on 2 of those it was from a blitzer who got tripped or held and had to get up off the ground. Even out my ass, they got the benefit more than we did, I'm not gonna pussyfoot because we won.
I did see some holding on the line, especially noticable on BT's sack where he was being held the whole way. Still, we got way with a few holds in the secondary which would have been huge.
royal is right. the 2 phantom first downs are a biggie. my question is do they fine these guys other then not letting work the playoffs? these calls are bad all the way around
Pretty sure Braylon got drilled by a helmet to helmet hit from Harrison that was a no call on his second big catch.
wow how can jet fans actually complain about officiating in this game? you did see that blatant hold on the last drive by the end zone (lowery i think) that wasnt called, right? we got the better end of the calls today, theres really no debate to it.
Okay, your a touchy little bitch. Cry a fucking river over the officiating all you want. The Steelers got screwed on an illegal alignment that wasn't illegal, and the Jets were allowed to basically hold the Steelers receivers on the last two drives. Your team just won a big game and you still have to be a whiny bitch. I dislike the Steelers more than eny other team in football, but at least I can see past my bias a little.
I didnt see much complaining, there were bad calls on both side of the ball. I just pointed out the bad nocall on that helmet 2 helmet against Braylon since this thread seems to be full of a lot of Steeler fans complaining. Its not like that no call hold cost them the game, they had a shit ton of chances to get the ball in the endzone and they just failed to convert on it.
I'm touchy yet you start name calling? look bad here... I'm calling it as I see it, you have a different opinion and get all bent and yet I'm a "touchy little bitch" so sad.... I call it how I see it and it winning the game has no affect on what I saw, if it did then the truth is isn't the truth....tsktsk
The game was called very loose on both sides. I can't really complain....especially when we were holding in the end zone on the last play.
The only bad call was the first down that was clearly a yard short, other than that there wasnt anything that made me shake my head.
That FD after being a yard short was odd. It didn't seem like anyone on the field noticed or said anything. Is the other being talked about the FD a few plays later on the Ward catch? Pretty sure Rex has the ability to challenge that. While Cro holding going uncalled was pretty bad, I don't think it would have mattered much. It looked like the ball was still with Roeth's hand so it would have only been of the 5 yard variety.
I was very surprised he didn't get 15 yards for going low on Sanchez. Whatever happened to not being able to hit a QB below the knees? You know, the Tom Brady rule...
Apparently, the only reason that Pittsburgh lost was because of the one-sided officiating in favour of the Jets. Just ask these guys: I've just picked the one thread but there are several similar ones.